% -*- Mode: TeX -*- %-------------------- Package Type -------------------- %% 2.8.0 1 \begincom{package}\ftype{System Class} \label Class Precedence List:: \typeref{package}, \typeref{t} \label Description:: A \term{package} is a \term{namespace} that maps \term{symbol} \term{names} to \term{symbols}; \seesection\PackageConcepts. \label See Also:: {\secref\PackageConcepts}, {\secref\PrintingOtherObjects}, {\secref\SymbolTokens} \endcom%{package}\ftype{System Class} %%% ========== EXPORT \begincom{export}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues export {symbols {\opt} package} {\t} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{symbols}---a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{symbols}. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \label Description:: %% 11.0.0 44 %% 11.2.0 28 \funref{export} makes one or more \param{symbols} that are \term{accessible} in \param{package} (whether directly or by inheritance) be \term{external symbols} of that \param{package}. If any of the \param{symbols} is already \term{accessible} as an \term{external symbol} of \param{package}, \funref{export} has no effect on that \term{symbol}. If the \param{symbol} is %directly \term{present} in \param{package} as an internal symbol, it is simply changed to external status. If it is \term{accessible} as an \term{internal symbol} via \funref{use-package}, %one of \param{symbols} it is first \term{imported} into \param{package}, then \term{exported}. (The \param{symbol} is then \term{present} in the \param{package} whether or not \param{package} continues to use the \term{package} through which the \term{symbol} was originally inherited.) %% 11.0.0 50 \funref{export} makes %one of \param{symbols} at a time each \param{symbol} \term{accessible} to all the \term{packages} that use \param{package}. All of these \term{packages} are checked for name conflicts: \f{(export \i{s} \i{p})} does \f{(find-symbol (symbol-name \i{s}) \i{q})} for each package \i{q} in \f{(package-used-by-list \i{p})}. Note that in the usual case of an \funref{export} during the initial definition of a \term{package}, the result of \funref{package-used-by-list} is \nil\ and the name-conflict checking takes negligible time. When multiple changes are to be made, %however, for example when \funref{export} is given a \param{list} of \param{symbols}, it is permissible for the implementation to process each change separately, so that aborting from a name conflict caused by any but the first \param{symbol} in the \term{list} does not unexport the first \param{symbol} in the \param{list}. However, aborting from a name-conflict error caused by \funref{export} of one of \param{symbols} does not leave that \term{symbol} \term{accessible} to some \term{packages} and \term{inaccessible} to others; with respect to each of \param{symbols} processed, \funref{export} behaves as if it were as an atomic operation. %% 11.0.0 59 A name conflict in \funref{export} between one of \param{symbols} being exported and a \term{symbol} already \term{present} in a \term{package} that would inherit the newly-exported \term{symbol} may be resolved in favor of the exported \term{symbol} by uninterning the other one, or in favor of the already-present \term{symbol} by making it a shadowing symbol. \label Examples:: \code (make-package 'temp :use nil) \EV # (use-package 'temp) \EV T (intern "TEMP-SYM" 'temp) \EV TEMP::TEMP-SYM, NIL (find-symbol "TEMP-SYM") \EV NIL, NIL (export (find-symbol "TEMP-SYM" 'temp) 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "TEMP-SYM") \EV TEMP-SYM, :INHERITED \endcode \label Side Effects:: The package system is modified. \label Affected By:: \term{Accessible} \term{symbols}. \label Exceptional Situations:: If any of the \param{symbols} is not \term{accessible} at all in \param{package}, an error \oftype{package-error} is signaled that is \term{correctable} by permitting the \term{user} to interactively specify whether that \term{symbol} should be \term{imported}. %!!! Sandra: Something about name conflicts here? \label See Also:: \funref{import}, \funref{unexport}, {\secref\PackageConcepts} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== FIND-SYMBOL \begincom{find-symbol}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues find-symbol {string {\opt} package} {symbol, status} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{string}---a \term{string}. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \param{symbol}---a \term{symbol} accessible in the \param{package}, or \nil. \param{status}---one of \kwd{inherited}, \kwd{external}, \kwd{internal}, or \nil. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 24 \funref{find-symbol} locates a \term{symbol} whose \term{name} is \param{string} in a \term{package}. If a \term{symbol} named \param{string} is found in \param{package}, directly or by inheritance, the \term{symbol} found is returned as the first value; the second value is as follows: \beginlist \itemitem{\kwd{internal}} If the \term{symbol} is \term{present} in \param{package} as an \term{internal symbol}. \itemitem{\kwd{external}} If the \term{symbol} is \term{present} in \param{package} as an \term{external symbol}. \itemitem{\kwd{inherited}} If the \term{symbol} is inherited by \param{package} through \funref{use-package}, % Added for Sandra: but is not \term{present} in \param{package}. \endlist If no such \term{symbol} is \term{accessible} in \param{package}, both values are \nil. \label Examples:: \code (find-symbol "NEVER-BEFORE-USED") \EV NIL, NIL (find-symbol "NEVER-BEFORE-USED") \EV NIL, NIL (intern "NEVER-BEFORE-USED") \EV NEVER-BEFORE-USED, NIL (intern "NEVER-BEFORE-USED") \EV NEVER-BEFORE-USED, :INTERNAL (find-symbol "NEVER-BEFORE-USED") \EV NEVER-BEFORE-USED, :INTERNAL (find-symbol "never-before-used") \EV NIL, NIL (find-symbol "CAR" 'common-lisp-user) \EV CAR, :INHERITED (find-symbol "CAR" 'common-lisp) \EV CAR, :EXTERNAL (find-symbol "NIL" 'common-lisp-user) \EV NIL, :INHERITED (find-symbol "NIL" 'common-lisp) \EV NIL, :EXTERNAL (find-symbol "NIL" (prog1 (make-package "JUST-TESTING" :use '()) (intern "NIL" "JUST-TESTING"))) \EV JUST-TESTING::NIL, :INTERNAL (export 'just-testing::nil 'just-testing) (find-symbol "NIL" 'just-testing) \EV JUST-TESTING:NIL, :EXTERNAL (find-symbol "NIL" "KEYWORD") \EV NIL, NIL \OV :NIL, :EXTERNAL (find-symbol (symbol-name :nil) "KEYWORD") \EV :NIL, :EXTERNAL \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:: \funref{intern}, \funref{import}, \funref{export}, \funref{use-package}, \funref{unintern}, \funref{unexport}, \funref{unuse-package} \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{intern}, \funref{find-all-symbols} \label Notes:: \funref{find-symbol} is operationally equivalent to \funref{intern}, except that it never creates a new \term{symbol}. \endcom %%% ========== FIND-PACKAGE \begincom{find-package}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues find-package {name} {package} \label Arguments and Values:: %% Text of this dictionary entry slightly rearranged %% per Margolin #13 (first public review). -kmp 1-Jul-93 \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{name}---a \term{string designator} or a \term{package} \term{object}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package} \term{object} or \nil. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 12 If \param{name} is a \term{string designator}, \funref{find-package} locates and returns the \term{package} whose name or nickname is \param{name}. %% 11.0.0 21 %The \funref{find-package} This search is case sensitive. If there is no such \term{package}, \funref{find-package} returns \nil. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} If \param{name} is a \term{package} \term{object}, that \term{package} \term{object} is returned. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \label Examples:: \code (find-package 'common-lisp) \EV # (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # (find-package 'not-there) \EV NIL \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:: The set of \term{packages} created by the \term{implementation}. \macref{defpackage}, \funref{delete-package}, \funref{make-package}, \funref{rename-package} \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{make-package} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== FIND-ALL-SYMBOLS \begincom{find-all-symbols}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues find-all-symbols {string} {symbols} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{string}---a \term{\symbolnamedesignator}. \param{symbols}---a \term{list} of \term{symbols}. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 38 \funref{find-all-symbols} searches \issue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} every \term{registered package} \endissue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} for \term{symbols} that have a \term{name} that is the \term{same} (under \funref{string=}) as \param{string}. A \term{list} of all such \term{symbols} is returned. Whether or how the \term{list} is ordered is \term{implementation-dependent}. \label Examples:: \code (find-all-symbols 'car) \EV (CAR) \OV (CAR VEHICLES:CAR) \OV (VEHICLES:CAR CAR) (intern "CAR" (make-package 'temp :use nil)) \EV TEMP::CAR, NIL (find-all-symbols 'car) \EV (TEMP::CAR CAR) \OV (CAR TEMP::CAR) \OV (TEMP::CAR CAR VEHICLES:CAR) \OV (CAR TEMP::CAR VEHICLES:CAR) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{find-symbol} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== IMPORT \begincom{import}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues import {symbols {\opt} package} {\t} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{symbols}---a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{symbols}. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 31 %% 11.0.0 50 \funref{import} adds \param{symbol} or \param{symbols} to the internals of \param{package}, checking for name conflicts with existing \term{symbols} either \term{present} in \param{package} or \term{accessible} to it. Once the \param{symbols} have been \term{imported}, they may be referenced in the \term{importing} \param{package} without the use of a \term{package prefix} when using the \term{Lisp reader}. %% 11.0.0 61 A name conflict in \funref{import} between the \param{symbol} being imported and a symbol inherited from some other \term{package} can be resolved in favor of the \param{symbol} being \term{imported} by making it a shadowing symbol, or in favor of the \term{symbol} already \term{accessible} by not doing the \funref{import}. A name conflict in \funref{import} with a \term{symbol} already \term{present} in the \param{package} may be resolved by uninterning that \term{symbol}, or by not doing the \funref{import}. The imported \term{symbol} is not automatically exported from the \term{current package}, but if it is already \term{present} and external, then the fact that it is external is not changed. \issue{IMPORT-SETF-SYMBOL-PACKAGE} If any \term{symbol} to be \term{imported} has no home package (\ie {\tt (symbol-package \param{symbol}) \EV\ nil}), \funref{import} sets the \term{home package} of the \param{symbol} to \param{package}. \endissue{IMPORT-SETF-SYMBOL-PACKAGE} %% 11.0.0 37 If the \param{symbol} is already \term{present} in the importing \param{package}, \funref{import} has no effect. \label Examples:: \code (import 'common-lisp::car (make-package 'temp :use nil)) \EV T (find-symbol "CAR" 'temp) \EV CAR, :INTERNAL (find-symbol "CDR" 'temp) \EV NIL, NIL \endcode The form \f{(import 'editor:buffer)} takes the external symbol named \f{buffer} in \thepackage{editor} (this symbol was located when the form was read by the \term{Lisp reader}) and adds it to the \term{current package} as an \term{internal symbol}. The symbol \f{buffer} is then \term{present} in the \term{current package}. \label Side Effects:: The package system is modified. \label Affected By:: Current state of the package system. \label Exceptional Situations:: \funref{import} signals a \term{correctable} error \oftype{package-error} if any of the \param{symbols} to be \term{imported} has the \term{same} \term{name} (under \funref{string=}) as some distinct \term{symbol} (under \funref{eql}) already \term{accessible} in the \param{package}, even if the conflict is with a \term{shadowing symbol} of the \param{package}. \label See Also:: \funref{shadow}, \funref{export} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== LIST-ALL-PACKAGES \begincom{list-all-packages}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues list-all-packages {\noargs} {packages} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{packages}---a \term{list} of \term{package} \term{objects}. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 19 \funref{list-all-packages} returns a \issue{RESULT-LISTS-SHARED:SPECIFY} \term{fresh} \endissue{RESULT-LISTS-SHARED:SPECIFY} \term{list} of \issue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} all \term{registered packages}. \endissue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} \label Examples:: \code (let ((before (list-all-packages))) (make-package 'temp) (set-difference (list-all-packages) before)) \EV (#) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:: \macref{defpackage}, \funref{delete-package}, \funref{make-package} \label Exceptional Situations:\None. %% Sandra thinks this is excessive. %Might signal \typeref{storage-condition}. \label See Also:\None. \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== RENAME-PACKAGE \begincom{rename-package}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues rename-package {package new-name {\opt} new-nicknames} {package-object} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{new-name}---a \term{package designator}. \param{new-nicknames}---a \term{list} of \term{\packagenamedesignators}. \Default{the \term{empty list}} \issue{RETURN-VALUES-UNSPECIFIED:SPECIFY} \param{package-object}---the renamed \param{package} \term{object}. \endissue{RETURN-VALUES-UNSPECIFIED:SPECIFY} \label Description:: Replaces the name and nicknames of \param{package}. %% 11.2.0 15 The old name and all of the old nicknames of \param{package} are eliminated and are replaced by \param{new-name} and \param{new-nicknames}. The consequences are undefined if \param{new-name} or any \param{new-nickname} conflicts with any existing package names. \label Examples:: \code (make-package 'temporary :nicknames '("TEMP")) \EV # (rename-package 'temp 'ephemeral) \EV # (package-nicknames (find-package 'ephemeral)) \EV () (find-package 'temporary) \EV NIL (rename-package 'ephemeral 'temporary '(temp fleeting)) \EV # (package-nicknames (find-package 'temp)) \EV ("TEMP" "FLEETING") \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{make-package} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== SHADOW \begincom{shadow}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues shadow {symbol-names {\opt} package} {\t} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT:WORKS} \param{symbol-names}---a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{\symbolnamedesignators}. \endissue{SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT:WORKS} \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \label Description:: \funref{shadow} assures that \term{symbols} with names given by \param{symbol-names} are \term{present} %as \term{internal symbols} of in the \param{package}. %% 11.2.0 34 Specifically, \param{package} is searched for \term{symbols} with the \term{names} supplied by \param{symbol-names}. \issue{SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT:WORKS} For each such \term{name}, if a corresponding \term{symbol} % oops! --sjl 7 Mar 92 %is \term{present} in \param{package} (directly, not by inheritance), is not \term{present} in \param{package} (directly, not by inheritance), then a corresponding \term{symbol} is created with that \term{name}, and inserted into \param{package} as an \term{internal symbol}. The corresponding \term{symbol}, whether pre-existing or newly created, is then added, if not already present, to the \term{shadowing symbols list} of \param{package}. \endissue{SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT:WORKS} \label Examples:: \code (package-shadowing-symbols (make-package 'temp)) \EV NIL (find-symbol 'car 'temp) \EV CAR, :INHERITED (shadow 'car 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol 'car 'temp) \EV TEMP::CAR, :INTERNAL (package-shadowing-symbols 'temp) \EV (TEMP::CAR) \endcode %!!! What is this "should not error" biz, and what does USE-PACKAGE return...? \issue{SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT} \code (make-package 'test-1) \EV # (intern "TEST" (find-package 'test-1)) \EV TEST-1::TEST, NIL (shadow 'test-1::test (find-package 'test-1)) \EV T (shadow 'TEST (find-package 'test-1)) \EV T (assert (not (null (member 'test-1::test (package-shadowing-symbols (find-package 'test-1)))))) (make-package 'test-2) \EV # (intern "TEST" (find-package 'test-2)) \EV TEST-2::TEST, NIL (export 'test-2::test (find-package 'test-2)) \EV T (use-package 'test-2 (find-package 'test-1)) ;should not error \endcode \endissue{SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT} \label Side Effects:: %% 11.2.0 35 \funref{shadow} changes the state of the package system in such a way that the package consistency rules do not hold across the change. \label Affected By:: Current state of the package system. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{package-shadowing-symbols}, %% ?? Ref ?? -kmp 22-Oct-91 %``Character Reader'', {\secref\PackageConcepts} \label Notes:: %% 11.0.0 52 % \funref{shadow} does name-conflict checking to the extent that it % checks whether a distinct existing \term{symbol} with the same name % as one of \param{symbol-names} is \term{accessible} and, if so, whether % it is directly \term{present} in \param{package} or inherited. In the % latter case, a new \term{symbol} is created to shadow it. If a \term{symbol} with a name in \param{symbol-names} already exists in \param{package}, but by inheritance, the inherited symbol becomes \term{shadowed}\meaning{3} by a newly created \term{internal symbol}. \endcom %%% ========== SHADOWING-IMPORT \begincom{shadowing-import}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues shadowing-import {symbols {\opt} package} {\t} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{symbols}---a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{symbols}. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package} ---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 32 \funref{shadowing-import} is like \funref{import}, but it does not signal an error even if the importation of a \term{symbol} would shadow some \term{symbol} already \term{accessible} in \param{package}. %% 11.0.0 38 \funref{shadowing-import} inserts each of \param{symbols} into \param{package} as an internal symbol, regardless of whether another \term{symbol} of the same name is shadowed by this action. If a different \term{symbol} of the same name is already \term{present} in \param{package}, that \term{symbol} is first \term{uninterned} from \param{package}. The new \term{symbol} is added to \param{package}'s shadowing-symbols list. %% 11.0.0 52 \funref{shadowing-import} does name-conflict checking to the extent that it checks whether a distinct existing \term{symbol} with the same name is \term{accessible}; if so, it is shadowed by the new \term{symbol}, which implies that it must be uninterned if it was %directly \term{present} in \param{package}. \label Examples:: \code (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # (setq sym (intern "CONFLICT")) \EV CONFLICT (intern "CONFLICT" (make-package 'temp)) \EV TEMP::CONFLICT, NIL (package-shadowing-symbols 'temp) \EV NIL (shadowing-import sym 'temp) \EV T (package-shadowing-symbols 'temp) \EV (CONFLICT) \endcode \label Side Effects:: %% 11.2.0 33 \funref{shadowing-import} changes the state of the package system in such a way that the consistency rules do not hold across the change. \param{package}'s shadowing-symbols list is modified. \label Affected By:: Current state of the package system. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{import}, \funref{unintern}, \funref{package-shadowing-symbols} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== DELETE-PACKAGE \begincom{delete-package}\ftype{Function} \issue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues delete-package {package} {generalized-boolean} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{generalized-boolean}---a \term{generalized boolean}. \label Description:: \funref{delete-package} deletes \param{package} from all package system data structures. %% KC addition If the operation is successful, \funref{delete-package} returns true, otherwise \nil. %% end KC addition The effect of \funref{delete-package} is that the name and nicknames of \param{package} cease to be recognized package names. The package \term{object} is still a \term{package} (\ie \funref{packagep} is \term{true} of it) but \funref{package-name} returns \nil. %% KC addition The consequences of deleting \thepackage{common-lisp} or \thepackage{keyword} are undefined. %% end KC addition The consequences of invoking any other package operation on \param{package} once it has been deleted are unspecified. In particular, the consequences of invoking \funref{find-symbol}, \funref{intern} and other functions that look for a symbol name in a \term{package} are unspecified if they are called with \varref{*package*} bound to the deleted \param{package} or with the deleted \param{package} as an argument. If \param{package} is a \term{package} \term{object} that has already been deleted, \funref{delete-package} immediately returns \nil. After this operation completes, the %contents of the \funref{symbol-package} slot \term{home package} of any \term{symbol} whose \term{home package} %is had previously been \param{package} %are is %unspecified \term{implementation-dependent}. Except for this, \term{symbols} \term{accessible} in \param{package} are not modified in any other way; \term{symbols} whose \term{home package} is not \param{package} remain unchanged. \label Examples:: \code (setq *foo-package* (make-package "FOO" :use nil)) (setq *foo-symbol* (intern "FOO" *foo-package*)) (export *foo-symbol* *foo-package*) (setq *bar-package* (make-package "BAR" :use '("FOO"))) (setq *bar-symbol* (intern "BAR" *bar-package*)) (export *foo-symbol* *bar-package*) (export *bar-symbol* *bar-package*) (setq *baz-package* (make-package "BAZ" :use '("BAR"))) (symbol-package *foo-symbol*) \EV # (symbol-package *bar-symbol*) \EV # (prin1-to-string *foo-symbol*) \EV "FOO:FOO" (prin1-to-string *bar-symbol*) \EV "BAR:BAR" (find-symbol "FOO" *bar-package*) \EV FOO:FOO, :EXTERNAL (find-symbol "FOO" *baz-package*) \EV FOO:FOO, :INHERITED (find-symbol "BAR" *baz-package*) \EV BAR:BAR, :INHERITED (packagep *foo-package*) \EV \term{true} (packagep *bar-package*) \EV \term{true} (packagep *baz-package*) \EV \term{true} (package-name *foo-package*) \EV "FOO" (package-name *bar-package*) \EV "BAR" (package-name *baz-package*) \EV "BAZ" (package-use-list *foo-package*) \EV () (package-use-list *bar-package*) \EV (#) (package-use-list *baz-package*) \EV (#) (package-used-by-list *foo-package*) \EV (#) (package-used-by-list *bar-package*) \EV (#) (package-used-by-list *baz-package*) \EV () (delete-package *bar-package*) \OUT Error: Package BAZ uses package BAR. \OUT If continued, BAZ will be made to unuse-package BAR, \OUT and then BAR will be deleted. \OUT Type :CONTINUE to continue. \OUT Debug> \IN{:CONTINUE} \EV T (symbol-package *foo-symbol*) \EV # (symbol-package *bar-symbol*) is unspecified (prin1-to-string *foo-symbol*) \EV "FOO:FOO" (prin1-to-string *bar-symbol*) is unspecified (find-symbol "FOO" *bar-package*) is unspecified (find-symbol "FOO" *baz-package*) \EV NIL, NIL (find-symbol "BAR" *baz-package*) \EV NIL, NIL (packagep *foo-package*) \EV T (packagep *bar-package*) \EV T (packagep *baz-package*) \EV T (package-name *foo-package*) \EV "FOO" (package-name *bar-package*) \EV NIL (package-name *baz-package*) \EV "BAZ" (package-use-list *foo-package*) \EV () (package-use-list *bar-package*) is unspecified (package-use-list *baz-package*) \EV () (package-used-by-list *foo-package*) \EV () (package-used-by-list *bar-package*) is unspecified (package-used-by-list *baz-package*) \EV () \endcode \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: If the \param{package} \term{designator} is a \term{name} that does not currently name a \term{package}, a \term{correctable} error \oftype{package-error} is signaled. If correction is attempted, no deletion action is attempted; instead, \funref{delete-package} immediately returns \nil. If \param{package} is used by other \term{packages}, a \term{correctable} error \oftype{package-error} is signaled. If correction is attempted, \funref{unuse-package} is effectively called to remove any dependencies, causing \param{package}'s \term{external symbols} to cease being \term{accessible} to those \term{packages} that use \param{package}. \funref{delete-package} then deletes \param{package} just as it would have had there been no \term{packages} that used it. \label See Also:: \funref{unuse-package} %% Per X3J13. -kmp 05-Oct-93 \label Notes:\None. \endissue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} \endcom %%% ========== MAKE-PACKAGE \begincom{make-package}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues make-package {package-name {\key} nicknames use} {package} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{package-name}---a \term{\packagenamedesignator}. \param{nicknames}---a \term{list} of \term{\packagenamedesignators}. \Default{the \term{empty list}} \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} %% 11.2.0 9 \param{use}---% %a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{package designators}. \issue{MAKE-PACKAGE-USE-DEFAULT:IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT} \Default{\term{implementation-defined}} \endissue{MAKE-PACKAGE-USE-DEFAULT:IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT} \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package}. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 8 Creates a new \term{package} with the name \param{package-name}. \param{Nicknames} are additional \term{names} which may be used to refer to the new \term{package}. \param{use} specifies zero or more \term{packages} the \term{external symbols} of which are to be inherited by the new \term{package}. \Seefun{use-package}. \label Examples:: \code (make-package 'temporary :nicknames '("TEMP" "temp")) \EV # (make-package "OWNER" :use '("temp")) \EV # (package-used-by-list 'temp) \EV (#) (package-use-list 'owner) \EV (#) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:: The existence of other \term{packages} in the system. \label Exceptional Situations:: The consequences are unspecified if \term{packages} denoted by \param{use} do not exist. A \term{correctable} error is signaled if the \param{package-name} or any of the \param{nicknames} is already the \term{name} or \term{nickname} of an existing \term{package}. \label See Also:: \macref{defpackage}, \funref{use-package} \label Notes:: In situations where the \term{packages} to be used contain symbols which would conflict, it is necessary to first create the package with \f{:use '()}, then to use \funref{shadow} or \funref{shadowing-import} to address the conflicts, and then after that to use \funref{use-package} once the conflicts have been addressed. When packages are being created as part of the static definition of a program rather than dynamically by the program, it is generally considered more stylistically appropriate to use \macref{defpackage} rather than \funref{make-package}. \endcom %%% ========== WITH-PACKAGE-ITERATOR \begincom{with-package-iterator}\ftype{Macro} \issue{DECLS-AND-DOC} \issue{HASH-TABLE-PACKAGE-GENERATORS:ADD-WITH-WRAPPER} \label Syntax:: \DefmacWithValuesNewline with-package-iterator {\paren{name package-list-form {\rest} {symbol-types}} \starparam{declaration} \starparam{form}} {\starparam{result}} \label Arguments and Values:: % ughh. -sjl 7 Mar 92 %\param{name}---a name suitable for the first argument to \specref{macrolet}. \param{name}---a \term{symbol}. \param{package-list-form}---a \term{form}; evaluated once to produce a \param{package-list}. \param{package-list}---a \term{designator} for a list of \term{package designators}. \param{symbol-type}---one of the \term{symbols} \kwd{internal}, \kwd{external}, or \kwd{inherited}. \param{declaration}---a \misc{declare} \term{expression}; \noeval. \param{forms}---an \term{implicit progn}. \param{results}---the \term{values} of the \param{forms}. \label Description:: Within the lexical scope of the body \param{forms}, the \param{name} is defined via \specref{macrolet} such that successive invocations of {\tt (\param{name})} will return the \term{symbols}, one by one, from the \term{packages} in \param{package-list}. It is unspecified whether \term{symbols} inherited from multiple \term{packages} are returned more than once. The order of \term{symbols} returned does not necessarily reflect the order of \term{packages} in \param{package-list}. When \param{package-list} has more than one element, it is unspecified whether duplicate \term{symbols} are returned once or more than once. \param{Symbol-types} controls which \term{symbols} that are \term{accessible} in a \term{package} are returned as follows: \beginlist \itemitem{\kwd{internal}} The \term{symbols} that are \term{present} in the \term{package}, but that are not \term{exported}. \itemitem{\kwd{external}} The \term{symbols} that are \term{present} in the \term{package} and are \term{exported}. \itemitem{\kwd{inherited}} The \term{symbols} that are \term{exported} by used \term{packages} and that are not \term{shadowed}. \endlist When more than one argument is supplied for \param{symbol-types}, a \term{symbol} is returned if its \term{accessibility} matches any one of the \param{symbol-types} supplied. Implementations may extend this syntax by recognizing additional symbol accessibility types. An invocation of {\tt (\param{name})} returns four values as follows: \beginlist \itemitem{1.} A flag that indicates whether a \term{symbol} is returned (true means that a \term{symbol} is returned). \itemitem{2.} A \term{symbol} that is \term{accessible} in one the indicated \term{packages}. \itemitem{3.} The accessibility type for that \term{symbol}; \ie one of the symbols \kwd{internal}, \kwd{external}, or \kwd{inherited}. \itemitem{4.} The \term{package} from which the \term{symbol} was obtained. The \term{package} is one of the \term{packages} present or named in \param{package-list}. \endlist After all \term{symbols} have been returned by successive invocations of {\tt (\param{name})}, then only one value is returned, namely \nil. The meaning of the second, third, and fourth \term{values} is that the returned \term{symbol} is \term{accessible} in the returned \term{package} in the way indicated by the second return value as follows: \beginlist \itemitem{\kwd{internal}} Means \term{present} and not \term{exported}. \itemitem{\kwd{external}} Means \term{present} and \term{exported}. \itemitem{\kwd{inherited}} Means not \term{present} (thus not \term{shadowed}) but inherited from some used \term{package}. \endlist It is unspecified what happens if any of the implicit interior state of an iteration is returned outside the dynamic extent of the \macref{with-package-iterator} form such as by returning some \term{closure} over the invocation \term{form}. Any number of invocations of \macref{with-package-iterator} can be nested, and the body of the innermost one can invoke all of the locally \term{established} \term{macros}, provided all those \term{macros} have distinct names. \label Examples:: The following function should return \t\ on any \term{package}, and signal an error if the usage of \macref{with-package-iterator} does not agree with the corresponding usage of \macref{do-symbols}. \code (defun test-package-iterator (package) (unless (packagep package) (setq package (find-package package))) (let ((all-entries '()) (generated-entries '())) (do-symbols (x package) (multiple-value-bind (symbol accessibility) (find-symbol (symbol-name x) package) (push (list symbol accessibility) all-entries))) (with-package-iterator (generator-fn package :internal :external :inherited) (loop (multiple-value-bind (more? symbol accessibility pkg) (generator-fn) (unless more? (return)) (let ((l (multiple-value-list (find-symbol (symbol-name symbol) package)))) (unless (equal l (list symbol accessibility)) (error "Symbol ~S not found as ~S in package ~A [~S]" symbol accessibility (package-name package) l)) (push l generated-entries))))) (unless (and (subsetp all-entries generated-entries :test #'equal) (subsetp generated-entries all-entries :test #'equal)) (error "Generated entries and Do-Symbols entries don't correspond")) t)) \endcode The following function prints out every \term{present} \term{symbol} (possibly more than once): \code (defun print-all-symbols () (with-package-iterator (next-symbol (list-all-packages) :internal :external) (loop (multiple-value-bind (more? symbol) (next-symbol) (if more? (print symbol) (return)))))) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: \macref{with-package-iterator} signals an error \oftype{program-error} if no \param{symbol-types} are supplied or if a \param{symbol-type} is not recognized by the implementation is supplied. The consequences are undefined if the local function named \param{name} \term{established} by \macref{with-package-iterator} is called after it has returned \term{false} as its \term{primary value}. \label See Also:: \issue{MAPPING-DESTRUCTIVE-INTERACTION:EXPLICITLY-VAGUE} {\secref\TraversalRules} \endissue{MAPPING-DESTRUCTIVE-INTERACTION:EXPLICITLY-VAGUE} \label Notes:\None. \endissue{HASH-TABLE-PACKAGE-GENERATORS:ADD-WITH-WRAPPER} \endissue{DECLS-AND-DOC} \endcom %%% ========== UNEXPORT \begincom{unexport}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues unexport {symbols {\opt} package} {\t} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{symbols}---a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{symbols}. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 30 \funref{unexport} reverts external \param{symbols} in \param{package} to internal status; it undoes the effect of \funref{export}. %% 11.0.0 45 %!!! Can this really be true? -kmp 25-Apr-91 \funref{unexport} works only on \term{symbols} %directly \term{present} in \param{package}, switching them back to internal status. If \funref{unexport} is given a \term{symbol} that is already \term{accessible} as an \term{internal symbol} in \param{package}, it does nothing. \label Examples:: \code (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # (export (intern "CONTRABAND" (make-package 'temp)) 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "CONTRABAND") \EV NIL, NIL (use-package 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "CONTRABAND") \EV CONTRABAND, :INHERITED (unexport 'contraband 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "CONTRABAND") \EV NIL, NIL \endcode \label Side Effects:: Package system is modified. \label Affected By:: Current state of the package system. \label Exceptional Situations:: If \funref{unexport} is given a \term{symbol} not \term{accessible} in \param{package} at all, an error \oftype{package-error} is signaled. The consequences are undefined if \param{package} is \thepackage{keyword} %added for Sandra: or \thepackage{common-lisp}. \label See Also:: \funref{export}, {\secref\PackageConcepts} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== UNINTERN \begincom{unintern}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues unintern {symbol {\opt} package} {generalized-boolean} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{symbol}---a \term{symbol}. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \param{generalized-boolean}---a \term{generalized boolean}. \label Description:: \funref{unintern} removes \param{symbol} from \param{package}. %% 11.2.0 25 If \param{symbol} is \term{present} in \param{package}, it is removed from \param{package} and also from \param{package}'s \term{shadowing symbols list} if it is present there. If \param{package} is the \term{home package} for \param{symbol}, \param{symbol} is made to have no \term{home package}. \param{Symbol} may continue to be \term{accessible} in \param{package} by inheritance. Use of \funref{unintern} can result in a \term{symbol} that has no recorded \term{home package}, but that in fact is \term{accessible} in some \term{package}. \clisp\ does not check for this pathological case, and such \term{symbols} are always printed preceded by \f{\#:}. \funref{unintern} returns \term{true} if it removes \param{symbol}, and \nil\ otherwise. \label Examples:: \code (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # (setq temps-unpack (intern "UNPACK" (make-package 'temp))) \EV TEMP::UNPACK (unintern temps-unpack 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "UNPACK" 'temp) \EV NIL, NIL temps-unpack \EV #:UNPACK \endcode \label Side Effects:: %% 11.2.0 26 \funref{unintern} changes the state of the package system in such a way that the consistency rules do not hold across the change. \label Affected By:: Current state of the package system. \label Exceptional Situations:: %% 11.0.0 54 Giving a shadowing symbol to \funref{unintern} can uncover a name conflict that had previously been resolved by the shadowing. If package A uses packages B and C, A contains a shadowing symbol \f{x}, and B and C each contain external symbols named \f{x}, then removing the shadowing symbol \f{x} from A will reveal a name conflict between \f{b:x} and \f{c:x} if those two \term{symbols} are distinct. In this case \funref{unintern} will signal an error. %!!! Barmar: Of type?? \label See Also:: {\secref\PackageConcepts} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== IN-PACKAGE \begincom{in-package}\ftype{Macro} \issue{IN-PACKAGE-FUNCTIONALITY:MAR89-X3J13} \label Syntax:: \DefmacWithValues in-package {name} {package} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{name}---a \term{\packagenamedesignator}; \noeval. \param{package}---the \term{package} named by \param{name}. \label Description:: %%% 11.2.0 10 %%% 11.2.0 11 %%% Issue MAKE-PACKAGE-USE-DEFAULT IN-PACKAGE-FUNCTIONALITY:MAR89-X3J13. Causes the the \term{package} named by \param{name} to become the \term{current package}---that is, \thevalueof{*package*}. If no such \term{package} already exists, an error \oftype{package-error} is signaled. Everything \macref{in-package} does is also performed at compile time if the call appears as a \term{top level form}. \label Examples:\None. %Old examples removed as irrelevant. %Need to come up with something new. -kmp 25-Apr-91 \label Side Effects:: \Thevariable{*package*} is assigned. If the \macref{in-package} \term{form} is a \term{top level form}, this assignment also occurs at compile time. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: An error \oftype{package-error} is signaled if the specified \term{package} does not exist. \label See Also:: \varref{*package*} %% Per X3J13. -kmp 05-Oct-93 \label Notes:\None. \endissue{IN-PACKAGE-FUNCTIONALITY:MAR89-X3J13} \endcom %%% ========== UNUSE-PACKAGE \begincom{unuse-package}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues unuse-package {packages-to-unuse {\opt} package} {\t} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{packages-to-unuse}---a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{package designators}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} % Issue PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY is silent on whether a "package designator" % is really the right thing here, but KAB, Sandra, and KMP agree that this is what % was probably intended. \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \Default{the \term{current package}} \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 37 \funref{unuse-package} causes \param{package} to cease inheriting all the \term{external symbols} of \param{packages-to-unuse}; \funref{unuse-package} undoes the effects of \funref{use-package}. The \param{packages-to-unuse} are removed from the \term{use list} of \param{package}. %% Sandra: Redundant. % The \term{external symbols} of the \param{packages-to-unuse} are no longer inherited. % However, Any \term{symbols} that have been \term{imported} into \param{package} continue to be \term{present} in \param{package}. \label Examples:: \code (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # (export (intern "SHOES" (make-package 'temp)) 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "SHOES") \EV NIL, NIL (use-package 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "SHOES") \EV SHOES, :INHERITED (find (find-package 'temp) (package-use-list 'common-lisp-user)) \EV # (unuse-package 'temp) \EV T (find-symbol "SHOES") \EV NIL, NIL \endcode \label Side Effects:: The \term{use list} of \param{package} is modified. \label Affected By:: Current state of the package system. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{use-package}, \funref{package-use-list} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== USE-PACKAGE \begincom{use-package}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues use-package {packages-to-use {\opt} package} {\t} \label Arguments and Values:: %% 11.0.0 27 \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{packages-to-use}---a \term{designator} for a \term{list} of \term{package designators}. \Thepackage{keyword} may not be supplied. % Issue PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY is silent on whether a "package designator" % is really the right thing here, but KAB, Sandra, and KMP agree that this is what % was probably intended. \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \Thepackage{keyword} cannot be supplied. \Default{the \term{current package}} \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \label Description:: \funref{use-package} causes \param{package} to inherit all the \term{external symbols} of \param{packages-to-use}. The inherited \term{symbols} become \term{accessible} as \term{internal symbols} of \param{package}. %% 11.2.0 36 \param{Packages-to-use} are added to the \term{use list} of \param{package} if they are not there already. All \term{external symbols} in \param{packages-to-use} become \term{accessible} in \param{package} as \term{internal symbols}. %% 11.0.0 50 %% Sandra thinks this follows form what it is to be accessible as internal symbols. % The new \term{symbols} can be referred to without a \term{package prefix} % while \param{package} is current, but they are not passed along to any % other \term{package} that uses \param{package}. \funref{use-package} does not cause any new \term{symbols} to be \term{present} in \param{package} but only makes them \term{accessible} by inheritance. %% 11.0.0 39 \funref{use-package} checks for name conflicts between the newly imported symbols and those already \term{accessible} in \param{package}. %% 11.0.0 58 A name conflict in \funref{use-package} between two external symbols inherited by \param{package} from \param{packages-to-use} may be resolved in favor of either \term{symbol} by \term{importing} one of them into \param{package} and making it a shadowing symbol. \label Examples:: \code (export (intern "LAND-FILL" (make-package 'trash)) 'trash) \EV T (find-symbol "LAND-FILL" (make-package 'temp)) \EV NIL, NIL (package-use-list 'temp) \EV (#) (use-package 'trash 'temp) \EV T (package-use-list 'temp) \EV (# #) (find-symbol "LAND-FILL" 'temp) \EV TRASH:LAND-FILL, :INHERITED \endcode \label Side Effects:: The \term{use list} of \param{package} may be modified. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:\None.%!!! Barmar: What about name conflicts? \label See Also:: \funref{unuse-package}, \funref{package-use-list}, {\secref\PackageConcepts} \label Notes:: It is permissible for a \term{package} $P\sub 1$ to \term{use} a \term{package} $P\sub 2$ even if $P\sub 2$ already uses $P\sub 1$. The using of \term{packages} is not transitive, so no problem results from the apparent circularity. \endcom %%% ========== DEFPACKAGE \begincom{defpackage}\ftype{Macro} \issue{DEFPACKAGE:ADDITION} %!!! Interchange param names "defined-package-name" and "package-name" here. \label Syntax:: \DefmacWithValues defpackage {defined-package-name \interleave{\down{option}}} {package} \issue{DOCUMENTATION-FUNCTION-BUGS:FIX} % All options except :size can appear more than once. \auxbnf{option}{\starparen{\kwd{nicknames} \starparam{nickname}} | \CR \paren{\kwd{documentation} \i{string}} | \CR \starparen{\kwd{use} \starparam{package-name}} | \CR \starparen{\kwd{shadow} \stardown{symbol-name}} | \CR \starparen{\kwd{shadowing-import-from} \param{package-name} \stardown{symbol-name}} | \CR \starparen{\kwd{import-from} \param{package-name} \stardown{symbol-name}} | \CR \starparen{\kwd{export} \stardown{symbol-name}} | \CR \starparen{\kwd{intern} \stardown{symbol-name}} | \CR \paren{\kwd{size} \term{integer}}} \auxbnf{symbol-name}{(\term{symbol} | \term{string})} \endissue{DOCUMENTATION-FUNCTION-BUGS:FIX} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{defined-package-name}---a \term{\packagenamedesignator}. %!!!! Sandra wonders if this shouldn't be renamed to just "package". % But be sure to see the argument named "package" below. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package-name}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{nickname}---a \term{\packagenamedesignator}. \param{symbol-name}---a \term{\symbolnamedesignator}. \param{package}---the \term{package} named \param{package-name}. \label Description:: \macref{defpackage} creates a \term{package} as specified and returns the \term{package}. If \param{defined-package-name} already refers to an existing \term{package}, the name-to-package mapping for that name is not changed. If the new definition is at variance with the current state of that \term{package}, the consequences are undefined; an implementation might choose to modify the existing \term{package} to reflect the new definition. If \param{defined-package-name} is a \term{symbol}, its \term{name} is used. The standard \i{options} are described below. %% Sandra: Implied by package designator above. % In the following % descriptions, \param{package-name} is a \term{package}, % a \term{string} or a \term{symbol} (whose \term{name} is used) % that names a \term{package}. \beginlist \itemitem{\kwd{nicknames}} The arguments to \kwd{nicknames} set the \term{package}'s nicknames to the supplied names. %% Sandra: Implied by {\symbolnamedesignator}. % If \param{nicknames} are \term{symbols}, their \term{names} % are used. \issue{DOCUMENTATION-FUNCTION-BUGS:FIX} \itemitem{\kwd{documentation}} The argument to \kwd{documentation} specifies a \term{documentation string}; it is attached as a \term{documentation string} to the \term{package}. At most one \kwd{documentation} option can appear in a single \macref{defpackage} \term{form}. \endissue{DOCUMENTATION-FUNCTION-BUGS:FIX} \itemitem{\kwd{use}} The arguments to \kwd{use} set the \term{packages} that the \term{package} named by \param{package-name} will inherit from. If \kwd{use} is not supplied, \issue{MAKE-PACKAGE-USE-DEFAULT:IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT} % its value is \term{implementation-dependent}, and must be the same as that % for \funref{make-package}. %% Rewritten for Sandra: it defaults to the same \term{implementation-dependent} value as \thekeyarg{use} to \funref{make-package}. \endissue{MAKE-PACKAGE-USE-DEFAULT:IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT} %\thepackage{common-lisp} only is inherited. \itemitem{\kwd{shadow}} The arguments to \kwd{shadow}, \param{symbol-names}, name \term{symbols} that are to be created in the \term{package} being defined. These \term{symbols} are added to the list of shadowing \term{symbols} effectively as if by \funref{shadow}. \itemitem{\kwd{shadowing-import-from}} The \term{symbols} named by the argument \param{symbol-names} are found (involving a lookup as if by \funref{find-symbol}) in the specified \param{package-name}. The resulting \term{symbols} are \term{imported} into the \term{package} being defined, and placed on the shadowing symbols list as if by \funref{shadowing-import}. In no case are \term{symbols} created in any \term{package} other than the one being defined. \itemitem{\kwd{import-from}} The \term{symbols} named by the argument \param{symbol-names} are found in the \term{package} named by \param{package-name} and they are \term{imported} into the \term{package} being defined. In no case are \term{symbols} created in any \term{package} other than the one being defined. \itemitem{\kwd{export}} The \term{symbols} named by the argument \param{symbol-names} are found or created in the \term{package} being defined and \term{exported}. The \kwd{export} option interacts with the \kwd{use} option, since inherited \term{symbols} can be used rather than new ones created. The \kwd{export} option interacts with the \kwd{import-from} and \kwd{shadowing-import-from} options, since \term{imported} symbols can be used rather than new ones created. If an argument to the \kwd{export} option is \term{accessible} as an (inherited) \term{internal symbol} via \funref{use-package}, that the \term{symbol} named by \param{symbol-name} is first \term{imported} into the \term{package} being defined, and is then \term{exported} from that \term{package}. \itemitem{\kwd{intern}} The \term{symbols} named by the argument \param{symbol-names} are found or created in the \term{package} being defined. The \kwd{intern} option interacts with the \kwd{use} option, since inherited \term{symbols} can be used rather than new ones created. \itemitem{\kwd{size}} The argument to the \kwd{size} option declares the approximate number of \term{symbols} expected in the \term{package}. This is an efficiency hint only and might be ignored by an implementation. \endlist The order in which the options appear in a \macref{defpackage} form is irrelevant. The order in which they are executed is as follows: \beginlist \itemitem{1.} \kwd{shadow} and \kwd{shadowing-import-from}. \itemitem{2.} \kwd{use}. \itemitem{3.} \kwd{import-from} and \kwd{intern}. \itemitem{4.} \kwd{export}. \endlist Shadows are established first, since they might be necessary to block spurious name conflicts when the \kwd{use} option is processed. The \kwd{use} option is executed next so that \kwd{intern} and \kwd{export} options can refer to normally inherited \term{symbols}. The \kwd{export} option is executed last so that it can refer to \term{symbols} created by any of the other options; in particular, \term{shadowing symbols} and \term{imported} \term{symbols} can be made external. \issue{COMPILE-FILE-HANDLING-OF-TOP-LEVEL-FORMS:CLARIFY} % added top-level clarification --sjl 7 Mar 92 If a {defpackage} \term{form} appears as a \term{top level form}, all of the actions normally performed by this \term{macro} at load time must also be performed at compile time. \endissue{COMPILE-FILE-HANDLING-OF-TOP-LEVEL-FORMS:CLARIFY} \label Examples:: \code (defpackage "MY-PACKAGE" (:nicknames "MYPKG" "MY-PKG") (:use "COMMON-LISP") (:shadow "CAR" "CDR") (:shadowing-import-from "VENDOR-COMMON-LISP" "CONS") (:import-from "VENDOR-COMMON-LISP" "GC") (:export "EQ" "CONS" "FROBOLA") ) (defpackage my-package (:nicknames mypkg :MY-PKG) ; remember Common Lisp conventions for case (:use common-lisp) ; conversion on symbols (:shadow CAR :cdr #:cons) (:export "CONS") ; this is the shadowed one. ) \endcode \label Affected By:: Existing \term{packages}. \label Exceptional Situations:: If one of the supplied \kwd{nicknames} already refers to an existing \term{package}, an error \oftype{package-error} is signaled. An error \oftype{program-error} should be signaled if \kwd{size} or \kwd{documentation} appears more than once. Since \term{implementations} might allow extended \i{options} an error \oftype{program-error} should be signaled if an \i{option} is present that is not actually supported in the host \term{implementation}. The collection of \param{symbol-name} arguments given to the options \kwd{shadow}, \kwd{intern}, \kwd{import-from}, and \kwd{shadowing-import-from} must all be disjoint; additionally, the \param{symbol-name} arguments given to \kwd{export} and \kwd{intern} must be disjoint. Disjoint in this context is defined as no two of the \param{symbol-names} being \funref{string=} with each other. If either condition is violated, an error \oftype{program-error} should be signaled. For the \kwd{shadowing-import-from} and \kwd{import-from} options, a \term{correctable} \term{error} \oftype{package-error} is signaled if no \term{symbol} is \term{accessible} in the \term{package} named by \param{package-name} for one of the argument \param{symbol-names}. Name conflict errors are handled by the underlying calls to \funref{make-package}, \funref{use-package}, \funref{import}, and \funref{export}. \Seesection\PackageConcepts. \label See Also:: \funref{documentation}, {\secref\PackageConcepts}, {\secref\Compilation} \label Notes:: %\macref{defpackage} does not alter the \term{current package}. %\funref{compile-file} should treat \macref{defpackage} \term{forms} %that are \term{top level forms} in the same way %as it treats the other \term{package}-affecting functions. The \kwd{intern} option is useful if an \kwd{import-from} or a \kwd{shadowing-import-from} option in a subsequent call to \macref{defpackage} (for some other \term{package}) expects to find these \term{symbols} \term{accessible} but not necessarily external. It is recommended that the entire \term{package} definition is put in a single place, and that all the \term{package} definitions of a program are in a single file. This file can be \term{loaded} before \term{loading} or compiling anything else that depends on those \term{packages}. Such a file can be read in \thepackage{common-lisp-user}, avoiding any initial state issues. \macref{defpackage} cannot be used to create two ``mutually recursive'' packages, such as: \code (defpackage my-package (:use common-lisp your-package) ;requires your-package to exist first (:export "MY-FUN")) (defpackage your-package (:use common-lisp) (:import-from my-package "MY-FUN") ;requires my-package to exist first (:export "MY-FUN")) \endcode However, nothing prevents the user from using the \term{package}-affecting functions such as \funref{use-package}, \funref{import}, and \funref{export} to establish such links after a more standard use of \macref{defpackage}. The macroexpansion of \macref{defpackage} could usefully canonicalize the names into \term{strings}, so that even if a source file has random \term{symbols} in the \macref{defpackage} form, the compiled file would only contain \term{strings}. Frequently additional \term{implementation-dependent} options take the form of a \term{keyword} standing by itself as an abbreviation for a list {\tt (keyword T)}; this syntax should be properly reported as an unrecognized option in implementations that do not support it. \endissue{DEFPACKAGE:ADDITION} \endcom %%% ========== DO-ALL-SYMBOLS %%% ========== DO-EXTERNAL-SYMBOLS %%% ========== DO-SYMBOLS \begincom{do-symbols, do-external-symbols, do-all-symbols}\ftype{Macro} \issue{DECLS-AND-DOC} \label Syntax:: \DefmacWithValuesNewline do-symbols {\vtop{\hbox{\paren{var \brac{package \brac{result-form}}}} \hbox{\starparam{declaration} \star{\curly{tag | statement}}}}} {\starparam{result}} \DefmacWithValuesNewline do-external-symbols {\vtop{\hbox{\paren{var \brac{package \brac{result-form}}}} \hbox{\starparam{declaration} \star{\curly{tag | statement}}}}} {\starparam{result}} \DefmacWithValuesNewline do-all-symbols {\vtop{\hbox{\paren{var \brac{result-form}}} \hbox{\starparam{declaration} \star{\curly{tag | statement}}}}} {\starparam{result}} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{var}---a \term{variable} \term{name}; \noeval. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}; \eval. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \DefaultIn{\macref{do-symbols} and \macref{do-external-symbols}}{the \term{current package}} \param{result-form}---a \term{form}; \evalspecial. \Default{\nil} \param{declaration}---a \misc{declare} \term{expression}; \noeval. \param{tag}---a \term{go tag}; \noeval. \param{statement}---a \term{compound form}; \evalspecial. \param{results}---the \term{values} returned by the \param{result-form} if a \term{normal return} occurs, or else, if an \term{explicit return} occurs, the \term{values} that were transferred. \label Description:: \macref{do-symbols}, \macref{do-external-symbols}, and \macref{do-all-symbols} iterate over the \term{symbols} of \term{packages}. For each \term{symbol} in the set of \term{packages} chosen, the \param{var} is bound to the \term{symbol}, and the \param{statements} in the body are executed. When all the \term{symbols} have been processed, \param{result-form} is evaluated and returned as the value of the macro. %!!! Barmar: Is there a different lexical environment for each symbol?? %% 11.2.0 39 \macref{do-symbols} iterates over the \term{symbols} \term{accessible} in \param{package}. \issue{DO-SYMBOLS-DUPLICATES} \param{Statements} may execute more than once for \term{symbols} that are inherited from multiple \term{packages}. \endissue{DO-SYMBOLS-DUPLICATES} %% 11.2.0 41 \macref{do-all-symbols} iterates on every \term{registered package}. \macref{do-all-symbols} will not process every \term{symbol} whatsoever, because a \term{symbol} not \term{accessible} in any \term{registered package} will not be processed. \macref{do-all-symbols} may cause a \term{symbol} that is \term{present} in several \term{packages} to be processed more than once. %% 11.2.0 40 \macref{do-external-symbols} iterates on the external symbols of \param{package}. When \param{result-form} is evaluated, \param{var} is bound and has the value \nil. \issue{DO-SYMBOLS-BLOCK-SCOPE:ENTIRE-FORM} An \term{implicit block} named \nil\ surrounds the entire \macref{do-symbols}, \macref{do-external-symbols}, or \macref{do-all-symbols} \term{form}. \endissue{DO-SYMBOLS-BLOCK-SCOPE:ENTIRE-FORM} \macref{return} or \specref{return-from} may be used to terminate the iteration prematurely. If execution of the body affects which \term{symbols} are contained in the set of \term{packages} over which iteration is occurring, other than to remove the \term{symbol} currently the value of \param{var} by using \funref{unintern}, the consequences are undefined. For each of these macros, the \term{scope} of the name binding does not include any initial value form, but the optional result forms are included. %Better than nothing for now, I guess. -kmp 14-Feb-92 Any \param{tag} in the body is treated as with \specref{tagbody}. \label Examples:: \code (make-package 'temp :use nil) \EV # (intern "SHY" 'temp) \EV TEMP::SHY, NIL ;SHY will be an internal symbol ;in the package TEMP (export (intern "BOLD" 'temp) 'temp) \EV T ;BOLD will be external (let ((lst ())) (do-symbols (s (find-package 'temp)) (push s lst)) lst) \EV (TEMP::SHY TEMP:BOLD) \OV (TEMP:BOLD TEMP::SHY) (let ((lst ())) (do-external-symbols (s (find-package 'temp) lst) (push s lst)) lst) \EV (TEMP:BOLD) (let ((lst ())) (do-all-symbols (s lst) (when (eq (find-package 'temp) (symbol-package s)) (push s lst))) lst) \EV (TEMP::SHY TEMP:BOLD) \OV (TEMP:BOLD TEMP::SHY) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{intern}, \funref{export}, \issue{MAPPING-DESTRUCTIVE-INTERACTION:EXPLICITLY-VAGUE} {\secref\TraversalRules} \endissue{MAPPING-DESTRUCTIVE-INTERACTION:EXPLICITLY-VAGUE} \label Notes:\None. \endissue{DECLS-AND-DOC} \endcom %%% ========== INTERN \begincom{intern}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues intern {string {\opt} package} {symbol, status} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{string}---a \term{string}. \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \Default{the \term{current package}} \param{symbol}---a \term{symbol}. \param{status}---one of \kwd{inherited}, \kwd{external}, \kwd{internal}, or \nil. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 20 \funref{intern} enters a \term{symbol} named \param{string} into \param{package}. If a \term{symbol} whose name is the same as \param{string} is already \term{accessible} in \param{package}, it is returned. If no such \term{symbol} is \term{accessible} in \param{package}, a new \term{symbol} with the given name is created and entered into \param{package} as an \term{internal symbol}, or as an \term{external symbol} if the \param{package} is \thepackage{keyword}; \param{package} becomes the \term{home package} of the created \term{symbol}. %% 11.2.0 21 %% 11.2.0 22 The first value returned by \funref{intern}, \param{symbol}, is the \term{symbol} that was found or created. %% Sandra thinks, and I agree, that this is confused and doesn't belong here. -kmp 14-Feb-92 % \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} % It is \term{implementation-dependent} % %but consistent with \funref{read}, % which \term{implementation-defined} \term{attributes} are removed. % \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} The meaning of the \term{secondary value}, \param{status}, is as follows: \beginlist \itemitem{\kwd{internal}} The \term{symbol} was found and is %directly \term{present} in \param{package} as an \term{internal symbol}. \itemitem{\kwd{external}} The \term{symbol} was found and is %directly \term{present} as an \term{external symbol}. \itemitem{\kwd{inherited}} The \term{symbol} was found and is inherited via \funref{use-package} (which implies that the \term{symbol} is internal). \itemitem{\nil} No pre-existing \term{symbol} was found, so one was created. %% 10.3.0 6 %% On Sandra's advice, I stole this paragraph from MAKE-SYMBOL with mods to make %% it fit better here. -kmp 14-Feb-92 It is \term{implementation-dependent} whether the \term{string} that becomes the new \term{symbol}'s \term{name} is the given \param{string} or a copy of it. Once a \term{string} has been given as the \param{string} \term{argument} to \term{intern} in this situation where a new \term{symbol} is created, the consequences are undefined if a subsequent attempt is made to alter that \term{string}. \endlist \label Examples:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \code (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # (intern "Never-Before") \EV |Never-Before|, NIL (intern "Never-Before") \EV |Never-Before|, :INTERNAL (intern "NEVER-BEFORE" "KEYWORD") \EV :NEVER-BEFORE, NIL (intern "NEVER-BEFORE" "KEYWORD") \EV :NEVER-BEFORE, :EXTERNAL \endcode \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \funref{find-symbol}, \funref{read}, \typeref{symbol}, \funref{unintern}, {\secref\SymbolTokens} \label Notes:: %% 11.0.0 51 \funref{intern} does not need to do any name conflict checking because it never creates a new \term{symbol} if there is already an \term{accessible} \term{symbol} with the name given. \endcom %%% ========== PACKAGE-NAME \begincom{package-name}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues package-name {package} {name} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{name}---a \term{string} \issue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} or \nil. \endissue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 13 \funref{package-name} returns the \term{string} that names \param{package}, \issue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} or \nil\ if the \param{package} \term{designator} is a \term{package} \term{object} that has no name (\seefun{delete-package}). \endissue{PACKAGE-DELETION:NEW-FUNCTION} \label Examples:: \code (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # (package-name *package*) \EV "COMMON-LISP-USER" (package-name (symbol-package :test)) \EV "KEYWORD" (package-name (find-package 'common-lisp)) \EV "COMMON-LISP" \endcode \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \code (defvar *foo-package* (make-package "FOO")) (rename-package "FOO" "FOO0") (package-name *foo-package*) \EV "FOO0" \endcode \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: \Shouldchecktype{package}{a \term{package designator}} \label See Also:\None. \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== PACKAGE-NICKNAMES \begincom{package-nicknames}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues package-nicknames {package} {nicknames} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{nicknames}---a \term{list} of \term{strings}. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 14 Returns the \term{list} of nickname \term{strings} for \param{package}, not including the name of \param{package}. %!!! Can it be "a" list instead of "the" list? Must it be cached? -kmp 25-Apr-91 \label Examples:: \code (package-nicknames (make-package 'temporary :nicknames '("TEMP" "temp"))) \EV ("temp" "TEMP") \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: \Shouldchecktype{package}{a \term{package designator}} \label See Also:\None. \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== PACKAGE-SHADOWING-SYMBOLS \begincom{package-shadowing-symbols}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues package-shadowing-symbols {package} {symbols} \label Arguments and Values:: % Issue PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY is silent on whether a "package designator" % is really the right thing here, but KAB, Sandra, and KMP agree that this is what % was probably intended. \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \param{symbols}---a \term{list} of \term{symbols}. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 18 %% Sandra: Must this list be freshly consed? %Creates Returns a \term{list} of \term{symbols} that have been declared as \term{shadowing symbols} in \param{package} by \funref{shadow} or \funref{shadowing-import} (or the equivalent \macref{defpackage} options). All \term{symbols} on this \term{list} are \term{present} in \param{package}. \label Examples:: \code (package-shadowing-symbols (make-package 'temp)) \EV () (shadow 'cdr 'temp) \EV T (package-shadowing-symbols 'temp) \EV (TEMP::CDR) (intern "PILL" 'temp) \EV TEMP::PILL, NIL (shadowing-import 'pill 'temp) \EV T (package-shadowing-symbols 'temp) \EV (PILL TEMP::CDR) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: \Shouldchecktype{package}{a \term{package designator}} \label See Also:: \funref{shadow}, \funref{shadowing-import} \label Notes:: %Is the list fresh every time, or can it be cached? -kmp 25-Apr-91 %Sandra thinks it might be, so I added this not. -kmp 13-Feb-92 Whether the list of \param{symbols} is \term{fresh} is \term{implementation-dependent}. \endcom %%% ========== PACKAGE-USE-LIST \begincom{package-use-list}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues package-use-list {package} {use-list} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{use-list}---a \term{list} of \term{package} \term{objects}. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 16 %!!! Is the word "other" really needed here? -kmp 25-Apr-91 Returns a \term{list} of other \term{packages} used by \param{package}. \label Examples:: \code (package-use-list (make-package 'temp)) \EV (#) (use-package 'common-lisp-user 'temp) \EV T (package-use-list 'temp) \EV (# #) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: \Shouldchecktype{package}{a \term{package designator}} \label See Also:: \funref{use-package}, \funref{unuse-package} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== PACKAGE-USED-BY-LIST \begincom{package-used-by-list}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues package-used-by-list {package} {used-by-list} \label Arguments and Values:: \issue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \endissue{PACKAGE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY:MORE-PERMISSIVE} \param{used-by-list}---a \term{list} of \term{package} \term{objects}. \label Description:: %% 11.2.0 17 \funref{package-used-by-list} returns a \term{list} of other \term{packages} that use \param{package}. \label Examples:: \code (package-used-by-list (make-package 'temp)) \EV () (make-package 'trash :use '(temp)) \EV # (package-used-by-list 'temp) \EV (#) \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:: \Shouldchecktype{package}{a \term{package}} \label See Also:: \funref{use-package}, \funref{unuse-package} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %%% ========== PACKAGEP \begincom{packagep}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues packagep {object} {generalized-boolean} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{object}---an \term{object}. \param{generalized-boolean}---a \term{generalized boolean}. \label Description:: %% 6.2.2 25 \TypePredicate{object}{package} \label Examples:: \code (packagep *package*) \EV \term{true} (packagep 'common-lisp) \EV \term{false} (packagep (find-package 'common-lisp)) \EV \term{true} \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:\None! \label See Also:\None. \label Notes:: \code (packagep \param{object}) \EQ (typep \param{object} 'package) \endcode \endcom %%% ========== *PACKAGE* \begincom{*package*}\ftype{Variable} \label Value Type:: a \term{package} \term{object}. \label Initial Value:: \thepackage{common-lisp-user}. %% 11.2.0 6 %% 11.0.0 23 \label Description:: Whatever \term{package} \term{object} is currently \thevalueof{*package*} is referred to as the \term{current package}. \label Examples:: \code (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") \EV # *package* \EV # (make-package "SAMPLE-PACKAGE" :use '("COMMON-LISP")) \EV # (list (symbol-package (let ((*package* (find-package 'sample-package))) (setq *some-symbol* (read-from-string "just-testing")))) *package*) \EV (# #) (list (symbol-package (read-from-string "just-testing")) *package*) \EV (# #) (eq 'foo (intern "FOO")) \EV \term{true} (eq 'foo (let ((*package* (find-package 'sample-package))) (intern "FOO"))) \EV \term{false} \endcode \label Affected By:: \funref{load}, \funref{compile-file}, \funref{in-package} \label See Also:: \funref{compile-file}, \macref{in-package}, \funref{load}, \funref{package} \label Notes:\None. \endcom %-------------------- Package Errors -------------------- \begincom{package-error}\ftype{Condition Type} \label Class Precedence List:: \typeref{package-error}, \typeref{error}, \typeref{serious-condition}, \typeref{condition}, \typeref{t} \label Description:: \Thetype{package-error} consists of \term{error} \term{conditions} related to operations on \term{packages}. The offending \term{package} (or \term{package} \term{name}) is initialized by \theinitkeyarg{package} to \funref{make-condition}, and is \term{accessed} by \thefunction{package-error-package}. \label See Also:: \funref{package-error-package}, {\secref\Conditions} \endcom%{package-error}\ftype{Condition Type} %%% ========== PACKAGE-ERROR-PACKAGE \begincom{package-error-package}\ftype{Function} \label Syntax:: \DefunWithValues package-error-package {condition} {package} \label Arguments and Values:: \param{condition}---a \term{condition} \oftype{package-error}. \param{package}---a \term{package designator}. \label Description:: Returns a \term{designator} for the offending \term{package} in the \term{situation} represented by the \param{condition}. \label Examples:: \code (package-error-package (make-condition 'package-error :package (find-package "COMMON-LISP"))) \EV # \endcode \label Side Effects:\None. \label Affected By:\None. \label Exceptional Situations:\None. \label See Also:: \typeref{package-error} \label Notes:\None. %% This shouldn't be needed. %It is an error to use \macref{setf} with \funref{package-error-package}. \endcom