%-*- Mode: TeX -*- %%Referenced Publications \beginlist \item{\bull} {\AnatomyOfLisp}, John Allen, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1978. % JonL wanted this added. See entry for HASH-TABLE. -kmp 5-Feb-92 \item{\bull} {\KnuthVolThree}, Donald E. Knuth, Addison-Wesley Company (Reading, MA), 1973. \item{\bull} {\MetaObjectProtocol}, Kiczales et al., MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 1991. \item{\bull} ``\CLOSPaper,'' D. Bobrow, L. DiMichiel, R. Gabriel, S. Keene, G. Kiczales, D. Moon, \i{SIGPLAN Notices} V23, September, 1988. \item{\bull} {\CLtL}, Guy L. Steele, Jr., Digital Press (Burlington, MA), 1984. \item{\bull} {\CLtLTwo}, Guy L. Steele, Jr., Digital Press (Bedford, MA), 1990. \item{\bull} {\CondSysPaper}, Kent M. Pitman, {\it Proceedings of the First European Conference on the Practical Application of LISP\/} (EUROPAL '90), Churchill College, Cambridge, England, March 27-29, 1990. \item{\bull} {\FlavorsPaper}, Howard I. Cannon, 1982. \item{\bull} {\IEEEFloatingPoint}, ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (New York), 1985. \item{\bull} {\IEEEScheme}, IEEE Std 1178-1990, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (New York), 1991. \item{\bull} {\InterlispManual}, Third Revision, Teitelman, Warren, et al, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Palo Alto, CA), 1978. \item{\bull} \ISOChars, \i{Information processing---Coded character sets for text communication---Part 2: Latin alphabetic and non-alphabetic graphic characters}, ISO, 1983. \item{\bull} {\LispOnePointFive}, John McCarthy, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), August, 1962. \item{\bull} {\Chinual}, D.L. Weinreb and D.A. Moon, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT (Cambridge, MA), July, 1981. \item{\bull} {\Moonual}, David A. Moon, Project MAC (Laboratory for Computer Science), MIT (Cambridge, MA), March, 1974. \item{\bull} ``{\NILReport},'' JonL White, \i{Macsyma User's Conference}, 1979. \item{\bull} {\GabrielBenchmarks}, Richard P. Gabriel, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 1985. \item{\bull} ``{\PrincipalValues},'' Paul Penfield Jr., \i{APL 81 Conference Proceedings}, ACM SIGAPL (San Francisco, September 1981), 248-256. Proceedings published as \i{APL Quote Quad 12}, 1 (September 1981). \item{\bull} {\Pitmanual}, Kent M. Pitman, Technical Report 295, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT (Cambridge, MA), May 1983. \item{\bull} ``{\RevisedCubedScheme},'' Jonathan Rees and William Clinger (editors), \i{SIGPLAN Notices} V21, \#12, December, 1986. \item{\bull} ``\SOneCLPaper,'' R.A. Brooks, R.P. Gabriel, and G.L. Steele, \i{Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming}, 108-113, 1982. \item{\bull} \SmalltalkBook, A. Goldberg and D. Robson, Addison-Wesley, 1983. \item{\bull} ``{\StandardLispReport},'' J.B. Marti, A.C. Hearn, M.L. Griss, and C. Griss, \i{SIGPLAN Notices} V14, \#10, October, 1979. \item{\bull} {\WebstersDictionary}, Merriam Webster (Springfield, MA), 1986. \item{\bull} \XPPaper, R.C. Waters, Memo 1102a, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT (Cambridge, MA), September 1989. \endlist