26 Jan 94 Dear Reader, This draft version is the second (and hopefully final) one forwarded by X3J13 for approval by X3 and SPARC. Please read this document in detail before attempting to make any Public Review comments. Thank you for your interest in Lisp, and in the standardization process. Sincerely, Kent M. Pitman ============================================================================== Definitions You have an "Official Copy" of the Draft if (1) it is hardcopy published by Global Engineering Documents, Inc., or (2) you obtained the Draft -directly- from an X3-approved source (such as PARCFTP.XEROX.COM). A Draft obtained by other means, including a draft which came from an intermediate agent who claims to have obtained the document from an X3-approved source, is not an Official Copy. The document you are reading and its accompanying files are the files in the directory /pub/cl/dpANS2/* on Internet host PARCFTP.XEROX.COM. If you did not obtain your copy of this information -directly- from that source, you should be aware that your copy is not an Official Copy. The files in question are of two kinds: "Source Files" and "Product Files". The files with a ".dvi" extension are Product Files; the rest of the files are Source Files. The "Draft" refers to the hardcopy image produced by printing the Product Files. Only the Product Files are considered to be the official document which has been involved in the X3/SPARC/ANSI approval process. The Source Files have been provided because they are of potential interest to some people, but the Source Files are NOT part of the official document. The Source Files have NO official standing in the standardization process. Public Review comments on the Source Files are NOT appropriate. If you have obtained the Source Files and produced your own Product Files, the Product Files you have produced are not an Official Copy. You should note this fact in any Public Review comments, and you should warn any potential clients of your Product Files that those Product Files are not an Official Copy. The "Pedigree" of your Draft is the route by which the Draft came to you; that is, the list of places the Draft had been before it came to you. (This information is generally important only in the case that the draft is not an Official Copy, in case some question comes up about whether your copy has been damaged or altered, so that we can detect how or why.) You are a "Registered Purchaser" if you obtained a copy of the draft in hardcopy from Global Engineering Documents, Inc. You are a "Registered Reviewer" if you submitted a properly formed Public Review comment in hardcopy per X3/SD-2 procedures (summarized below). You are a "Registered Participant" if you are either a "Registered Purchaser" or a "Registered Reviewer". Ordering Hardcopy You may order "X3.226, 199x, Programming Language Common Lisp" from Global Engineering Documents, Inc. 2805 McGaw Ave Irvine, CA 92714 1-800-854-7179 (within USA) 714-261-1455 (outside USA) The single-copy price $80.00 (within USA) or $104.00 (international). Status The Draft in this directory has been formally approved as a draft proposed American National Standard (dpANS). The Draft is now in a period of Public Review which began on February 4, 1994 and ends on April 5, 1994. Depending on the number and nature of Public Review comments, there is the possibility that there will be one or more subsequent Public Review periods. (See "Notification" below.) Procedures for Making Public Review Comments Public review comments must be submitted in HARDCOPY format. (Specifically, comments must not be submitted by e-mail.) You must submit your hardcopy comments IN DUPLICATE to the following two addresses: X3 Secretariat Attn.: Lynn Barra 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005-3922 and American National Standards Institute Attn: BSR Center 11 West 42nd St., 13th Floor New York, NY 10036 In your communication, PLEASE include the following information: - Your name - Your postal mail address (i.e., for hardcopy mail) - Your telephone number - An electronic mail address (optional) - As complete as you know it, the Pedigree of your Draft. (For a discussion of Pedigrees, see "Definitions" above). - Your comment(s). For further information on procedures for making Public Review comments, refer to the document X3/SD-2. Notification In the event that there is a need for a subsequent Public Review period, X3 only professes to reliably notify Registered Participants (see "Definitions" above). Individuals who are not Registered Participants may choose to rely on the same ad hoc communication processes through which they heard about the first Public Review (currently in effect), but there is no claim by X3 that this mechanism will be reliable. Note that no recipient of an online document is automatically a Registered Purchaser because currently there is no established mechanism for such online access to notify X3 of an intent to be registered. Recipients of the online document only become Registered Participants if they become Registered Reviewers by making Public Review comments (see "Procedures for Making Public Review Comments" above) or if they redundantly purchase hardcopy from Global Engineering Documents, Inc. Procedural Questions If you have procedural questions, you can address them to me at Mail Kent M. Pitman X3J13 Technical Editor Harlequin, Inc. One Cambridge Center, Suite 904 Cambridge, MA 02142 Internet KMP@Harlequin.COM Phone +1-617-252-0052 FAX +1-617-252-6505 or to Guy Steele (X3J13 chairman) at Mail Guy L. Steele Jr. X3J13 Chairman Thinking Machines Corporation 245 First Street Cambridge, MA 02142-1214 Internet GLS@Think.COM Phone +1-617-876-1111 FAX +1-617-234-4444 or to Dan Arnold (X3 Secretariat) at Mail Dan Arnold X3 Secretariat Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturer's Association (CBEMA) 1250 Eye Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20005-3922 Internet 75300.2354@CompuServe.COM Phone +1-202-626-5747 ================================================================================ Notes about the attached files: - The files named *.dvi (that is, the files chap-0.dvi, chap-1.dvi, ..., chap-26.dvi, and chap-a.dvi) constitute the the typeset draft document. - The files *.tex and index.idx are the TeX source files. Most people will not need these in order to produce the draft. - The file issue-index.text is a mapping from technical issues to document page numbers. - The file Reviewer-Notes.text is this file. ================================================================================ Draft 14.10 Chap Description Pages 0. Cover, Contents, Figures, Credits, Index 56 1. Scope, Organization, References, Defs, Compliance, Extensions, ALL CL Symbols 48 2. Syntax 42 3. Evaluation and Compilation 108 4. Types and Classes 44 5. Flow of Control 106 6. Iteration 46 7. Objects 94 8. Structures 20 9. Condition 74 10. Structures 26 11. Packages 44 12. Numbers 94 13. Characters 28 14. Conses 64 15. Arrays 42 16. Strings 16 17. Sequences 40 18. Hash Tables 18 19. Filenames 42 20. Files 14 21. Streams 64 22. Printer 82 23. Reader 26 24. System Construction 18 25. Environment 34 26. Glossary 66 A. Appendix 4 1360 total pages. ======================================================================== A copy of the X3 press release follows. ======================================================================== Accredited Standards Committee* Date: January 11, 1994 X3, Information Processing Systems Project: 574-D Reply to: Lynn Barra 202-626-5738 NEWS RELEASE 75300.2665@compuserve.com cc: G. Steele, X3J13 Chairman X3 Announces the Second Public Review and Comment Period on X3.226-199x, Programming Language Common Lisp Washington, D.C. -- Accredited Standards Committee X3, Information Processing Systems announces the two-month public review and comment period on X3.226-199x, Programming Language Common Lisp. The specification set forth in this document is designed to promote the portability of Common Lisp programs among a variety of data processing systems. It is a language specification aimed at an audience of implementors and knowledgeable programmers. It is neither a tutorial nor an implementation guide. The second public review is being announced due to substantive changes made to the draft as a result of comments received during the first public review. The comment period extends from February 4, 1994 through April 5, 1994. Please send all comments to: X3 Secretaiat, Attn.: Lynn Barra, 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005-3922. Send a copy to: American National Standards Institute, Attn.: BSR Center, 11 West 42nd St. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036. Purchase this standard from: Global Engineering Documents, Inc. 2805 McGaw Ave. Irvine, CA 92714 1-800-854-7179 (within USA) 714-261-1455 (outside USA) Single copy price: $80.00 International price: $104.00 *Operating under the procedures of the Amrican National Standards Institute X3 Secretariat, Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA) 1250 Eye Street NW Suite 200 Washington DC 20005-3922 Telephone: (202)737-8888 (Press 1 twice) FAX: (202)638-4922 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------