% -*- Mode: TeX -*- %% 23.0.0 6 was left out. This section describes the \clisp\ interface to file systems. %% 23.0.0 5 The model used by this interface assumes that \newterm{files} are named by \newterm{filenames}, that a \term{filename} can be represented by a \term{pathname} \term{object}, and that given a \term{pathname} a \newterm{stream} can be constructed that connects to a \term{file} whose \term{filename} it represents. For information about opening and closing \term{files}, and manipulating their contents, \seechapter\Streams. \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{operators} that are applicable to \term{files} and directories. \displaythree{File and Directory Operations}{ compile-file&file-length&open\cr delete-file&file-position&probe-file\cr directory&file-write-date&rename-file\cr file-author&load&with-open-file\cr } \beginsubsection{Coercion of Streams to Pathnames} \DefineSection{StreamsToPathnames} \reviewer{Loosemore: Need text here.}%!!! \endsubsection%{Coercion of Streams to Pathnames} \beginsubsection{File Operations on Open and Closed Streams} \DefineSection{OpenAndClosedStreams} \issue{CLOSED-STREAM-FUNCTIONS:ALLOW-INQUIRY} Many \term{functions} that perform \term{file} operations accept either \term{open} or \term{closed} \term{streams} as \term{arguments}; \seesection\StreamArgsToStandardizedFns. Of these, the \term{functions} in \thenextfigure\ treat \term{open} and \term{closed} \term{streams} differently. \displaythree{File Functions that Treat Open and Closed Streams Differently}{ delete-file&file-author&probe-file\cr directory&file-write-date&truename\cr } Since treatment of \term{open} \term{streams} by the \term{file system} may vary considerably between \term{implementations}, however, a \term{closed} \term{stream} might be the most reliable kind of \term{argument} for some of these functions---in particular, those in \thenextfigure. For example, in some \term{file systems}, \term{open} \term{files} are written under temporary names and not renamed until \term{closed} and/or are held invisible until \term{closed}. In general, any code that is intended to be portable should use such \term{functions} carefully. \displaythree{File Functions where Closed Streams Might Work Best}{ directory&probe-file&truename\cr } \endissue{CLOSED-STREAM-FUNCTIONS:ALLOW-INQUIRY} \endsubsection%{File Operations on Open and Closed Streams} \beginsubsection{Truenames} \DefineSection{Truenames} Many \term{file systems} permit more than one \term{filename} to designate a particular \term{file}. Even where multiple names are possible, most \term{file systems} have a convention for generating a canonical \term{filename} in such situations. Such a canonical \term{filename} (or the \term{pathname} representing such a \term{filename}) is called a \newterm{truename}. %This came from the CLtL description of PROBE-FILE The \term{truename} of a \term{file} may differ from other \term{filenames} for the file because of symbolic links, version numbers, % Added to distinguish from Sandra's addition that follows. -kmp 12-Dec-91 logical device translations in the \term{file system}, % Added per Sandra. -kmp 12-Dec-91 \term{logical pathname} translations within \clisp, or other artifacts of the \term{file system}. The \term{truename} for a \term{file} is often, but not necessarily, unique for each \term{file}. For instance, a Unix \term{file} with multiple hard links could have several \term{truenames}. \beginsubsubsection{Examples of Truenames} For example, a DEC TOPS-20 system with \term{files} \f{PS:FOO.TXT.1} and \f{PS:FOO.TXT.2} might permit the second \term{file} to be referred to as \f{PS:FOO.TXT.0}, since the ``\f{.0}'' notation denotes ``newest'' version of several \term{files}. In the same \term{file system}, a ``logical device'' ``\f{JOE:}'' might be taken to refer to \f{PS:}'' and so the names \f{JOE:FOO.TXT.2} or \f{JOE:FOO.TXT.0} might refer to \f{PS:FOO.TXT.2}. In all of these cases, the \term{truename} of the file would probably be \f{PS:FOO.TXT.2}. If a \term{file} is a symbolic link to another \term{file} (in a \term{file system} permitting such a thing), it is conventional for the \term{truename} to be the canonical name of the \term{file} after any symbolic links have been followed; that is, it is the canonical name of the \term{file} whose contents would become available if an \term{input} \term{stream} to that \term{file} were opened. In the case of a \term{file} still being created (that is, of an \term{output} \term{stream} open to such a \term{file}), the exact \term{truename} of the file might not be known until the \term{stream} is closed. In this case, \thefunction{truename} might return different values for such a \term{stream} before and after it was closed. In fact, before it is closed, the name returned might not even be a valid name in the \term{file system}---for example, while a file is being written, it might have version \kwdref{newest} and might only take on a specific numeric value later when the file is closed even in a \term{file system} where all files have numeric versions. \endsubsubsection%{Examples of Truenames} \endsubsection%{Truenames}