Tunneling with OpenSSH

If you want to to do more than just the command-line stuff that a remote terminal gives you, you can "tunnel" other protocols. Please see man page (man ssh) for how to. Here are some examples:


  1. You are supposed to be running X server before starting ssh session.
  2. Simply add "-X" option with ssh command. The remote server will arrange to set your DISPLAY variable to something that will cause the X protocol to travel over your SSH connection; do not set the variable yourself! If you want to run X apps on some other Sun at PARC, simply ssh to the other machine (our Unix-based ssh automatically does the X forwarding for you). Again, don't set the DISPLAY variable yourself


You can make your web client use the PARC proxy server to get to PARC internal web pages from outside PARC. This can be done by forwarding local port to remote host's port.
  1. In your web browser, tell it to use a proxy of localhost port 8000 (or whatever local port you picked). In Netscape, this is Edit | Preferences | Advanced | Proxies | Manual proxy configuration; in IE, it's Tools | Internet Options | Connections, then click the Settings button for whatever connection you're using.
  2. Run the following command to connect sshgate.

    % ssh -L 8000:wwwproxy0.parc.xerox.com:8000 sshgate.parc.com

    This means it forward the local port 8000 to wwwproxy0's port 8000.
  3. Access a PARC web server from the browser.
Unlike with the X setting, you can set up your browser for port forwarding after you've opened a ssh connection to sshgate.

This page last modified on Thursday, 25-Mar-2004 13:13:56 PST
Comments or Questions: csnsweb@parc.com