Power Markets for Controlling Smart Matter

Oliver Guenther, Tad Hogg and Bernardo A. Huberman

Dynamics of Computation Group
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Palo Alto, CA 94304
guenther@parc.xerox.com, hogg@parc.xerox.com, huberman@parc.xerox.com

Xerox PARC technical report, 1997 (Los Alamos preprint cond-mat/9703078) 


Embedding microscopic sensors, computers and actuators into materials allows physical systems to actively monitor and respond to their environments. This leads to the possibility of creating smart matter, i.e., materials whose properties can be changed under program control to suit varying constraints. A key difficulty in realizing the potential of smart matter is developing the appropriate control programs. We present a market-based multiagent solution to the problem of maintaining a physical system near an unstable configuration, a particularly challenging application for smart matter. This market control leads to stability by focussing control forces in those parts of the system where they are most needed. Moreover, it does so even when some actuators fail to work and without requiring the agents to have a detailed model of the physical system.

Also available as a Los Alamos preprint