How to install and configure Putty
Putty runs on all windows platforms. For the complete informtion, please
visit Putty
web site .
- Navigate ot p:\release\public\putty\current
- Double click on the installer (e.g.
putty-[versin]-installer.exe )
If you don't have P drive mapped, please map the drive first. The path
is \\importpc\imppc-apps\ .
Accept the default to allow the installer to install in the
C:Program Files\Putty directory including the following
binaries. It also creates the program menu in Start button.
- PuTTY (the Telnet and SSH client itself)
- PSCP (an SCP client, i.e. command-line secure file copy)
- PSFTP (an SFTP client, i.e. general file transfer sessions much
like FTP)
- Plink (a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends)
- Pageant (an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP and Plink)
- PuTTYgen (an RSA key generation utility).
To uninstall, go to Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> select "PuTTY version # and click Change/Remove.
The default location for PuTTy is
c:\program files\putty . If you wish, you can just delete
the whole subdirectory.
How to run PuTTY (terminal logon)
- Go to Start menu -> Programs -> SSH-client -> Putty . A "PuTTY
Configuration" window appears.
- Fill in the hostname you want to login and check "SSH" for protocol.
- Click "Open" button on the bottom. A terminal window appears and you
can proceed to login. If you connect the server first time, another
pop-up window appears and ask you if you want to cache the host key.
Answer "Yes" or "No".
There are a many customizations available such as window size and color.
See Help page by clicking "Help" button in "PuTTY Configuration" window.
If you want to to do more than just the command-line stuff that a remote
terminal gives you, you can "tunnel" other protocols. Choose "tunnels" menu
from the categories in "PuTTY Configuration" window, and then do what your
protocol needs. For the detail instruction, please see Help page by clicking
"Help" button in "PuTTY Configuration" window. Here are some examples:
How to use PSCP (Secure file copy)
If you know UNIX scp command, PSCP works the same way. Form the command
prompt, run pscp.exe with the appropreate options. For example;
- If you want to copy file1 in C:\tmp to your home directory on sshgate,
the command would be like this;
> pscp C:\tmp\file1
- If you want to copy file2 on sshgate to your PC's current directory
(.), the command would be like this;
> pscp .
You probably want to set a path for C:\Program Files\Putty. (Click here
for how
to set a path .)
For more information on how to use pscp, see Help page by running putty.exe
and clicking "Help" button in "PuTTY Configuration" window.
Setting your Path
Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel. Under System click on the Advanced
Tab (last one on top right). Click on Environmental variables. Click on
Path (lower window), edit, then add a semicolon (;) at the end of the path,
followed by the absolute path to the directory where putty is located.
For assistance, contact helpdesk