% -*- Mode: TeX -*- \beginsubSection{Introduction to Slots} An \term{object} \ofmetaclass{standard-class} has zero or more named \term{slots}. The \term{slots} of an \term{object} are determined by the \term{class} of the \term{object}. Each \term{slot} can hold one value. \reviewer{Barmar: All symbols are valid variable names. Perhaps this means to preclude the use of named constants? We have a terminology problem to solve.}%!!! The \term{name} of a \term{slot} is a \term{symbol} that is syntactically valid for use as a variable name. When a \term{slot} does not have a value, the \term{slot} is said to be \term{unbound}. When an unbound \term{slot} is read, \reviewer{Barmar: from an object whose metaclass is standard-class?} the \term{generic function} \funref{slot-unbound} is invoked. The system-supplied primary \term{method} for \funref{slot-unbound} %Barmar: on STANDARD-CLASS or T? %KMP: It said T in the signature info for SLOT-UNBOUND so I copied that to here. on \term{class} \typeref{t} signals an error. \issue{SLOT-MISSING-VALUES:SPECIFY} If \funref{slot-unbound} returns, its \term{primary value} is used that time as the \term{value} of the \term{slot}. \endissue{SLOT-MISSING-VALUES:SPECIFY} The default initial value form for a \term{slot} is defined by the \kwd{initform} slot option. When the \kwd{initform} form is used to supply a value, it is evaluated in the lexical environment in which the \macref{defclass} form was evaluated. The \kwd{initform} along with the lexical environment in which the \macref{defclass} form was evaluated is called a \term{captured initialization form}. For more details, \seesection\ObjectCreationAndInit. A \term{local slot} is defined to be a \term{slot} that is %Barmar says: ``Poor wording. It's "visible" to anyone calling SLOT-VALUE.'' % Perhaps we mean to be saying "accessible in"? -kmp 11-Oct-90 %%Ok. I'll substitute accessible. -kmp 6-Jan-91 %visible \term{accessible} to exactly one \term{instance}, namely the one in which the \term{slot} is allocated. A \term{shared slot} is defined to be a \term{slot} that is visible to more than one \term{instance} of a given \term{class} and its \term{subclasses}. A \term{class} is said to define a \term{slot} with a given \term{name} when the \macref{defclass} form for that \term{class} contains a \term{slot} specifier with that \term{name}. Defining a \term{local slot} does not immediately create a \term{slot}; it causes a \term{slot} to be created each time an \term{instance} of the \term{class} is created. Defining a \term{shared slot} immediately creates a \term{slot}. The \kwd{allocation} slot option to \macref{defclass} controls the kind of \term{slot} that is defined. If the value of the \kwd{allocation} slot option is \kwd{instance}, a \term{local slot} is created. If the value of \kwd{allocation} is \kwd{class}, a \term{shared slot} is created. A \term{slot} is said to be \term{accessible} in an \term{instance} of a \term{class} if the \term{slot} is defined by the \term{class} of the \term{instance} or is inherited from a \term{superclass} of that \term{class}. At most one \term{slot} of a given \term{name} can be \term{accessible} in an \term{instance}. A \term{shared slot} defined by a \term{class} is \term{accessible} in all \term{instances} of that \term{class}. A detailed explanation of the inheritance of \term{slots} is given in \secref\SlotInheritance. \endsubSection%{Slots} \beginsubSection{Accessing Slots} \term{Slots} can be \term{accessed} in two ways: by use of the primitive function \funref{slot-value} and by use of \term{generic functions} generated by the \macref{defclass} form. \Thefunction{slot-value} can be used with any of the \term{slot} names specified in the \macref{defclass} form to \term{access} a specific \term{slot} \term{accessible} in an \term{instance} of the given \term{class}. The macro \macref{defclass} provides syntax for generating \term{methods} to read and write \term{slots}. If a reader \term{method} is requested, a \term{method} is automatically generated for reading the value of the \term{slot}, but no \term{method} for storing a value into it is generated. If a writer \term{method} is requested, a \term{method} is automatically generated for storing a value into the \term{slot}, but no \term{method} for reading its value is generated. If an accessor \term{method} is requested, a \term{method} for reading the value of the \term{slot} and a \term{method} for storing a value into the \term{slot} are automatically generated. Reader and writer \term{methods} are implemented using \funref{slot-value}. When a reader or writer \term{method} is specified for a \term{slot}, the name of the \term{generic function} to which the generated \term{method} belongs is directly specified. If the \term{name} specified for the writer \term{method} is the symbol \f{name}, the \term{name} of the \term{generic function} for writing the \term{slot} is the symbol \f{name}, and the \term{generic function} takes two arguments: the new value and the \term{instance}, in that order. If the \term{name} specified for the accessor \term{method} is the symbol \f{name}, the \term{name} of the \term{generic function} for reading the \term{slot} is the symbol \f{name}, and the \term{name} of the \term{generic function} for writing the \term{slot} is the list \f{(setf name)}. A \term{generic function} created or modified by supplying \kwd{reader}, \kwd{writer}, or \kwd{accessor} \term{slot} options can be treated exactly as an ordinary \term{generic function}. Note that \funref{slot-value} can be used to read or write the value of a \term{slot} whether or not reader or writer \term{methods} exist for that \term{slot}. When \funref{slot-value} is used, no reader or writer \term{methods} are invoked. The macro \macref{with-slots} can be used to establish a \term{lexical environment} in which specified \term{slots} are lexically available as if they were variables. The macro \macref{with-slots} invokes \thefunction{slot-value} to \term{access} the specified \term{slots}. The macro \macref{with-accessors} can be used to establish a lexical environment in which specified \term{slots} are lexically available through their accessors as if they were variables. The macro \macref{with-accessors} invokes the appropriate accessors to \term{access} the specified \term{slots}. %Symbolics thinks this sentence is not meaningful: %Any accessors specified by \macref{with-accessors} must %already have been defined before they are used. \endsubSection%{Accessing Slots} \beginsubsubsection{Inheritance of Slots and Slot Options} \DefineSection{SlotInheritance} The set of the \term{names} of all \term{slots} \term{accessible} in an \term{instance} of a \term{class} $C$ is the union of the sets of \term{names} of \term{slots} defined by $C$ and its \term{superclasses}. The structure of an \term{instance} is the set of \term{names} of \term{local slots} in that \term{instance}. In the simplest case, only one \term{class} among $C$ and its \term{superclasses} defines a \term{slot} with a given \term{slot} name. If a \term{slot} is defined by a \term{superclass} of $C$\negthinspace, the \term{slot} is said to be inherited. The characteristics of the \term{slot} are determined by the \term{slot} specifier of the defining \term{class}. Consider the defining \term{class} for a slot $S$\negthinspace. If the value of the \kwd{allocation} slot option is \kwd{instance}, then $S$ is a \term{local slot} and each \term{instance} of $C$ has its own \term{slot} named $S$ that stores its own value. If the value of the \kwd{allocation} slot option is \kwd{class}, then $S$ is a \term{shared slot}, the \term{class} that defined $S$ stores the value, and all \term{instances} of $C$ can \term{access} that single \term{slot}. If the \kwd{allocation} slot option is omitted, \kwd{instance} is used. In general, more than one \term{class} among $C$ and its \term{superclasses} can define a \term{slot} with a given \term{name}. In such cases, only one \term{slot} with the given name is \term{accessible} in an \term{instance} of $C$\negthinspace, and the characteristics of that \term{slot} are a combination of the several \term{slot} specifiers, computed as follows: \beginlist \itemitem{\bull} All the \term{slot} specifiers for a given \term{slot} name are ordered from most specific to least specific, according to the order in $C$'s \term{class precedence list} of the \term{classes} that define them. All references to the specificity of \term{slot} specifiers immediately below refers to this ordering. \itemitem{\bull} The allocation of a \term{slot} is controlled by the most specific \term{slot} specifier. If the most specific \term{slot} specifier does not contain an \kwd{allocation} slot option, \kwd{instance} is used. Less specific \term{slot} specifiers do not affect the allocation. \itemitem{\bull} The default initial value form for a \term{slot} is the value of the \kwd{initform} slot option in the most specific \term{slot} specifier that contains one. If no \term{slot} specifier contains an \kwd{initform} slot option, the \term{slot} has no default initial value form. \itemitem{\bull} The contents of a \term{slot} will always be of type \f{(and $T\sub 1$ $\ldots$ $T\sub n$)} where $T\sub 1 \ldots T\sub n$ are the values of the \kwd{type} slot options contained in all of the \term{slot} specifiers. If no \term{slot} specifier contains the \kwd{type} slot option, the contents of the \term{slot} will always be \oftype{t}. The consequences of attempting to store in a \term{slot} a value that does not satisfy the \term{type} of the \term{slot} are undefined. \itemitem{\bull} The set of initialization arguments that initialize a given \term{slot} is the union of the initialization arguments declared in the \kwd{initarg} slot options in all the \term{slot} specifiers. \itemitem{\bull} The \term{documentation string} for a \term{slot} is the value of the \kwd{documentation} slot option in the most specific \term{slot} specifier that contains one. If no \term{slot} specifier contains a \kwd{documentation} slot option, the \term{slot} has no \term{documentation string}. \endlist A consequence of the allocation rule is that a \term{shared slot} can be \term{shadowed}. For example, if a class $C\sub 1$ defines a \term{slot} named $S$ whose value for the \kwd{allocation} slot option is \kwd{class}, that \term{slot} is \term{accessible} in \term{instances} of $C\sub 1$ and all of its \term{subclasses}. However, if $C\sub 2$ is a \term{subclass} of $C\sub 1$ and also defines a \term{slot} named $S$\negthinspace, $C\sub 1$'s \term{slot} is not shared by \term{instances} of $C\sub 2$ and its \term{subclasses}. When a class $C\sub 1$ defines a \term{shared slot}, any subclass $C\sub 2$ of $C\sub 1$ will share this single \term{slot} unless the \macref{defclass} form for $C\sub 2$ specifies a \term{slot} of the same \term{name} or there is a \term{superclass} of $C\sub 2$ that precedes $C\sub 1$ in the \term{class precedence list} of $C\sub 2$ that defines a \term{slot} of the same name. A consequence of the type rule is that the value of a \term{slot} satisfies the type constraint of each \term{slot} specifier that contributes to that \term{slot}. Because the result of attempting to store in a \term{slot} a value that does not satisfy the type constraint for the \term{slot} is undefined, the value in a \term{slot} might fail to satisfy its type constraint. The \kwd{reader}, \kwd{writer}, and \kwd{accessor} slot options create \term{methods} rather than define the characteristics of a \term{slot}. Reader and writer \term{methods} are inherited in the sense described in \secref\MethodInheritance. \term{Methods} that \term{access} \term{slots} use only the name of the \term{slot} and the \term{type} of the \term{slot}'s value. Suppose a \term{superclass} provides a \term{method} that expects to \term{access} a \term{shared slot} of a given \term{name}, and a \term{subclass} defines a \term{local slot} with the same \term{name}. If the \term{method} provided by the \term{superclass} is used on an \term{instance} of the \term{subclass}, the \term{method} \term{accesses} the \term{local slot}.