
A Solaris 2.6/2.7 package to cleanup the OS default install.

Use at your own risk!


All comments are welcome: .  Flame to /dev/null

Table of contents:


The goal of this package is to configure or modify your system to make it more secure. It will deal with different types of files: The distributed version of this package is very restrictive and may not fit all purpose, as most of the services are turn off by default. It should be easy for you to localize the package to fit your needs.
The source are available under:

Package description:

Files Installed:

Installed files are listed in the prototype file.
  • /var/adm/loginlog : empty. Solaris will log bad login attend if this file exist.
  • Files Replaced:

    Files replaced are handle by the postinstall script. See next section "Package modification". The postinstall script defined this list as its internal variable SA

    Files Modified:

    Files Deleted:

    Files deleted are Handle by the postinstall script. See next section "Package modification". The postinstall script defined this list as its internal variable SD

    RC files:

    Most of these modifications are done in the postinstall script. See next section "Package modification".

      RC files Deleted

      The postinstall script defined this list as its internal variable RC

      Long list of RC files turn off : "cacheos cachefs.root asppp uucp cachefs.daemon xntpd spc rpc autoinstall nfs.client autofs nscd lp nfs.server volmgt PRESERVE sendmail cacheos.finish sysid.sys snmpdx dmi dtlogin power init.dmi init.snmpdx".

      These names are the name of the init files located in the /etc/init.d directory. For all the links existing under any /etc/rc?.d/ directory, the postinstall script will delete these link and write a trace trace log under /etc/rc?.d/Disable-By-SECclean which enable you to re-create the link if needed.
      If you need to re-enable some of these RC file, you can either re-create the package to fit your need (see Package modification) or just manually recreate the link after the install.

      RC files Replaced

      The postinstall script defined this list as its internal variable NRC These files are based on the SUN distribution files, but have been simplify.

      RC files Added

    Package modification:

    The source of the package are available from :

    Most of the files which are deleted, or replaced are handle by the PARCpkgu shell script. It is quiet well commented. Look at /usr/bin/PARCpkgu or also at the short documentation at:

    Here is some quick info. After, just play with the package.  Keep in mind two things: a package should leave the contents database clean (it means a pkgchk -n should output no error) and a you should be able to de-install a package without screwing it up your system!

    Rebuild the package after by running 'make' in the package directory. It will create the package under "../Trav/SECclean'.
    To try your new package:
        > cd ../Trav
        > pkgadd -d . SECclean

    Good luck and let me know any correction or amelioration.

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    Last Modified: $Id: secclean.html,v 1.3 1999/07/24 18:48:18 chouanar Exp $; by Jean Chouanard, Xerox PARC