Tiffany Overview

Tiffany Overview

Enabling key
Where to get Tiffany
Installation for Solaris
File locations
Running Tiffany
Rendering and Output
Simulating media
Highlight color
Server use
Targeting specific printers
Running VIPP (XGF)
Legacy Interpress

last edited March 30, 2004


Tiffany is the internal name for a program that uses the Xerox DocuPrint NPS decomposers to produce a variety of output formats, including TIFF files. This note is an overview of Tiffany features and commands.

Tiffany can be used as an offline RIP for DocuPrint NPS or other printers. It can also create DocuPrint NPS forms suitable for storing on DocuPrint NPS printers.

The DP 7.3 version of Tiffany tracks the DocuPrint NPS DP 7.3 and DP 7.4 releases, and requires either Sun Solaris 7 or Sun Solaris 8. This version is now rather dated, and is only useful for backwards compatibility.

The DP 8.0 version of Tiffany tracks the DocuPrint NPS DP 8.0 releases, and requires Sun Solaris 8. The DP 8.0 version has better full color support than the DP 7.3 version.

The DP 8.1 version of Tiffany tracks the DocuPrint NPS DP 8.1 releases, and requires Sun Solaris 8. This version incorporates more recent bug fixes, and is normally the best version to use.

Tiffany has support for the following Page Description Languages:

PS2Xerox implementation of PostScript level 2
IPXerox Interpress 3.1
ASCII Plain text (ISO 8859-1)
VIPP Xerox VIPP (optional)

Tiffany was produced at Xerox PARC. It is supported by the Computer Science Laboratory at PARC.


March 30, 2004
Upgraded the documentation. Removed official support for PCL from the documentation. Added plex support under the -incMedia switch.
March 13, 2003
Added TIFF output for highlight color (HC) mode. In this mode two TIFF files are produced per page, one for the HC separation and one for the black separation.
March 5, 2003
Upgraded the documentation. The DP 7.3 version tracks the DP 7.4.1f patch. The DP 8.0 version tracks the DP 8.0.4 release.
April 10, 2000
Added the -incMedia switch to include media specifications for PostScript output.
September 29, 1999
Fixed bug in PS output when the -gray flag was set. Old behavior was to invert black and white. New behavior uses the right gray values.
September 23, 1999
Rebuilt Tiffany with the most recent DP 7.0 pieces, which include some minor bug fixes to PS2.
August 24, 1999
Added the -hco switch to control the color used for the output file for highlight color. The new default is to use the same color in the output file as is specified by the -hc switch. The old behavior, which attempted to use the color loaded at the printer for the highlight plane, is now the same as using "-hco auto".
April 15, 1999
Updates to include fixes at the DP 1.7 release level. Forms created with SaveMaskG4 and SaveFormG4 will be correctly registered with the original. Forms created by SaveMaskBC and SaveFormBC will be restored correctly for the back side of tumble duplex.
April 15, 1999
Updates to include fixes at the DP 1.6.1 release level. For PS2, the CIE color spaces are now more correctly implemented, execform has a shifting problem removed, and a memory leak with Indexed color spaces has been removed.
January 22, 1999
Non-uniform resolutions supported.
January 14, 1999
Included DP 1.6 versions of decomposers.
Updated documentation.
The SunOS version is no longer supported (not Y2K compliant).
July 31, 1998
Added default usage to more closely mimic the DocuPrint NPS PS behavior. The -iotSetup switch can override this default.
Added directions on adding VIPP (XGF) processing to Tiffany.
May 1, 1998
Stored the DP 1.5.4 versions. Added more color support. Updated the documentation.


Tiffany is intended as a component of a delivered system. Tiffany is not intended as a separate product, and should not be delivered to customers without approval. There is a support charge for Tiffany. Details are available by e-mail to

Tiffany does not support some of the MultiSet options of DocuPrint NPS. There may be some differences in the handling of padding pages in duplex.

Tiffany is still under development. Therefore, all information in this note is preliminary and subject to change. Send mail to with suggestions or requests.

The current version of Tiffany is intended to match the features and bug fixes supplied in the most recent DocuPrint NPS release. See the Changes section for details.

Enabling key

To produce output files Tiffany requires an enabling key. This takes the form of a one-line file called DocuRip that is stored in the directory where Tiffany is stored. For evaluation or internal Xerox use a temporary key can be had for no fee on request from

When Tiffany is integrated into a customer solution there is a charge for the enabling key. Please contact for details.

No key is needed if Tiffany is not producing output files. This mode is useful when using Tiffany to test PostScript files.

Where to get Tiffany

Inside of Xerox all necessary files can be fetched via anonymous FTP from one of:

Outside of Xerox all necessary files can be fetched via anonymous FTP from one of:

Installation for Solaris

We require that the target machine be a Sun SPARC-based computer already running a supported version of Sun Solaris. There are no special kernel requirements known for the Solaris version of Tiffany.

To install Tiffany, fetch tiffany.tar.Z from the appropriate version to your Tiffany working directory (hereafter called /TD), and extract the files to TD using the following Unix commands:

    cd /TD
    zcat tiffany.tar.Z | tar xvf -
    rm tiffany.tar.Z

You will need about 13 MBytes of free disk space to execute the above commands.

File location conventions

Fonts are located under /imagerfonts, just as for DocuPrint NPS. When using Tiffany on a machine that is not a DocuPrint NPS printer, a copy of the desired fonts is necessary. When using PostScript, a copy of the directory tree under /imagerfonts/xerox/ps/ is needed. Other directory trees under /imagerfonts/ are used by Interpress. At this time we do not support Tiffany use unless one has valid access to DocuPrint NPS fonts.

The Tiffany program supports the DocuPrint NPS Decomposition Service, so the files created have the same locations and extensions. The default place for creating forms is in /var/db/forms/, which is the same location as for DocuPrint NPS. This directory can be altered by the SaveForm.defaults command (see

Running Tiffany

Tiffany should be run with the working directory set to the Tiffany directory (written /TD here). As an example, for interactive use, use the shell command:

    cd /TD; ./StartTiffany
This command starts up Tiffany in interactive mode such that a "Tiffany:" prompt appears and Tiffany commands can be entered (case not important for command names).

Some useful Tiffany commands are:

The command language is similar to the Unix shell language. The following commands have similar meaning in both the Tiffany and Unix environments:

alias, cat, cd, date, echo, history, ls, pwd, sleep, source, time, uname

Also, simple output redirection is similar to a Unix shell, so >file can be used to capture the output of a command that produces output.

Note: documentation on Tiffany commands is incomplete at this time.

Tiffany rendering and output formats

In the table below we describe the color spaces and conversions available in Tiffany. The render column describes the color space and the bits per sample used for rendering a PDL file to samples. The output column describes the color space and the bits per sample for output. The formats column describes the file formats supported for the combination of the render and output columns. The switches column gives the Tiffany switch values needed to request the combination of the render and output columns.

render output switches formats comments
gray 1 gray 1
gray 4
binary, default
spi reduced by factor of 4
gray 8 gray 8 -gray -aa A TIFF, IP, PS spi reduced by factor of A
rgb 8
-hc R G B
-gray -hc R G B
-gray -hc R G B
2 separations: h+k
spi reduced by factor of 4
spi reduced by factor of 4
rgb 8 rgb 8 -rgb -aa A TIFF, IP, PS spi reduced by factor of A
cmyk 8 rgb 8 -cmyk -aa A TIFF, IP, PS spi reduced by factor of A
cmyk 1 cmyk7 -cmyk7 IP 7 separations: c+m+y+k+r+g+b

Notes for render:

Notes for output:

Other notes:

Simulating media

Tiffany supports simulated media for DocuPrint NPS compatibility for PDLs that support media selection. The DocuPrint NPS media model is similar to that of PostScript, with each media specification containing the size (width and height in mm), a media type, a media color, and an optional media weight (in gm/m**2). Here's a table of sample media specifications for common media:

specification size name size (w,h) type color weight
216x279::white usLetter 216 mm, 279 mm none white 0
216x356:tax:white usLegal 216 mm, 279 mm tax white 0
210x297::white A4 210 mm, 297 mm none white 0


Example Tiffany conversions

We will be giving several examples of conversion from PostScript to TIFF files. In each case we will use the default page size (8.5x11 inches, 216x279 mm), the default resolution (300 spi), and a PostScript file named FFF. The output files will be in /tmp/dp.p000n.tif.

To produce monochrome TIFF files, with DocuPrint NPS orientation (the default), at 300 spi resolution rendering, and 300 spi resolution output, use:

    dp -tiff /tmp/dp FFF
The files will be in /tmp/dp.p000n.tif. The default size is usLetter (8.5x11 inches, 216x279 mm).

To produce monochrome grayscale TIFF files, with screen orientation, at 300 spi resolution monochrome rendering, but 75 dpi resolution output, use:

    dp -sef -tiff /tmp/dp -gray FFF
The files will be in /tmp/dp.p000n.tif. The default size is usLetter (8.5x11 inches, 216x279 mm).

To produce RGB color TIFF files, with screen orientation, at 300 spi resolution RGB rendering, but 75 spi resolution output, use:

    dp -sef -tiff /tmp/dp -rgb -aa 4 FFF

To convert a PostScript file FFF into a set of RGB color TIFF files, with orientation suitable for screen viewing, at 300 spi resolution highlight rendering, but 75 spi resolution output, assuming a highlight RGB color of <1 0 0>, use:

    dp -sef -tiff /tmp/dp -hc 1 0 0 -gray FFF

Tiffany switches

On a Tiffany command line the switches must preceed the source files. In most cases the action of a switch applies for all files on the command line after the switch. One important exception is that an output file name only applies to the results of the next input file.

Server use

It is sometimes desirable to run Tiffany as a server. To start Tiffany as a server use the following commands:

    cd /TD
    ./StartTiffanyServer &

As a server Tiffany accepts the same commands as it does interactively, but the commands are submitted by writing to the file /TD/Tiffany.cmd, for example:

    echo "SaveMaskG4 -title Tiger" >/TD/Tiffany.cmd

will cause the command (in quotes) to be executed by the Tiffany server. To examine the progress of the Tiffany server one can examine the tail of the log, as in

    tail -10 /TD/Tiffany.log

To stop the server, use the command

    echo Quit >/TD/Tiffany.cmd

To make some of these operations easier, consider using the Unix alias facility.

Multiple users writing to Tiffany.cmd are likely to lose commands, since the server will only see the most recent command line. However, once a command is accepted (1-2 seconds for an idle server) another command can be entered immediately.

Highlight color

Xerox produces some printers capable of Highlight Color, including the DocuPrint 4850, DocuPrint 4890 and DocuPrint 92c. Tiffany supports the same rendering as the NPS versions of the above printers.

In the Xerox terminology Highlight Color is black plus one color. One can think of this as a two separation color space with black as one plane and some other color as the other plane. In the current implementation the two colors are mutually exclusive, so a pixel can be black, white, or the highlight color, but not a combination of the black plus highlight.

Tiffany gives significant control over the choice of assumed colorant when producing the separations (the -hc switch), and also allows for separate determination of the color used for the highlight separation on output (the -hco switch).

Since any rendering of full color into black plus highlight separations must lose some colors, there are several highlight color rendering choices (the -hcr switch). To get closest color approximation for photographs, use -hcr pictorial. To preserve color distictions for line art and charts, use -hcr presentation. To have an automatic choice between pictorial and presentation on the same page, use -hcr automatic.

Targeting specific printers

In some cases you need to have Tiffany output be the same as the output for a specific DocuPrint NPS printer. There are two printer-specific parts: one for the Imager and one for PostScript.

For the Imager parameters, you need to append the commands from the file /usr/printing/cedar/IOTparams (on the target DocuPrint machine) to the file /TD/ These commands control the Imager print parameters and font rendering parameters.

For the PostScript parameters, you may need to copy the file from /usr/printing/cedar/ on the target DocuPrint to files of the same names on /TD/. A default is provided that is usable for the 4135 family of printers (DP 96, DP 4635, DP 180).

Running VIPP (XGF)

VIPP is implemented as a set of PostScript files that provide useful functions. Tiffany does not by default include those files, but can use the same files that the DocuPrint NPS system uses. This section describes how to add VIPP support to Tiffany. It requires a version of Tiffany created on 31 July 1998 or later.

To install VIPP support for Tiffany you should know how to execute Unix commands on both the DocuPrint controller and the Tiffany workstation. You should also know how to transfer binary files from the DocuPrint controller to the Tiffany workstation.

To obtain the files, do the following Unix commands on a DocuPrint NPS system:

    cd /usr/printing/xgf/
    tar cf /var/tmp/xgf.tar

Then transfer /var/tmp/xgf.tar from the DocuPrint controller to the Tiffany workstation. If using FTP on the DocuPrint controller, remember to transfer using binary mode. Then do the following Unix commands on the Tiffany workstation (where /TD is the Tiffany directory).

    cd /TD; mkdir xgf; cd xgf
    tar xf /var/tmp/xgf.tar

Remember to remove /var/tmp/xgf.tar from both the DocuPrint controller and the Tiffany workstation.

Legacy Interpress

The Interpress files produced from the -out or -ip options are IMG compressed data with an Interpress wrapper suitable for sending directly to a DocuTech or DocuPrint printer. Therefore, Tiffany can be used on a fast Sun workstation to produce files for printing on a slower legacy DocuTech printer. The Interpress files produced contain no printing instructions.

Interpress containing Xerox Adaptive compressed data is not supported. This format requires hardware support for efficient decoding.