We shall first define a class of symbolic expressions in terms
of ordered pairs and lists. Then we shall define five elementary
functions and predicates, and build from them by composition,
conditional expressions, and recursive definitions an extensive class
of functions of which we shall give a number of examples. We shall
then show how these functions themselves can be expressed as symbolic
expressions, and we shall define a universal function that
allows us to compute from the expression for a given function its
value for given arguments. Finally, we shall define some functions
with functions as arguments and give some useful examples.
a. A Class of Symbolic Expressions. We shall now define the S-expressions (S stands for symbolic). They are formed by using the special characters
There is a twofold reason for departing from the usual
mathematical practice of using single letters for atomic
symbols. First, computer programs frequently require hundreds of
distinguishable symbols that must be formed from the 47 characters
that are printable by the IBM 704 computer. Second, it is convenient
to allow English words and phrases to stand for atomic entities for
mnemonic reasons. The symbols are atomic in the sense that any
substructure they may have as sequences of characters is ignored. We
assume only that different symbols can be distinguished.
S-expressions are then defined as follows:
1. Atomic symbols are S-expressions.
2. If and
are S-expressions, so is
Examples of S-expressions are
l. stands for (m
stands for
stands for
Subexpressions can be similarly abbreviated. Some examples of these abbreviations are
Since we regard the expressions with commas as abbreviations
for those not involving commas, we shall refer to them all as
b. Functions of S-expressions and the Expressions That Represent Them. We now define a class of functions of S-expressions. The expressions representing these functions are written in a conventional functional notation. However, in order to clearly distinguish the expressions representing functions from S-expressions, we shall use sequences of lower-case letters for function names and variables ranging over the set of S-expressions. We also use brackets and semicolons, instead of parentheses and commas, for denoting the application of functions to their arguments. Thus we write
c. The Elementary S-functions and Predicates. We introduce the following functions and predicates:
1. atom. atom[x] has the value of T or F according
to whether x is an atomic symbol. Thus
atom [X] = T
atom [(X A)] = F
2. eq. eq [x;y] is defined if and only if both x and y are
atomic. eq [x; y] = T if x and y are the same symbol, and eq [x; y] =
F otherwise. Thus
eq [X; X] = T
eq [X; A] = F
eq [X; (X A)] is undefined.
3. car. car[x] is defined if and only if x is not atomic.
. Thus car [X] is undefined.
car = X
4. cdr. cdr [x] is also defined when x is not atomic. We have
. Thus cdr [X] is undefined.
cdr = A
= Y
5. cons. cons [x; y] is defined for any x and y. We have cons
. Thus
cons [X; A] = (X A)
car, cdr, and cons are easily seen to satisfy the relations
car [cons [x; y]] = x
cdr [cons [x; y]] = y
cons [car [x]; cdr [x]] = x, provided that x is not atomic.
The names ``car'' and ``cons'' will come to have mnemonic
significance only when we discuss the representation of the system in
the computer. Compositions of car and cdr give the subexpressions of a
given expression in a given position. Compositions of cons form
expressions of a given structure out of parts. The class of functions
which can be formed in this way is quite limited and not very
d. Recursive S-functions. We get a much larger class of functions (in fact, all computable functions) when we allow ourselves to form new functions of S-expressions by conditional expressions and recursive definition. We now give some examples of functions that are definable in this way.
1. . The value of
is the first atomic symbol of
the S-expression
with the parentheses ignored. Thus
We have
We now trace in detail the steps in the evaluation of
ff [((A B)
ff [((A B)
2. subst . This function gives the result of
substituting the S-expression
for all occurrences of the
atomic symbol
in the S-expression
. It is defined by
subst [x; y; z] = [atom [z] [eq [z; y]
cons [subst [x; y; car [z]]; subst [x; y; cdr [z]]]]
As an example, we have
3. equal [x; y]. This is a predicate that has the value if
are the same S-expression, and has the value F otherwise. We have
equal [x; y] = [atom [x]atom [y]
eq [x; y]]
atom [x]
atom [y]
equal [car [x]; car [y]]
equal [cdr [x]; cdr [y]]]
It is convenient to see how the elementary functions look in
the abbreviated list notation. The reader will easily verify that
We define
This predicate is useful in dealing with lists.
Compositions of car and cdr arise so frequently that many
expressions can be written more concisely if we abbreviate
, etc.
Another useful abbreviation is to write list
This function gives the list,
, as a function of its elements.
The following functions are useful when S-expressions are regarded as lists.
1. append [x;y].
append [x; y] = [null[x] y; T
cons [car [x];
append [cdr [x]; y]]]
An example is
append [(A, B); (C, D, E)] = (A, B, C, D, E)
2. among [x;y]. This predicate is true if the S-expression
occurs among the elements of the list
. We have
3. pair [x;y]. This function gives the list of pairs of
corresponding elements of the lists and
. We have
4. assoc [x;y]. If is a list of the form
is one of the
's, then assoc
is the corresponding
. We have
An example is
5. . Here
is assumed to have the form of a list of
, where the
's are atomic,
may be any S-expression. The value of
is the result
of substituting each
for the corresponding
. In order to define
sublis, we first define an auxiliary function. We have
We have
sublis [((X, (A, B)), (Y, (B, C))); (A, X Y)]
= (A, (A, B), B, C)
e. Representation of S-Functions by S-Expressions. S-functions have been described by M-expressions. We now give a rule for translating M-expressions into S-expressions, in order to be able to use S-functions for making certain computations with S-functions and for answering certain questions about S-functions.
The translation is determined by the following rules in rich we denote
the translation of an M-expression by
1. If is an S-expression
* is (QUOTE,
2. Variables and function names that were represented by strings of lower-case letters are translated to the corresponding strings of the corresponding uppercase letters. Thus car* is CAR, and subst* is SUBST.
3. A form
is translated to
Thus cons [car [x]; cdr [x]]
is (CONS, (CAR, X), (CDR, X)).
is (LABEL, a
With these conventions the substitution function whose
M-expression is label [subst; [[x; y; z]; [atom [z]
[eq [y; z]
x; T
z]; T
cons [subst [x; y; car [z]]; subst [x; y; cdr [z]]]]]] has the S-expression
(LABEL, SUBST, (LAMBDA, (X, Y, Z), (COND ((ATOM, Z), (COND, (EQ, Y, Z), X), ((QUOTE, T), Z))), ((QUOTE, T), (CONS, (SUBST, X, Y, (CAR Z)), (SUBST, X, Y, (CDR, Z)))))))
This notation is writable and somewhat readable. It can be made easier to read and write at the cost of making its structure less regular. If more characters were available on the computer, it could be improved considerably.5
f. The Universal S-Function apply. There is an S-function
with the property that if
is an S-expression for an S-function
is a list of arguments of the form
, where
are arbitrary S-expressions, then
are defined for the same values of
, and are equal when defined. For example,
eval[e; a] = [
atom [e] assoc [e; a];
atom [car [e]] [
eq [car [e]; QUOTE] cadr [e];
eq [car [e]; ATOM] atom [eval [cadr [e]; a]];
eq [car [e]; EQ] [eval [cadr [e]; a] = eval [caddr [e]; a]];
eq [car [e]; COND] evcon [cdr [e]; a];
eq [car [e]; CAR] car [eval [cadr [e]; a]];
eq [car [e]; CDR] cdr [eval [cadr [e]; a]];
eq [car [e]; CONS] cons [eval [cadr [e]; a]; eval [caddr [e];
a]]; T eval [cons [assoc [car [e]; a];
evlis [cdr [e]; a]]; a]];
eq [caar [e]; LABEL] eval [cons [caddar [e]; cdr [e]];
cons [list [cadar [e]; car [e]; a]];
eq [caar [e]; LAMBDA] eval [caddar [e];
append [pair [cadar [e]; evlis [cdr [e]; a]; a]]]
We now explain a number of points about these definitions. 6
1. itself forms an expression representing the value of
the function applied to the arguments, and puts the work of evaluating
this expression onto a function
. It uses
to put quotes
around each of the arguments, so that
will regard them as
standing for themselves.
2. has two arguments, an expression
to be
evaluated, and a list of pairs
. The first item of each pair is an
atomic symbol, and the second is the expression for which the symbol
3. If the expression to be evaluated is atomic, eval evaluates
whatever is paired with it first on the list .
4. If is not atomic but
is atomic, then the expression
has one of the forms
, or
is an
atomic symbol.
In the case the expression
, itself, is taken. In
the case of
the expression
evaluated and the appropriate function taken. In the case of
two expressions have to be evaluated. In the
case of
's have to be
in order until a true
is found, and then the corresponding
must be
evaluated. This is accomplished by
. Finally, in the case of
we evaluate the expression that results from
in this expression by whatever it is paired with in the
5. The evaluation of
accomplished by evaluating
with the
put on the front
of the previous list
of pairs.
6. Finally, the evaluation of
is accomplished by evaluating
with the list of
put on the front of the
previous list
The list could be eliminated, and LAMBDA and LABEL
expressions evaluated by substituting the arguments for the variables
in the expressions
. Unfortunately, difficulties involving collisions
of bound variables arise, but they are avoided by using the list
Calculating the values of functions by using is an
activity better suited to electronic computers than to people. As an
illustration, however, we now give some of the steps for calculating
apply [(LABEL, FF, (LAMBDA, (X), (COND, (ATOM, X), X), ((QUOTE, T),(FF, (CAR, X))))));((A B))] = A
The first argument is the S-expression that represents the function ff
defined in section 3d. We shall abbreviate it by using the letter
. We have
[; ( (A
B) )]
= eval [((LABEL, FF,
), (QUOTE, (A
B))); NIL]
whereis the part of
beginning (LAMBDA
= eval[((LAMBDA, (X),), (QUOTE, (A
whereis the part of
beginning (COND
= eval [(COND, ()); ((X, (QUOTE, (A
B) ) ), (FF,
) )]
Denoting ((X, (QUOTE, (AB))), (FF,
)) by
, we obtain
= evcon [((), (
This involves eval []
= eval [( ATOM, X);]
= atom [eval [X;]]
= atom [eval [assoc [X; ((X, (QUOTE, (AB))), (FF,
= atom [eval [(QUOTE, (AB));
= atom [(A
= F
Our main calulation continues with
[; ((A
= evcon [((
involves eval [] = eval [(QUOTE, T);
] = T
Our main calculation again continues with
[; ((A
= eval [
= eval [(FF, (CAR, X));
= eval [Cons [
; evlis [((CAR, X));
Evaluating evlis [((CAR, X));
] involves
[(CAR, X);]
= car [eval [X;
= car [(A
B)], where we took steps from the earlier computation of atom [eval [X;
]] = A,
so evlis [((CAR, X));] then becomes
list [list [QUOTE; A]] = ((QUOTE, A)),
our main quantity becomes
= eval [(
, (QUOTE, A));
The subsequent steps are made as in the beginning of the
calculation. The LABEL and LAMBDA cause new pairs to be added to ,
which gives a new list of pairs
. The
term of the conditional
eval [(ATOM, X);
] has the value T because X is paired with (QUOTE,
A) first in
, rather than with (QUOTE, (A
B)) as in
Therefore we end up with eval [X; ] from the
, and
this is just A.
g. Functions with Functions as Arguments. There are a number of
useful functions some of whose arguments are functions. They are
especially useful in defining other functions. One such function is
with an S-expression argument
and an argument
is a function from S-expressions to S-expressions. We define
1. An atomic symbol is an allowed expression.
2. If
are allowed expressions, ( PLUS,
) and (TIMES,
) are also, and represent the sum and product, respectively, of
This is, essentially, the Polish notation for functions, except that the inclusion of parentheses and commas allows functions of variable numbers of arguments. An example of an allowed expression is (TIMES, X, (PLUS, X, A), Y), the conventional algebraic notation for which is X(X + A)Y.
Our differentiation formula, which gives the derivative of
with respect to
, is
diff [y; x] = [atom [y] [eq [y; x]
ZERO]; eq [car [Y]; PLUS]
cons [PLUS; maplist [cdr [y];
[[z]; diff [car [z]; x]]]]; eq[car [y]; TIMES]
[[z]; cons [TIMES; maplist[cdr [y];
eq [z; w]
car [w]; T
diff [car [[w]; x]]]]]]]
The derivative of the expression (TIMES, X, (PLUS, X, A), Y), as computed by this formula, is
Besides , another useful function with functional arguments
, which is defined as