% -*- Mode: TeX -*- $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\cr Principal Technical Editors:\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} \b{Kent M. Pitman} & Harlequin, Inc. & 1993-present \cr & Symbolics, Inc. & 1990-1992 \cr \b{Kathy Chapman} & Digital Equipment Corporation & 1987-1989 \cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} Occasional Guest Editors:\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} \b{Richard P. Gabriel} & Lucid, Inc.\cr \b{Sandra Loosemore} & self\cr } $$ \goodbreak $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\cr Financial Contributors to the Editing Process:\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} \b{Digital Equipment Corporation}\cr \b{Harlequin, Ltd.} and \b{Harlequin, Inc.}\cr \b{Symbolics, Inc.}\cr \b{Apple, Inc.}\cr \b{Franz, Inc.}\cr \b{Lucid, Inc.}\cr} $$ \goodbreak Special thanks to Guy L. Steele Jr. and Digital Press for producing {\CLtL}, and for relaxing copyright restrictions enough to make it possible for that document's text to provide an early basis of this work. \vfill\eject $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\cr Edit and Review History:\span\span\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} 01-Jan-89 & Chapman & Draft of Chapters 1.1 (scope).\cr 01-Jan-89 & Pitman & Draft of Chapters 5.1 (conditions).\cr 01-May-89 & Chapman & Draft of 1.2--1.6. \cr 01-May-89 & Gabriel & Rewrite of Chapters 1.1 and 5.1.\cr 01-Jun-89 & Loosemore & Review of Chapter 4.2. \cr 01-Jun-89 & Pitman & Review of Glossary \cr 15-Jun-89 & Gabriel & Rewrite of Glossary \cr 16-Jun-89 & Margolin & Comments on Chapters 2.1--2.4 (types, objects).\cr 23-Jun-89 & Gabriel & Rewrite of 4.2. \cr 07-Jul-89 & Moon & Review of Chapters 4.1, 4.3 \cr 12-Jul-89 & Gabriel & Revision of 4.2. \cr 15-Jul-89 & Pitman & Review of Glossary \cr 18-Jul-89 & Gray & Comments on 5.1 \cr 25-Jul-89 & Gabriel & Revision of Chapters 1.2--1.6, 2.2\cr 26-Jul-89 & Gabriel & Rewrite of 5.1 \cr 26-Jul-89 & Gabriel & Rewrite of 4.1. \cr 27-Jul-89 & Pitman & Revision of 5.1 \cr 27-Jul-89 & Gabriel & Revision of 5.1 \cr 28-Jul-89 & Chapman & Draft of 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 5.4 \cr 28-Jul-89 & Gabriel & Revision of Glossary.\cr 01-Oct-89 & Margolin & Review of Dictionary from Jun-89 draft.\cr 20-Jan-91 & Pitman & Draft 8.81 (for X3J13 review). Document X3J13/91-101.\cr 29-Jan-91 & Waters & Review of 8.81/Chapter 23 (Printer).\cr 01-Mar-91 & Moon & Review of 8.81/Chapter 4 (Evaluation and Compilation).\cr 01-Mar-91 & Barrett & Review of 8.81/Chapter 4 (Evaluation and Compilation).\cr 01-Mar-91 & Moon & Review of 8.81/Glossary.\cr 13-Mar-90 & Wechsler & Review of 8.81/Glossary.\cr 21-Mar-91 & Kerns & Review of 8.81/Chapter 1.\cr 26-Apr-91 & Margolin & Review of 8.81/Chapters 1--12.\cr 15-May-91 & Barrett & Review of 8.81/Chapters 5 (Misc), 11 (Conditions).\cr 04-Jun-91 & Laddaga & Review of 9.60/Chapter 20 (Pathnames).\cr 10-Jun-91 & Pitman & Draft 9.126 (for X3J13 review). Document X3J13/91-102.\cr 02-Sep-91 & Barrett & Review of 9.28/Chapter 4 (Evaluation and Compilation).\cr 02-Sep-91 & Barrett & Review of 9.52/Chapter 4 (Evaluation and Compilation).\cr 15-Sep-91 & Barrett & Review of 9.126/Chapter 4 (Evaluation and Compilation)\cr & & \quad and Chapter 7 (Evaluation/Compilation).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 18-Sep-91 & Wechsler & Review of 9.126.\cr 21-Sep-91 & Barrett & Review of 10.16/Chapter 7 (Evaluation/Compilation).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 28-Sep-91 & Barrett & Review of 10.95/Chapter 25 (Printer).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 13-Oct-91 & Barrett & Review (and help editing) of 10.104/Chapter 4\cr & & \quad(Evaluation and Compilation)\cr 15-Oct-91 & Waters & Review of 10.95/Chapter 25 (Printer).\cr 24-Oct-91 & Pitman & Draft 10.156 (for X3J13 review). Document X3J13/91-103.\cr 04-Nov-91 & Moon & Review of 10.156/Chapter 5 (Data and Control Flow)\cr & & \quad and Chapter 26 (Glossary).\cr 11-Nov-91 & Loosemore & Review of 10.156/Chapter 2 (Syntax),\cr & & \quad Chapter 3 (Evaluation and Compilation),\cr & & \quad Chapter 5 (Data and Control Flow), and Chapter 8 (Structures).\cr 02-Dec-91 & Barrett & Review of 10.156/Chapter 4 (Types and Classes),\cr & & \quad and Chapter 10 (Symbols).\cr 02-Dec-91 & Barrett & Review of 10.156/Chapter 3 (Evaluation and Compilation),\cr & & \quad Chapter 6 (Iteration), Chapter 9 (Conditions),\cr & & \quad and Chapter 14 (Conses).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 09-Dec-91 & Gabriel & Review of 10.156/Chapter 1 (Introduction),\cr & & \quad Chapter 2 (Syntax), and Chapter 3 (Evaluation and Compilation).\cr 09-Dec-91 & Ida & Light review of 10.156/Chapters 1-5.\cr 09-Dec-91 & Moon & Review of 10.156/Chapter 3 (Evaluation and Compilation).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 10-Dec-91 & Loosemore & Review of 10.156/Chapter 10 (Symbols),\cr & & \quad Chapter 20 (Files), and Chapter 13 (Characters).\cr 10-Dec-91 & Loosemore & Review of 10.156/Chapter 14 (Conses).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 10-Dec-91 & Laubsch & Review of 10.156/Chapters 1 (Introduction),\cr & & \quad Chapter 2 (Syntax), Chapter 3 (Evaluation and Compilation),\cr & & \quad Chapter 4 (Types and Classes), Chapter 5 (Data and Control Flow), \cr & & \quad Chapter 7 (Objects), Chapter 11 (Packages),\cr & & \quad Chapter 19 (Filenames), and Chapter 21 (Streams).\cr 18-Dec-91 & Margolin & Review of 10.156/Chapter 18 (Hash Tables).\cr 04-Jan-92 & White & Review of 10.156/Chapter 6 (Iteration),\cr & & \quad Chapter 11 (Packages), Chapter 18 (Hash Tables),\cr & & \quad and Chapter 23 (Reader).\cr 04-Jan-92 & White & Review of 10.156/Chapter 26 (Glossary).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 04-Jan-92 & Barrett & Review of 10.156/Chapter 18 (Hash Tables) and Chapter 16 (Strings).\cr 04-Jan-92 & Barrett & Review of 10.156/Chapter 15 (Arrays) and Chapter 21 (Streams).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 06-Jan-92 & Loosemore & Review of 10.156/Chapter 16 (Strings),\cr & & \quad Chapter 17 (Sequences), and Chapter 25 (Environment).\cr 06-Jan-92 & Loosemore & Review of 10.156/Chapter 21 (Streams) and Chapter 23 (Reader).\cr & & \quad(some comments not yet merged)\cr 06-Jan-92 & Margolin & Review of 10.156/Chapter 2 (Syntax).\cr 07-Jan-92 & Margolin & Review of 10.156/Chapter 4 (Types and Classes).\cr 03-Feb-92 & Aspinall & Review of 10.156/Chapter 12 (Numbers).\cr 16-Feb-92 & Pitman & Draft 11.82 (for X3J13 letter ballot). Document X3J13/92-101.\cr 16-Mar-92 & Loosemore & Review of 11.82/Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10,\cr & & \quad 11, 12, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26.\cr 16-Feb-92 & Pitman & Draft 12.24 (for X3 consideration). Document X3J13/92-102.\cr 09-Sep-92 & Samson & Public Review Comments (\#1). Documents X3J13/92-1001 to 92-1003.\cr 22-Oct-92 & Rose, Yen & Public Review Comments (\#2). Documents X3J13/92-1101 to 92-1103.\cr 23-Oct-92 & Staley & Public Review Comments (\#3). Documents X3J13/92-1201 to 92-1204.\cr 09-Nov-92 & Barrett & Public Review Comments (\#4). Documents X3J13/92-3101 to 92-3110.\cr 11-Nov-92 & Moon & Public Review Comments (\#5). Documents X3J13/92-3201 to 92-3248.\cr 17-Nov-92 & Loosemore & Public Review Comments (\#6). Documents X3J13/92-1301 to 92-1335.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Margolin & Public Review Comments (\#7). Documents X3J13/92-1401 to 92-1419.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Withington & Public Review Comments (\#8a). Documents X3J13/92-1501 to 92-1512.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Feinberg & Public Review Comments (\#8b). Documents X3J13/92-1601 to 92-1603.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Wechsler & Public Review Comments (\#8c). Documents X3J13/92-1701 to 92-1703.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Moore & Public Review Comments (\#9). Documents X3J13/92-1801 to 92-1802.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Flanagan & Public Review Comments (\#10). Documents X3J13/92-1901 to 92-1910.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Dalton & Public Review Comments (\#11). Documents X3J13/92-2001 to 92-2012.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Gallagher & Public Review Comments (\#12). Documents X3J13/92-2101 to 92-2103.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Norvig & Public Review Comments (\#13). Documents X3J13/92-2201 to 92-2208.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Robertson & Public Review Comments (\#14). Document X3J13/92-2301.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Kawabe & Public Review Comments (\#15). Documents X3J13/92-2401 to 92-2403.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Barrett & Public Review Comments (\#16). Documents X3J13/92-2511 to X3J13/92-2531.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Wertheimer & Public Review Comments (\#17). Document X3J13/92-2601.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Pitman & Public Review Comments (\#18). Documents X3J13/92-2701 to 92-2742.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Mato Mira & Public Review Comments (\#19). Documents X3J13/92-2801 to 92-2805.\cr 24-Nov-92 & Philpot & Public Review Comments (\#20). Document X3J13/92-2901.\cr 23-Nov-92 & Cerys & Public Review Comments (\#21). Document X3J13/92-3001.\cr 30-Aug-93 & Pitman & Draft 13.65 (for X3J13 consideration). Document X3J13/93-101.\cr 04-Oct-93 & X3J13 & Minor fixes to Draft 13.65 before sending to X3.\cr 05-Oct-93 & Pitman & Draft 14.10 (for X3 consideration). Document X3J13/93-102.\cr 08-Nov-93 & Dalton & ``reply to reply to pr comments''. Document X3J13/94-311.\cr 04-Apr-94 & Boyer, Kaufmann, Moore \span\omit\cr & & Public Review Comments (\#1). Document X3J13/94-305.\cr 05-Apr-94 & Pitman & Public Review Comments (\#2). Document X3J13/94-306.\cr 14-Mar-94 & Schulenburg & Public Review Comments (\#3). Document X3J13/94-307.\cr 04-Apr-94 & Shepard & Late commentary. Document X3J13/94-309.\cr 05-May-94 & X3J13 & Editorial-only changes to Draft 14.10 in response to comments.\cr 10-May-94 & Pitman & Draft 15.17 (for X3 consideration). Document X3J13/94-101.\cr 12-Aug-94 & X3J13 & Letter ballot to make specific corrections to Credits.\cr & & Drafts 15.17 and 15.17R are {\it identical\/} except for:\cr & & \quad Changes to document date and version number.\cr & & \quad Disclaimer added to back of cover page.\cr & & \quad Changes to this Edit and Review History, page {\it Credits iv}.\cr & & \quad Changes to names and headings, pages {\it Credits v-vii}.\cr 12-Aug-94 & Pitman & Draft {\rev} (for X3 consideration). Document {\DocumentNumber}.\cr } $$ \vfill\eject \goodbreak The following lists of information are almost certainly incomplete, but it was felt that it was better to risk publishing incomplete information than to fail to acknowledge important contributions by the many people and organizations who have contributed to this effort. Mention here of any individual or organization does not imply endorsement of this document by that individual or organization. $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\cr %Committee Chairs:&\cr Ad Hoc Group Chairs:&\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} Characters & Linden, Thom \cr Charter & Ennis, Susan P. \cr % "Compiler" => "Compiler Specification" per X3J13 -kmp 12-Aur-94 Compiler Specification & Haflich, Steven M. \cr & Loosemore, Sandra \cr Editorial & Chapman, Kathy \cr % Added Walter per X3J13 -kmp 12-Aug-94 & van Roggen, Walter \cr % "Conditions" => "Error and Condition System" per X3J13 -kmp 12-Aug-94 Error and Condition System & Pitman, Kent M. \cr %% Removed per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 % & Daniels, Andy \cr %% Added per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 Graphics \& Windows & Douglas Rand \cr %Added Schoen per X3J13. -kmp 12-Aug-94 & Schoen, Eric \cr % "Iteration" => "Iteration Facility". Iteration Facility & White, JonL \cr % "Cleanup" => "Language Cleanup" per X3J13 -kmp 12-Aug-94 Language Cleanup & Masinter, Larry \cr & Fahlman, Scott \cr %% Removed per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 % & Waters, Richard C. \cr % & Perdue, Crispin \cr Lisp$\sub1$/Lisp$\sub2$ & Gabriel, Richard P. \cr %% Removed per X3J13 at May 4-5, 1994 meeting. -kmp 9-May-94 % & Pitman, Kent M. \cr Macros & Haflich, Steven M. \cr & Pitman, Kent M. \cr %Added Wegman per X3J13 -kmp 12-Aug-94 & Wegman, Mark \cr % "Objects" to "Object System" per X3J13 -kmp 12-Aug-94 Object System & Bobrow, Daniel G. \cr Presentation of Standard & Brown, Gary L. \cr Pretty Printer & Waters, Richard C. \cr Public Review & Ida, Masayuki \cr Types \& Declarations & Scherlis, William L. \cr Validation & Berman, Richard \cr %% Removed per X3J13 -kmp 12-Aug-94 % & Balzer, Bob \cr } $$ \goodbreak % Per X3J13 % Added these names to the section "Major Administrative Contributions": % Van Deusen, Mary % White, Jon L. % -kmp 12-Aug-94 $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\cr Major Administrative Contributions:\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} %% Added "Loeffler" and "Tyson" per Pitman #3 (by X3J13 vote at May 4-5, 1994 meeting) %% -kmp 9-May-94 Barrett, Kim& % Administration of Cleanup Mathis, Robert\cr % Convenor; Chairman; Interfacing to X3, etc. Brown, Gary L.& % Secretary, Funding administration for DEC's editorship Pitman, Kent M.\cr % Administration of Cleanup, agenda setting Eiron, Hanoch& % Funding administration for Franz, Help finding other funding Steele, Guy L., Jr.\cr % Interfacing to X3, etc.; Vice-Chairman; Roberts Rules expert Gabriel, Richard P.& % Interfacing to ISO, etc. Tyson, Mabry\cr % Mailing lists at SRI Haflich, Steven M.& % Establishment of second-generation CL Editorship Van Deusen, Mary\cr % Secretary Ida, Masayuki& % International Liaison to Japan White, JonL\cr % Vice-Chairman Loeffler, David D.& % Mailing lists at MCC Whittemore, Susan\cr % Funding administration for Apple Loosemore, Sandra& % Administration of Cleanup and Compiler, agenda setting Woodyatt, Anne\cr % Funding administration for Harlequin Masinter, Larry& % Administration of Cleanup, agenda setting Zubkoff, Jan L.\cr % Meeting organization, Secretary, Funding administration for Lucid } $$ \goodbreak % Per X3J13: % Added these names to the section "Major Technical Contributions": % Fahlman, Scott % Keene, Sonya % Kempf, James % Kerns, Robert W. % Masinter, Larry % Mlynarik, Richard % Weinreb, Daniel % % Reordered the names in the section "Major Technical Contributions" so % as to appear in alphabetical order. % % -kmp 12-Aug-94 $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\quad&\qquad\qquad#\hfil\cr Major Technical Contributions:\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} Barrett, Kim A. & % Review, Cleanups Keene, Sonya & % CLOS Moon, David A. \cr % Review, CLOS, Conditions Bobrow, Daniel G. & % CLOS Kempf, James & % CLOS Perdue, Crispin \cr % Iteration Daniels, Andy & % Conditions Kerns, Robert W. & % Characters Pitman, Kent M. \cr % Review, Conditions, Cleanup, Editor, Lisp1/Lisp2 DeMichiel, Linda G. & % CLOS Kiczales, Gregor & % CLOS Steele, Guy L., Jr. \cr % Review, CLtL Dussud, Patrick H. & % CLOS Loosemore, Sandra & % Review, Compiler Waters, Richard C. \cr % Pretty Printer, Iteration Fahlman, Scott & % CLtL, Cleanup Margolin, Barry & % Review Weinreb, Daniel \cr % CLtL, CLOS Gabriel, Richard P. & % Review, Editing, CLOS Masinter, Larry & % Cleanup White, JonL \cr % Review, LOOP Ida, Masayuki & % Administration of Public Review work Mlynarik, Richard & % Conditions \cr } $$ % Per X3J13: % % Removed these names from the section "Organizational Participants": % Barrett, Kim % Greenblatt, Richard % Kerns, Robert W. % Loosemore, Sandra" % % Added these names to the section "Organizational Participants": % Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturing Association (X3 Secretariat) % CSC % DARPA % Ibuki % ParcPlace Systems, Inc. % University of Maryland % % Changed the spelling of these names in the section "Organizational Participants": % /from/ /to/ % SRI SRI International % Johnson Controls Johnson Controls, Inc. % AI Architects AI Architects, Inc. % % Title changed from "Organizational Participants" to % "Participating Companies and Organizations" % % -kmp 12-Aug-94 $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\cr Participating Companies and Organizations:\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} AI Architects, Inc. & Lucid, Inc. \cr Amoco Production Co. & MCC \cr Aoyama Gakuin University & MIT \cr Apple Computer & MITRE Corporation \cr Boeing Advanced Technology Center & MSC \cr Carnegie-Mellon University & NASA Ames Research Center \cr Chestnut Software & National Bureau of Standards \cr Computer Sciences & Nihon Symbolics \cr Computer {\ampersand} Business Equipment Manufacturing Association (X3 Secretariat) \span\omit\cr CONTEL & ParcPlace Systems, Inc. \cr CSC & Prime Computer \cr DARPA & Siemens \cr Digital Equipment Corporation & Southern Illinois University \cr Encore & Sperry \cr Evans {\ampersand} Sutherland & SRI International \cr Franz, Inc. & Sun Microsystems \cr Gigamos & Symbolics \cr GMD & Tektronix \cr Gold Hill & Texas Instruments \cr Grumman Data Systems Corporation & The Aerospace Corporation \cr Harlequin, Ltd. & Thinking Machines Corporation \cr Hewlett-Packard & Unisys \cr Honeywell & University of Bath \cr IBM & University of Edinburgh \cr Ibuki & University of Maryland \cr Integrated Inference Machines & University of Utah \cr International LISP Associates & US Army \cr Johnson Controls, Inc. & USC/ISI \cr LMI & Xerox \cr } $$ \vfill\eject % Per X3J13: % % Added these names to the section "Individual Participants": % Adler, Annette % Allen, Stanley % Doi, Takumi % Drescher, Gary % Frayman, Felix % Goldstein, Brad % Hendler, Jim % Kachurik, Catherine A. % Kahn, Ken % Mlynarik, Richard % Posner, Dave % Squires, Stephen L. % Van Deusen, Mary % Weyhrauch, Richard % % Changed the spelling of these names in the section "Individual Participants": % /from/ /to/ % Bartley, David Bartley, David H. % Beckerle, Mike Beckerle, Michael % Boelk, Mary Boelk, Mary P. % (3) Brown, Gary Brown, Gary L. % (4) Haflich, Steve Haflich, Steven M. % Matthews, Dave Matthews, David C. % Rosenking, Jeff Rosenking, Jeffrey P. % (2) Scherlis, William Scherlis, William L. % Soley, Richard Soley, Richard M. % % The parenthetical numbers indicate total number of fixed occurrences in this file, % not just in individual participants. % % Remove duplicate occurrence of "van Roggen, Walter" from the section % "Individual Participants". $$\halign to \hsize{\leftskip\iskip#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\quad&#\hfil\cr Individual Participants:\cr \noalign{\vskip 8pt} % These are attendees from minutes back through 3/88. Others to be added % per earlier minutes if they can be found. % % Later: Some earlier minutes were found, plus X3J13 voted on a bunch of % these. -kmp 12-Aug-94 % Adler, Annette&Haflich, Steven M.&Peck, Jeff\cr Allen, Stanley&Harris, Richard M.&Pellegrino, Bob\cr Antonisse, Jim&Hendler, Jim&Perdue, Crispin\cr Arbaugh, Bill&Hewitt, Carl&Philipp, Christopher\cr Balzer, Bob&Hornig, Charles&Pierson, Dan\cr Barrett, Kim&Ida, Masayuki&Pitman, Kent M.\cr Bartley, David H.&Kachurik, Catherine A.&Posner, Dave\cr Beckerle, Michael&Kahn, Ken&Raghavan, B.\cr Beiser, Paul&Keene, Sonya&Rand, Douglas\cr Benson, Eric&Keller, Shaun&Rininger, Jeff\cr Berman, Richard&Kempf, James&Rosenking, Jeffrey P.\cr Bobrow, Daniel G.&Kerns, Robert W.&Scherlis, William L.\cr Boelk, Mary P.&Kiczales, Gregor&Shiota, Eiji\cr Brittain, Skona&Kolb, Dieter&Sizer, Andy\cr Brown, Gary L.&Koschmann, Timothy&Slater, David\cr Chailloux, Jerome&Kosinski, Paul&Sodan, Angela\cr Chapman, Kathy&Larson, Aaron&Soley, Richard M.\cr Clinger, Will&Latto, Andy&Squires, Stephen L.\cr Coffee, Peter C.&Laubsch, Joachim&St. Clair, Bill\cr Cugini, John&Layer, Kevin&Stanhope, Philip\cr Curtis, Pavel&Linden, Thom&Steele, Guy L., Jr.\cr Dabrowski, Christopher&Loeffler, David D.&Tucker, Paul\cr Daessler, Klaus&Loosemore, Sandra&Turba, Thomas\cr Dalton, Jeff&Magataca, Mituhiro&Unietis, Dave\cr Daniels, Andy&Margolin, Barry&Van Deusen, Mary\cr DeMichiel, Linda G.&Masinter, Larry&van Roggen, Walter\cr Doi, Takumi&Mathis, Robert&Waldrum, Ellen\cr Drescher, Gary&Matthews, David C.&Waters, Richard C.\cr Duggan, Jerry&McCarthy, John&Wechsler, Allan\cr Dussud, Patrick H.&Mikelsons, Martin&Wegman, Mark\cr Ennis, Susan P.&Mlynarik, Richard&Weinreb, Daniel\cr Fahlman, Scott&Moon, David A.&Weyhrauch, Richard\cr Frayman, Felix&Moore, Timothy&White, JonL\cr Gabriel, Richard P.&Nicoud, Stephen&Wieland, Alexis\cr Giansiracusa, Bob&Nilsson, Jarl&Withington, P. Tucker\cr Goldstein, Brad&O'Dell, Jim&Wright, Whitman\cr Gray, David&Ohlander, Ron&York, Bill\cr Greenblatt, Richard&Padget, Julian&Zacharias, Gail\cr Hadden, George D.&Palter, Gary&Zubkoff, Jan L.\cr } $$