Tad Hogg
Dynamics of Computation Group
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Palo Alto, CA 94304
@ARTICLE {, AUTHOR = "Tad Hogg", TITLE = "Refining the Phase Transitions in Combinatorial Search", JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence", VOLUEM = "81", PAGES = "127-154", YEAR = "1996"}
Many recent studies have identified phase transitions from under- to
overconstrained instances in classes of constraint satisfaction search
problems, and their relation to search cost. For example, cases that are
difficult to solve with a variety of search methods are concentrated
near these transitions. These studies show that a simple parameter
describing the problem structure predicts the difficulty of solving the
problem, on average. However, this prediction is associated with a large
variance and depends on the somewhat arbitrary choice of the problem
class. Thus these results are of limited direct use for individual
instances. To help address this limitation, additional parameters,
describing problem structure as well as heuristic effectiveness, are
introduced. These are shown to reduce the variation in some cases. This
also provides further insight into the nature of intrinsically hard
search problems.