Since both the usual form of computer program and recursive function definitions are universal computationally, it is interesting to display the relation between them. The translation of recursive symbolic functions into computer programs was the subject of the rest of this report. In this section we show how to go the other way, at least in principle.
The state of the machine at any time during a computation is given by the values of a number of variables. Let these variables be combined into a vector . Consider a program block with one entrance and one exit. It defines and is essentially defined by a certain function that takes one machine configuration into another, that is, has the form . Let us call the associated function of the program block. Now let a number of such blocks be combined into a program by decision elements that decide after each block is completed which block will be entered next. Nevertheless, let the whole program still have one entrance and one exit.
We give as an example the flowcart of figure 5. Let us describe the function that gives the transformation of the vector between entrance and exit of the whole block. We shall define it in conjunction with the functions s(), and t[], which give the transformations that undergoes between the points S and T, respectively, and the exit. We have
Given a flowchart with a single entrance and a single exit, it is easy to write down the recursive function that gives the transformation of the state vector from entrance to exit in terms of the corresponding functions for the computation blocks and the predicates of the branch. In general, we proceed as follows.
In figure 6, let be an n-way branch point, and let be the computations leading to branch points . Let be the function that transforms between and the exit of the chart, and let be the corresponding functions for . We then write