The 23rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN--SIGACT Symposium on<BR> Principles Of Programming Languages

The 23rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN--SIGACT Symposium on
Principles Of Programming Languages

POPL 96 will be held January 21-24, 1996 at the Tradewinds Resort in St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

It will be preceded by a one day workshop commemorating the 20th anniversary of Scheme.

A PostScript version of the program and registration form is in A text only version without the rgistration forms is in program.txt. The text only conference registration form is in registration.txt. The hotel registration form is in hotel.txt.

Other information in this directory currently consists of information for authors. With the exception of the ACM conference LaTeX style, this is currently relevant only as a rough guideline for prospective POPL 97 authors. (POPL 97 may of course change the submission guidelines.)

Conference Committee:

General chair
Hans-J. Boehm, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
(, +1 415 812 4435)

Ryan Stansifer, Florida Insitute of Technology

Program chair
Guy L. Steele Jr, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
(, +1 508 442 2620)

Program Committee
Preston Briggs, Tera Computer Company
Robert Cartwright, Rice University
Rance Cleaveland, North Carolina State University
Susan Horwitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
David Loveman, Digital Equipment Corporation
Steven Lucco, Carnegie-Mellon University
Hanne Riis Nielson, Aarhus University
Benjamin Zorn, University of Colorado
William Pugh, University of Maryland
Vijay Saraswat, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Zhong Shao, Yale University
Philip Wadler, University of Glasgow
Daniel Weise, Microsoft Research
Edward Wimmers, IBM Almaden Research

Registration fees

The advance registration fee is $300 for ACM and SIGACT/SIGPLAN members, and $350 for nonmembers. The hotel rate is $110/room/night, single or double occupancy. Please see the program for details.

Please mail suggestions to