% -*- Mode: TeX -*- %% Generalized Reference %!!! Moon thinks terms "generalized reference" and "place" need to be rationalized throughout. \beginsubSection{Overview of Generalized References} A \term{generalized reference} is the use of a \term{form} as if it were a \term{variable} that could be read and written. The \term{value} of a \term{generalized reference} is the \term{object} to which the \term{form} evaluates. The \term{value} of a \term{generalized reference} can be changed by using \macref{setf}. The concept of binding a \term{generalized reference} is not defined in \clisp, but an \term{implementation} is permitted to extend the language by defining this concept. \Thenextfigure\ contains examples of the use of \macref{setf}. Note that the values returned by evaluating the \term{forms} in column two are not necessarily the same as those obtained by evaluating the \term{forms} in column three. %% 7.2.0 18 In general, the exact \term{macro expansion} of a \macref{setf} \term{form} is not guaranteed and can even be \term{implementation-dependent}; all that is guaranteed is that the expansion is an update form that works for that particular \term{implementation}, that the left-to-right evaluation of \term{subforms} is preserved, and %% 7.2.0 19 that the ultimate result of evaluating \macref{setf} is the value or values being stored. \tablefigthree{Examples of setf}{Access function}{Update Function}{Update using \macref{setf}}{ \f{x} & \f{(setq x datum)} & \f{(setf x datum)} \cr \f{(car x)} & \f{(rplaca x datum)} & \f{(setf (car x) datum)} \cr \f{(symbol-value x)} & \f{(set x datum)} & \f{(setf (symbol-value x) datum)} \cr} \Thenextfigure\ shows \term{operators} relating to \term{generalized reference}. \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \displaythree{Operators relating to generalized reference.}{ assert&defsetf&push\cr ccase&get-setf-expansion&remf\cr ctypecase&getf&rotatef\cr decf&incf&setf\cr define-modify-macro&pop&shiftf\cr define-setf-expander&psetf&\cr } %!!! Should defmethod be here for the sake of SETF methods?? -kmp 8-May-91 \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} Some of the \term{operators} above manipulate \term{generalized references} and some manipulate \term{setf expanders}. %% 7.2.0 57 A \term{setf expansion} can be derived from any \term{generalized reference}. \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} %% 7.2.0 20 New \term{setf expanders} can be defined by using \macref{defsetf} and \macref{define-setf-expander}. %% Moon thinks this follows from rule 2 below, and asked that it be commented out. % % %% 7.2.0 29 % %% 7.2.0 30 % These operators evaluate the \term{subforms} of % \term{generalized references} exactly as many times as they appear in the source program, % and exactly in the same order (left-to-right) as they appear in the source. % \issue{PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER:ITEM-FIRST} % %The left-to-right rule does not % %remove the obligation on writers of \term{macros} and % %users of % %\issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} % %\macref{define-setf-expander} % %\endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} % %to ensure left-to-right order, however. % \endissue{PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER:ITEM-FIRST} % % %% 7.2.0 31 % For example, in % % {\tt (setf \param{reference} \param{value})} % % \param{value} % will be evaluated after all the \term{subforms} of \param{reference} because % \param{value} appears to the right of them. %% 7.2.0 32 %The expansion of these operators must consist of code that follows these %rules or has the same effect as such code. This is accomplished by %introducing temporary variables bound to the %\issue{PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER:ITEM-FIRST} %\term{subforms} of the macro call. %\endissue{PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER:ITEM-FIRST} %As an optimization in the implementation, %temporary variables can be eliminated whenever %removing them has no effect on the semantics of the program. %For example, a constant need never be saved in a temporary variable. %A variable or any \term{form} that does not have side effects need not be %saved in a temporary variable if it can be proven that its value will %not change within the scope of the \term{generalized reference}. \issue{PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER:ITEM-FIRST} \beginsubsubsection{Evaluation of Subforms to Generalized References} \DefineSection{GenRefSubFormEval} The following rules apply to the \term{evaluation} of \term{subforms} in a \term{generalized reference}: \beginlist \itemitem{1.} The evaluation ordering of \term{subforms} within a \term{generalized reference} is determined by the order specified by the second value returned by \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \funref{get-setf-expansion}. \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} For all \term{generalized references} defined by this specification %!!! Table?? (\eg \funref{getf}, \funref{ldb}, $\ldots$), this order of evaluation is left-to-right. %!!! Barmar: Does the next sentence say the same thing as the one which follows it % (i.e., the first sentence in the next paragraph)?? When a \term{generalized reference} is derived from a macro expansion, this rule is applied after the macro is expanded to find the appropriate \term{generalized reference}. \term{Generalized references} defined by using \macref{defmacro} or \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \macref{define-setf-expander} \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} use the evaluation order defined by those definitions. For example, consider the following: \code (defmacro wrong-order (x y) `(getf ,y ,x)) \endcode This following \term{form} evaluates {\tt place2} first and then {\tt place1} because that is the order they are evaluated in the macro expansion: \code (push value (wrong-order place1 place2)) \endcode \itemitem{2.} \issue{JUN90-TRIVIAL-ISSUES:4} For the \term{macros} that manipulate \term{generalized references} (\macref{push}, \macref{pushnew}, \macref{remf}, \macref{incf}, \macref{decf}, \macref{shiftf}, \macref{rotatef}, \macref{psetf}, \macref{setf}, \macref{pop}, and those defined by \macref{define-modify-macro}) the \term{subforms} of the macro call are evaluated exactly once in left-to-right order, with the \term{subforms} of the \term{generalized references} evaluated in the order specified in (1). \endissue{JUN90-TRIVIAL-ISSUES:4} \macref{push}, \macref{pushnew}, \macref{remf}, \macref{incf}, \macref{decf}, \macref{shiftf}, \macref{rotatef}, \macref{psetf}, \macref{pop} evaluate all \term{subforms} before modifying any of the \term{generalized reference} locations. \macref{setf} (in the case when \macref{setf} has more than two arguments) performs its operation on each pair in sequence. For example, in \code (setf place1 value1 place2 value2 ...) \endcode the \term{subforms} of {\tt place1} and {\tt value1} are evaluated, the location specified by {\tt place1} is modified to contain the value returned by {\tt value1}, and then the rest of the \macref{setf} form is processed in a like manner. \itemitem{3.} For \macref{check-type}, \macref{ctypecase}, and \macref{ccase}, \term{subforms} of the \term{generalized reference} are evaluated once as in (1), but might be evaluated again if the type check fails in the case of \macref{check-type} or none of the cases hold in \macref{ctypecase} and \macref{ccase}. \itemitem{4.} For \macref{assert}, the order of evaluation of the generalized references is not specified. % Barmar: There's only one generalized reference in \macref{assert}. % Moon: Not true! \endlist Rules 2, 3 and 4 cover all \term{standardized} \term{macros} that manipulate \term{generalized references}. \beginsubsubsubsection{Examples of Evaluation of Subforms to Generalized References} \code (let ((ref2 (list '()))) (push (progn (princ "1") 'ref-1) (car (progn (princ "2") ref2)))) \OUT 12 \EV (REF1) (let (x) (push (setq x (list 'a)) (car (setq x (list 'b)))) x) \EV (((A) . B)) \endcode \macref{push} first evaluates {\tt (setq x (list 'a)) \EV\ (a)}, then evaluates {\tt (setq x (list 'b)) \EV\ (b)}, then modifies the \term{car} of this latest value to be {\tt ((a) . b)}. \endsubsubsubsection%{Examples of Evaluation of Subforms to Generalized References} \endsubsubsection%{Evaluation of Subforms to Generalized References} \endissue{PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER:ITEM-FIRST} %!!! Uses of "access", "accessing", etc. here are suspect. -kmp 18-Apr-91 \beginsubsubsection{Setf Expansions} \DefineSection{SetfExpansions} %% 7.2.0 59 Sometimes it is possible to avoid evaluating \term{subforms} of a \term{generalized reference} multiple times or in the wrong order. A \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \term{setf expansion} \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} for a given access form can be expressed as an ordered collection of five \term{objects}: %!!! Andy Latto is concerned about whether "temporaries" mustn't or might % be proclaimed special. And if they must not, must an implementation check? % Would some elaboration of what a "temporary" is here be of help? -kmp 5-Dec-91 %% 7.2.0 60 \beginlist %% 7.2.0 64 \itemitem{\b{List of temporary variables}} a list of symbols naming temporary variables to be bound sequentially, as if by \specref{let*}, to \term{values} resulting from value forms. \itemitem{\b{List of value forms}} a list of forms (typically, \term{subforms} of the \term{generalized reference}) which when evaluated yield the values to which the corresponding temporary variables should be bound. %% 7.2.0 61 %% 7.2.0 65 \itemitem{\b{List of store variables}} a list of symbols naming temporary store variables which are to hold the new values that will be assigned to the \term{generalized reference}. %% 7.2.0 62 \itemitem{\b{Storing form}} a form which can reference both the temporary and the store variables, and which changes the \term{value} of the \term{generalized reference} and guarantees to return as its values the values of the store variables, which are the correct values for \macref{setf} to return. %% 7.2.0 63 \itemitem{\b{Accessing form}} a \term{form} which can reference the temporary variables, and which returns the \term{value} of the \term{generalized reference}. \endlist %% 7.2.0 66 The value returned by the accessing form is affected by execution of the storing form, but either of these forms might be evaluated any number of times. %% 7.2.0 67 %% Redundant with next paragraph. % The temporary variables and the store variables must be generated % names (see \funref{gensym} or \funref{gentemp}). It is possible to do more than one \macref{setf} in parallel via \macref{psetf}, \macref{shiftf}, and \macref{rotatef}. Because of this, the \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \term{setf expander} \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} must produce new temporary and store variable names every time. For examples of how to do this, see \funref{gensym}. % and \funref{gentemp}. \issue{SETF-FUNCTIONS-AGAIN:MINIMAL-CHANGES} For each \term{standardized} accessor function \param{F}, unless it is explicitly documented otherwise, it is \term{implementation-dependent} whether the ability to use an \param{F} \term{form} as a \macref{setf} \term{place} is implemented by a \term{setf expander} or a \term{setf function}. Also, it follows from this that it is \term{implementation-dependent} whether the name \f{(setf \param{F})} is \term{fbound}. \endissue{SETF-FUNCTIONS-AGAIN:MINIMAL-CHANGES} \beginsubsubsubsection{Examples of Setf Expansions} \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} Examples of the contents of the constituents of \term{setf expansions} follow. %% 7.2.0 69 For a variable \param{x}: \showtwo{Sample Setf Expansion of a Variable}{ \f{()} & ;list of temporary variables \cr \f{()} & ;list of value forms \cr \f{(g0001)} & ;list of store variables \cr \f{(setq \param{x} g0001)} & ;storing form \cr \param{x} & ;accessing form \cr } %% 7.2.0 70 For {\tt (car \param{exp})}: \showtwo{Sample Setf Expansion of a CAR Form}{ \f{(g0002)} & ;list of temporary variables \cr \f{(\param{exp})} & ;list of value forms \cr \f{(g0003)} & ;list of store variables \cr \f{(progn (rplaca g0002 g0003) g0003)} & ;storing form \cr \f{(car g0002)} & ;accessing form \cr } %% 7.2.0 71 For \f{(subseq \param{seq} \param{s} \param{e})}: \showtwo{Sample Setf Expansion of a SUBSEQ Form}{ \f{(g0004 g0005 g0006)} & ;list of temporary variables \cr \f{(\param{seq} \param{s} \param{e})} & ;list of value forms \cr \f{(g0007)} & ;list of store variables \cr \f{(progn (replace g0004 g0007 :start1 g0005 :end1 g0006) g0007)} \span \cr & ;storing form \cr \f{(subseq g0004 g0005 g0006)} & ; accessing form \cr } In some cases, if a \term{subform} of a \term{generalized reference} is itself a \term{generalized reference}, it is necessary to expand the \term{subform} in order to compute some of the values in the expansion of the outer \term{generalized reference}. For \f{(ldb \param{bs} (car \param{exp}))}: \showtwo{Sample Setf Expansion of a LDB Form}{ \f{(g0001 g0002)} & ;list of temporary variables \cr \f{(\param{bs} \param{exp})} & ;list of value forms \cr \f{(g0003)} & ;list of store variables \cr \f{(progn (rplaca g0002 (dpb g0003 g0001 (car g0002))) g0003)} \span \cr & ;storing form \cr \f{(ldb g0001 (car g0002))} & ; accessing form \cr } \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \endsubsubsubsection%{Examples of Setf Expansions} \endsubsubsection%{Setf Expansions} \endsubSection%{Overview of Generalized References} \beginsubSection{Kinds of Generalized References} \DefineSection{KindsOfGenRefs} %% 7.2.0 7 Several kinds of \term{generalized references} are defined by \clisp; this section enumerates them. This set can be extended by \term{implementations} and by \term{programmer code}. %% 7.2.0 8 \beginsubsubsection{Variable Names as Generalized References} The name of a \term{lexical variable} or \term{dynamic variable} can be used as a \term{generalized reference}. \endsubsubsection%{Variable Names as Generalized References} %% 7.2.0 9 \beginsubsubsection{Function Call Forms as Generalized References} \DefineSection{FnFormsAsGenRefs} A \term{function form} can be used as a \term{place} if it falls into one of the following categories: \beginlist \itemitem{\bull} A function call form whose first element is the name of any one of the functions in \thenextfigure. %% Barmar: Unnecessary as binding these symbols is disallowed. % \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} % The function name must refer to the global function definition, % rather than a locally defined \term{function}. % \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} %!!! CLASS-NAME and DOCUMENTATION maybe deserve their own table, % since they are the only two defined by setf method. \issue{CONDITION-ACCESSORS-SETFABLE:NO} \editornote{KMP: Note that what are in some places still called `condition accessors' are deliberately omitted from this table, and are not labeled as accessors in their entries. I have not yet had time to do a full search for these items and eliminate stray references to them as `accessors', which they are not, but I will do that at some point.}%!!! \issue{PATHNAME-LOGICAL:ADD} \issue{AREF-1D} \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} %Merged BIT, SBIT, CHAR, SCHAR, and SUBSEQ from next table on advice of Moon and others. % -kmp 13-Feb-92 % I added COMPILER-MACRO-FUNCTION, READTABLE-CASE, and SLOT-VALUE, % which were also missing. --sjl 5 Mar 92 \displaythree{Functions that setf can be used with---1}{ aref&cdadr&get\cr bit&cdar&gethash\cr caaaar&cddaar&logical-pathname-translations\cr caaadr&cddadr¯o-function\cr caaar&cddar&ninth\cr caadar&cdddar&nth\cr caaddr&cddddr&readtable-case\cr caadr&cdddr&rest\cr caar&cddr&row-major-aref\cr cadaar&cdr&sbit\cr cadadr&char&schar\cr cadar&class-name&second\cr caddar&compiler-macro-function&seventh\cr cadddr&documentation&sixth\cr caddr&eighth&slot-value\cr cadr&elt&subseq\cr car&fdefinition&svref\cr cdaaar&fifth&symbol-function\cr cdaadr&fill-pointer&symbol-plist\cr cdaar&find-class&symbol-value\cr cdadar&first&tenth\cr cdaddr&fourth&third\cr } \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} \endissue{AREF-1D} \endissue{PATHNAME-LOGICAL:ADD} \endissue{CONDITION-ACCESSORS-SETFABLE:NO} %% This text used to belong after the next table, which is now commented out. -kmp 13-Feb-92 In the case of \funref{subseq}, the replacement value must be a \term{sequence} whose elements might be contained by the sequence argument to \funref{subseq}, but does not have to be a \term{sequence} of the same \term{type} %!!! Moon thinks this next is awkward. as the \term{sequence} of which the subsequence is specified. If the length of the replacement value does not equal the length of the subsequence to be replaced, then the shorter length determines the number of elements to be stored, as for \funref{replace}. \itemitem{\bull} %% 7.2.0 10 A function call form whose first element is the name of a selector function constructed by \macref{defstruct}. %% Barmar: Unnecessary as binding these symbols is disallowed. %% KMP: I'm not so sure in this case. \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} The function name must refer to the global function definition, rather than a locally defined \term{function}. \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} %% Moon: %% The distinction between this and the previous table is strange. After all, %% fill-pointer, symbol-function, and class-name have type restrictions, too. %% Also, the text above this table seems garbled. I would merge these into previous %% and delete the text. %% KMP: Done. (13-Feb-92) % % \itemitem{\bull} % %% 7.2.0 11 % A function call form whose first element is the name of % any one of the functions in \thenextfigure, % provided that the new value % is of the specified type so that it can be used to % place in the specified ``location'' (which is in each of these cases % not truly a \term{generalized reference}). % %% Barmar: Unnecessary as binding these symbols is disallowed. % % \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} % % The function name must refer to the global % % function definition, rather than a locally defined \term{function}. % % \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} % % \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} % \tablefigtwo{Functions that setf can be used with---n}{Function name}{Required type}{ % \funref{bit}&\typeref{bit}\cr % \funref{sbit}&\typeref{bit}\cr % \funref{char}&\typeref{character}\cr % \funref{schar}&\typeref{character}\cr % \funref{subseq}&\typeref{sequence}\cr % } % \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \itemitem{\bull} %% 7.2.0 12 A function call form whose first element is the name of any one of the functions in \thenextfigure, provided that the supplied argument to that function is in turn a \term{place} form; in this case the new \term{place} has stored back into it the result of applying the supplied ``update'' function. %% Moon thought this next was just confusing. %(which is in each of these cases not a true update function). %% Barmar: Unnecessary as binding these symbols is disallowed. % \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} % The function name must refer to the global function % definition, rather than a locally defined \term{function}. % \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} \issue{SETF-SUB-METHODS:DELAYED-ACCESS-STORES} \tablefigthree{Functions that setf can be used with---2}{Function name}{Argument that is a \param{place}}{Update function used}{ \funref{ldb} & second & \funref{dpb} \cr \funref{mask-field} & second & \funref{deposit-field} \cr \funref{getf} & first & \term{implementation-dependent} \cr } %% Moon thinks this is redundant. % The \param{place} forms listed in the above figure admit other % \param{places} as arguments; these are called sub-recursive \param{places}. During the \macref{setf} expansion of these \term{forms}, it is necessary to call \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \funref{get-setf-expansion} \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} in order to figure out how the inner, nested generalized variable must be treated. The information from \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \funref{get-setf-expansion} \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} is used as follows. \beginlist \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} %References to CHAR-BIT omitted. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \itemitem{\funref{ldb}} In a form such as: {\tt (setf (ldb \param{byte-spec} \param{place-form}) \param{value-form})} the place referred to by the \param{place-form} must always be both \term{read} and \term{written}; note that the update is to the generalized variable specified by \param{place-form}, not to any object \oftype{integer}. Thus this \macref{setf} should generate code to do the following: \beginlist \itemitem{1.} Evaluate \param{byte-spec} (and bind it into a temporary variable). \itemitem{2.} Bind the temporary variables for \param{place-form}. \itemitem{3.} Evaluate \param{value-form} (and bind \issue{SETF-MULTIPLE-STORE-VARIABLES:ALLOW} its value or values into the store variable). %% Moon: Can only be ONE store variable here. % or variables \endissue{SETF-MULTIPLE-STORE-VARIABLES:ALLOW} \itemitem{4.} Do the \term{read} from \param{place-form}. \itemitem{5.} Do the \term{write} into \param{place-form} with the given bits of the \term{integer} fetched in step 4 replaced with the value from step 3. \endlist If the evaluation of \param{value-form} in step 3 alters what is found in \param{place-form}, such as setting different bits of \term{integer}, then the change of the bits denoted by \param{byte-spec} is to that altered \term{integer}, because step 4 is done after the \param{value-form} evaluation. Nevertheless, the evaluations required for \term{binding} the temporary variables are done in steps 1 and 2, and thus the expected left-to-right evaluation order is seen. For example: \code (setq integer #x69) \EV #x69 (rotatef (ldb (byte 4 4) integer) (ldb (byte 4 0) integer)) integer \EV #x96 ;;; This example is trying to swap two independent bit fields ;;; in an integer. Note that the generalized variable of ;;; interest here is just the (possibly local) program variable ;;; integer. \endcode \itemitem{\funref{mask-field}} This case is the same as \funref{ldb} in all essential aspects. \itemitem{\funref{getf}} In a form such as: \f{(setf (getf \param{place-form} \param{ind-form}) \param{value-form})} the place referred to by \param{place-form} must always be both \term{read} and \term{written}; note that the update is to the generalized variable specified by \param{place-form}, not necessarily to the particular \term{list} that is the property list in question. Thus this \macref{setf} should generate code to do the following: \beginlist \itemitem{1.} Bind the temporary variables for \param{place-form}. \itemitem{2.} Evaluate \param{ind-form} (and bind it into a temporary variable). \itemitem{3.} Evaluate \param{value-form} (and bind \issue{SETF-MULTIPLE-STORE-VARIABLES:ALLOW} its value or values into the store variable). %%Moon: Can only be one store variable % or variables \endissue{SETF-MULTIPLE-STORE-VARIABLES:ALLOW} \itemitem{4.} Do the \term{read} from \param{place-form}. \itemitem{5.} Do the \term{write} into \param{place-form} with a possibly-new property list obtained by combining the values from steps 2, 3, and 4. (Note that the phrase ``possibly-new property list'' can mean that the former property list is somehow destructively re-used, or it can mean partial or full copying of it. Since either copying or destructive re-use can occur, the treatment of the resultant value for the possibly-new property list must proceed as if it were a different copy needing to be stored back into the generalized variable.) \endlist If the evaluation of \param{value-form} in step 3 alters what is found in \param{place-form}, such as setting a different named property in the list, then the change of the property denoted by \param{ind-form} is to that altered list, because step 4 is done after the \param{value-form} evaluation. Nevertheless, the evaluations required for \term{binding} the temporary variables are done in steps 1 and 2, and thus the expected left-to-right evaluation order is seen. For example: \code (setq s (setq r (list (list 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)))) \EV ((a 1 b 2 c 3)) (setf (getf (car r) 'b) (progn (setq r nil) 6)) \EV 6 r \EV NIL s \EV ((A 1 B 6 C 3)) ;;; Note that the (setq r nil) does not affect the actions of ;;; the SETF because the value of R had already been saved in ;;; a temporary variable as part of the step 1. Only the CAR ;;; of this value will be retrieved, and subsequently modified ;;; after the value computation. \endcode \endlist \endlist \endissue{SETF-SUB-METHODS:DELAYED-ACCESS-STORES} \endsubsubsection%{Function Call Forms as Generalized References} % This section added. --sjl 4 Mar 92 \issue{SETF-OF-VALUES:ADD} \beginsubsubsection{VALUES Forms as Generalized References} \DefineSection{SETFofVALUES} A \funref{values} \term{form} can be used as a \term{generalized reference}, provided that each of its \term{subforms} is also a \term{place} form. A form such as {\tt (setf (values \param{place-1} \dots \param{place-n}) \param{values-form})} does the following: \beginlist \itemitem{1.} The \term{subforms} of each nested \param{place} are evaluated in left-to-right order. \itemitem{2.} The \param{values-form} is evaluated, and the first store variable from each \param{place} is bound to its return values as if by \macref{multiple-value-bind}. \itemitem{3.} If the \term{setf expansion} for any \param{place} involves more than one store variable, then the additional store variables are bound to \nil. \itemitem{4.} The storing forms for each \param{place} are evaluated in left-to-right order. \endlist The storing form in the \term{setf expansion} of \funref{values} returns as \term{multiple values}\meaning{2} the values of the store variables in step 2. That is, the number of values returned is the same as the number of \term{place} forms. This may be more or fewer values than are produced by the \param{values-form}. % There probably ought to be some examples here. \endsubsubsection%{VALUES Forms as Generalized References} \issue{SETF-OF-VALUES:ADD} \beginsubsubsection{THE Forms as Generalized References} %% 7.2.0 13 A \specref{the} \term{form} can be used as a \term{generalized reference}, in which case the declaration is transferred to the \param{newvalue} form, and the resulting \macref{setf} is analyzed. For example, \code (setf (the integer (cadr x)) (+ y 3)) \endcode is processed as if it were \code (setf (cadr x) (the integer (+ y 3))) \endcode \endsubsubsection%{THE Forms as Generalized References} \issue{SETF-APPLY-EXPANSION:IGNORE-EXPANDER} \issue{SETF-OF-APPLY:ONLY-AREF-AND-FRIENDS} \issue{JUN90-TRIVIAL-ISSUES:27} \beginsubsubsection{APPLY Forms as Generalized References} \DefineSection{SETFofAPPLY} The following situations involving \macref{setf} of \funref{apply} must be supported: \beginlist \itemitem{\bull} \f{(setf (apply \#'aref \param{array} \starparam{subscript} \param{more-subscripts}) \param{new-element})} \itemitem{\bull} \f{(setf (apply \#'bit \param{array} \starparam{subscript} \param{more-subscripts}) \param{new-element})} \itemitem{\bull} \f{(setf (apply \#'sbit \param{array} \starparam{subscript} \param{more-subscripts}) \param{new-element})} \endlist In all three cases, the \term{element} of \param{array} designated by the concatenation of \param{subscripts} and \param{more-subscripts} (\ie the same \term{element} which would be \term{read} by the call to \term{apply} if it were not part of a \macref{setf} \term{form}) is changed to have the \term{value} given by \param{new-element}. \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} For these usages, the function name (\funref{aref}, \funref{bit}, or \funref{sbit}) must refer to the global function definition, rather than a locally defined \term{function}. \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} No other \term{standardized} \term{function} is required to be supported, but an \term{implementation} may define such support. An \term{implementation} may also define support for \term{implementation-defined} \term{operators}. If a user-defined \term{function} is used in this context, the following equivalence is true, except that care is taken to preserve proper left-to-right evaluation of argument \term{subforms}: \code (setf (apply \#'\param{name} \starparam{arg}) \param{val}) \EQ (apply \#'(setf \param{name}) \param{val} \starparam{arg}) \endcode % Removed reference to (setf (apply #'name a1 a2 ...) (values v1 v2 ...)) as bogus. \endsubsubsection%{APPLY Forms as Generalized References} \endissue{JUN90-TRIVIAL-ISSUES:27} \endissue{SETF-OF-APPLY:ONLY-AREF-AND-FRIENDS} \endissue{SETF-APPLY-EXPANSION:IGNORE-EXPANDER} \beginsubsubsection{Setf Expansions and Generalized References} % \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} % \itemitem{\macref{defsetf} or \macref{define-setf-expander} declarations} % \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} %% 7.2.0 17 Any \term{compound form} for which the \term{operator} has a \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} \term{setf expander} \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} defined can be used as a \term{generalized reference}. \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} The % function name that is the \param{access-fn} % argument to \macref{defsetf} or % \issue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} % \macref{define-setf-expander} % \endissue{SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD:RENAME-OLD-TERMS} %% previous phrase replaced by Moon as just "operator" -kmp 4-Dec-91 \term{operator} must refer to the global function definition, rather than a locally defined \term{function} or \term{macro}. \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} \endsubsubsection%{Setf Expansions and Generalized References} %% 7.2.0 16 \beginsubsubsection{Macro Forms as Generalized References} A \term{macro form} can be used as a generalized reference, in which case \clisp\ expands the \term{macro form} \issue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} as if by \funref{macroexpand-1} \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} and then uses the \term{macro expansion} in place of the original \term{generalized reference}. \issue{SETF-MACRO-EXPANSION:LAST} %This is true for GET-SETF-EXPANSION, too, but there's no obvious place to say that. % -kmp 5-Jun-91 Such \term{macro expansion} is attempted only after exhausting all other possibilities other than expanding into a call to a function named \f{(setf \param{reader})}. \endissue{SETF-MACRO-EXPANSION:LAST} \endsubsubsection%{Macro Forms as Generalized References} % I moved this section here from below. --sjl 5 Mar 92 \issue{SYMBOL-MACROLET-SEMANTICS:SPECIAL-FORM} \beginsubsubsection{Symbol Macros as Generalized References} A reference to a \term{symbol} that has been \term{established} as a \term{symbol macro} can be used as a \term{generalized reference}. In this case, \macref{setf} expands the reference and then analyzes the resulting \term{form}. \endissue{SYMBOL-MACROLET-SEMANTICS:SPECIAL-FORM} \endsubsubsection%{Symbol Macros as Generalized References} \beginsubsubsection{Other Compound Forms as Generalized References} For any other \term{compound form} for which the \term{operator} is a \term{symbol} \param{f}, the \macref{setf} \term{form} expands into a call to the \term{function} named \f{(setf \param{f})}. The first \term{argument} in the newly constructed \term{function form} is \param{newvalue} and the remaining \term{arguments} are the remaining \term{elements} of \param{place}. This expansion occurs regardless of whether \param{f} or \f{(setf \param{f})} is defined as a \term{function} locally, globally, or not at all. For example, \f{(setf (\param{f} \param{arg1} \param{arg2} ...) \param{new-value})} expands into a form with the same effect and value as \code (let ((#:temp-1 arg1) ;force correct order of evaluation (#:temp-2 arg2) ... (#:temp-0 \param{new-value})) (funcall (function (setf \param{f})) #:temp-0 #:temp-1 #:temp-2...)) \endcode A \term{function} named \f{(setf \param{f})} must return its first argument as its only value in order to preserve the semantics of \macref{setf}. \endissue{FUNCTION-NAME:LARGE} \endsubsubsection%{Other Compound Forms as Generalized References} % I moved the symbol macro section up to be with the ordinary macro % section. --sjl 5 Mar 92 \endsubSection%{Kinds of Generalized References} \beginsubSection{Treatment of Other Macros Based on SETF} \issue{READ-MODIFY-WRITE-EVALUATION-ORDER:DELAYED-ACCESS-STORES} For each of the ``read-modify-write'' \term{operators} in \thenextfigure, and for any additional \term{macros} defined by the \term{programmer} using \macref{define-modify-macro}, an exception is made to the normal rule of left-to-right evaluation of arguments. Evaluation of \term{argument} \term{forms} occurs in left-to-right order, with the exception that for the \param{place} \term{argument}, the actual \term{read} of the ``old value'' from that \param{place} happens after all of the \term{argument} \term{form} \term{evaluations}, and just before a ``new value'' is computed and \term{written} back into the \param{place}. Specifically, each of these \term{operators} can be viewed as involving a \term{form} with the following general syntax: \code (\term{operator} \starparam{preceding-form} \param{place} \starparam{following-form}) \endcode The evaluation of each such \term{form} proceeds like this: \beginlist \itemitem{1.} \term{Evaluate} each of the \param{preceding-forms}, in left-to-right order. \itemitem{2.} \term{Evaluate} the \term{subforms} of the \param{place}, in the order specified by the second value of the \term{setf expansion} for that \param{place}. \itemitem{3.} \term{Evaluate} each of the \param{following-forms}, in left-to-right order. \itemitem{4.} \term{Read} the old value from \param{place}. \itemitem{5.} Compute the new value. \itemitem{6.} Store the new value into \param{place}. \endlist \displaythree{Read-Modify-Write Macros}{ decf&pop&pushnew\cr incf&push&remf\cr } \endissue{READ-MODIFY-WRITE-EVALUATION-ORDER:DELAYED-ACCESS-STORES} \endsubSection%{Treatment of Other Macros Based on SETF}