From ... Path:!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Subject: Re: moderation (was Re: Nagging Naggum) References: <> <> <> <> <%njZ7.279$> <> Mail-Copies-To: never From: Erik Naggum Message-ID: <> Organization: Naggum Software, Oslo, Norway Lines: 26 User-Agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 12:01:33 GMT X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: 1010318493 (Sun, 06 Jan 2002 13:01:33 MET) NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 13:01:33 MET Xref: comp.lang.lisp:23744 * Louis Theran | It would also preclude many posts from a number of popular participants | under any sane moderation scheme. Why have a moderated group if it admits | discussion of the GPL and posts with 10 lines of lisp content and 90 | covering something else entirely? Moderation is used to keep people in moderate touch with reality. We have already seen that some people think this newsgroup is _about_ their personal feelings for other people as such, but that is not the case. E.g., you would never see articles by Janos Blazi or Israel Ray Thomas or Jean-François Brouillet were this a moderated forum. Good moderation does not keep the flames out -- it keeps the _irritants_ out so there is no need for flames. | Of the three topics you mention, one would be wildly off-topic if the | charter were similar to comp.lang.c.moderated. There should be no danger of that. Few moderated newsgroups are alike, just as few newsgroups are alike. | Killfiles are easier to implement and require no discussion. What is the point with the perfect killfile if you cannot tell anyone? /// --