Inbound SSH to PARC

SSH (Secure SHell) is a secure (ecnrypted) remote terminal protocol. Using SSH, you can have command-line access to PARC network from Internet. You can logon to our inbound-ssh server,, using your SecurID account, then logon to your workstation from sshgate. The server uses the default ssh port(22/tcp). You can also do file copies between your client and sshgate using scp command. All your communication including password is encrypted between the client and the server. SSH also offers the capability to tunnel other services such as X11, web access, IMAP, etc.

To use ssh, you have to have ssh client software installed on your home PC or laptop. If you rely on sombody else's computer during your business trip or vacation, you should ask your host to install it or you should install it by yourself. Our server supports ssh-2 protocol only, so you have to make sure your ssh client supports ssh-2.

SSH client

How to set up tunneling

This page last modified on Tuesday, 25-Aug-2009 11:31:02 PDT
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