Xerox Summer Intern Program

Xerox Summer Intern Program

Thank you for your interest in the Xerox Summer Intern Program. Each year, Xerox offers a wide variety of paid summer research positions. In addition to research projects at PARC, a number of projects in research or advanced development are now being offered at the Digital Imaging Technology Center (DITC) and the Architecture and Document Services Technology Center (ADSTC), making internships available in Northern and Southern California as well as Western New York. We now invite highly qualified graduate students to submit resumes and arrange for recommendations. Please apply separately to each center at which you wish to be considered.

This document includes information on:

Xerox is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to the principles of work force diversity.

Palo Alto Research Center


Multimedia connection management; computer network design and analysis; multimedia activity capture, indexing, and re-use; congestion control and resource allocation in computer networks; multicast algorithms and protocols; B-ISDN/ATM; replicated data management for mobile computing; disconnected operation; information access and retrieval; computing resource management; collaborative systems; protocols and interfaces for wide-area digital libraries; visualization tools; social virtual realities; empirical studies of user performance and practice; investigating organizational structures for solution of hard problems using cooperation in multiagent systems; model-based computing; document recognition, analysis, and classification; natural language theory & technology; metaobject protocols; computational theoretical linguistics; speaker segmentation of audio data; information visualization; network browsing; information foraging theory; attentive systems; scientific engineering reasoning; graphics and interaction; 3d graphical interfaces; computer vision and gesture recognition; embedded computation; sparse matrix algorithms and software; data compression algorithms; computational nanotechnology; embedded data glyphs; applications of smart materials; imaging systems; design and fabrication of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS); distributed, decentralized control strategies based on self-organizing systems; non-linear control systems; intelligent aids; signaling protocols and implementation.

Additional information for PARC summer interns is available at the end of the document.


  Lorna Fear, Coordinator          Phone: (415) 812-4813 
           PARC Summer Intern Program       Fax:   (415) 812-4471
           3333 Coyote Hill Road            Email:
           Palo Alto, CA 94304

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Digital Imaging Technology Center and the Architecture and Document Services Technology Center (Western New York)


Color imaging & printing; color space transformation; digital halftoning; digital image processing; high-speed rasterization algorithms; non-linear image scaling algorithms; rasterization specifically for printing; video and color image processing; windows systems and device drivers; all aspects of relational and object-oriented databases; capturing user semantics in documents; color- and texture-based image indexing; constraint-based reasoning systems; document database access; document structure recognition and manipulation; image filing and management; optical character recognition; neural networks; storage and retrieval of image databases; color science; color image quality models and measurements; analysis of work processes; document management and workflow; interfaces and protocol specification; multifunction office systems; multimedia data manipulation; object oriented analysis and design.


        Summer Intern Program              Phone: 716-422-2877  
        800 Phillips Rd.                   Fax: 716-265-7133
        Bldg. 128-29E                      Email:
        Webster, NY  14580   	              

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Digital Imaging Technology Center and the Architecture and Document Services Technology Center (Southern California)


Development of software components for solving platform and network portability problems; development of network managment applications; modeling of Document Services applications and prototyping using object-oriented analysis and design tools; development and evaluation of tools and environments to support object-oriented design; research and development of imaging software algorithms and tools in support of Page Description Languages; development of imaging software for continuous tone color printers.


        Summer Intern Program              Fax:   (310) 333-5514
        Xerox Corporation M.S. ESAE-231    Phone: (310) 333-8145
        701 S. Aviation Boulevard          Email:
        El Segundo CA 90245

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Internship Application Process

There is no application form to complete. Please submit a current resume giving your academic history and a list of skills -- and tell us about your research interests, either in a cover lettter or in the resume itself. In addition, please provide two letters of recommendation by faculty members or work supervisors familiar with your current efforts. Electronic letters of recommendation should come directly from the recommendor's workstation -- please do not forward messages containing recommendations. Hardcopy letters of recommendation can be submitted with your resume, provided they are appropriately sealed. If for some reason you can't obtain recommendations you may submit an explanation instead.

All materials must arrive by February 14. Resumes and recommendations can be sent by plain-text electronic mail (no formatting of any kind). Contact information for each site appears after its project list.

Intern Program Schedule:

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Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for a summer internship, you must hold a Bachelor's degree and be enrolled in an advanced degree program at the time the internship starts. If you have yet to earn your Bachelor's you may still apply, provided you'll have earned it by June.

Foreign Students May Need A Special Visa

Foreign students may need to change visa status before working off campus. Please check with your Foreign Student Officer for complete details, or call the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) office in your area.


Preliminary candidate selections are based in large part on the match between applicant skills and project requirements. We also rely heavily on letters of recommendation to provide insight about work habits, creativity, and dedication. The researchers seek academically mature students who are likely to be productive, contributing members of their research teams during the 13-week internships.

Undergrad Opportunities

Regarding undergrad summer opportunities at other Xerox locations on the West coast, contact Debra Wong at DWong.lax2@Xerox.Com. Debra is also reachable by phone at (310) 333-8511. Regarding undergrad summer opportunities at Xerox locations on the East Coast, contact Mitch Adams at Mitch.wbst205LL@Xerox.Com. Mitch is also reachable by phone at (716) 422-8680.

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Additional PARC Internship Information

Transportation Is Prepaid Or Reimbursed

Most students from outside the Bay Area who accept internships at PARC are entitled to financial relocation assistance. Shipping allowances, interim food, temporary lodging, and round trip transportation will be provided. Xerox will arrange and prepay transportation between your residences and the airports at both destinations, or will reimburse you for cabfares or personal auto mileage.

Find Housing Information On The Web

Many rentals are advertised in the daily San Jose Mercury News. However, the
Palo Alto Weekly is an excellent source for less expensive housing and its classified ads are on the web.

Xerox Housing Distribution List

I'll put you on the Housing distribution list before you arrive. It includes listings of housing on Stanford campus, rooms in houses owned by other PARC employees, and apartments, condos, and homes owned and rented out by PARC employees and their friends.

Enjoy Group Activities

PARC enjoys hosting many summer interns every year. Both interns and hosts participate in group activites including camping, hiking, and water sports weekends, cycling, and attending the opera and symphony. Nightclubs and comedy clubs abound, Shoreline is just three miles away, and Stanford University hosts concerts and music seminars during the summer months.

Return to information on PARC interships.