% -*- Mode: TeX -*- There are many kinds of \term{file systems}, varying widely both in their superficial syntactic details, and in their underlying power and structure. The facilities provided by \clisp\ for referring to and manipulating \term{files} has been chosen to be compatible with many kinds of \term{file systems}, while at the same time minimizing the program-visible differences between kinds of \term{file systems}. %% 23.1.0 1 Since \term{file systems} vary in their conventions for naming \term{files}, there are two distinct ways to represent \term{filenames}: as \term{namestrings} and as \term{pathnames}. \beginSubsection{Namestrings as Filenames} A \newterm{namestring} is a \term{string} that represents a \term{filename} according to \term{implementation-defined} conventions customary for the \term{file system} in which the named \term{file} resides. In general, the syntax of \term{namestrings} is \term{implementation-dependent}. The only exception is the syntax of a \term{logical pathname} \term{namestring}, which is defined in this specification. A \term{conforming program} must never unconditionally use a \term{literal} \term{namestring} other than a \term{logical pathname} \term{namestring} because \clisp\ does not define any \term{namestring} syntax other than that for \term{logical pathnames} that would be guaranteed to be portable. However, a \term{conforming program} can, if it is careful, successfully manipulate user-supplied data which contains or refers to non-portable \term{namestrings}. %%% 23.1.1 11 A \term{namestring} can be \term{coerced} to a \term{pathname} by \thefunctions{pathname} or \funref{parse-namestring}. %% Not true for logical pathnames. Anyway, better said (if at all) in the function entries. % The effect of these \term{functions} is necessarily % \term{implementation-dependent} because the format of \term{namestrings} % is \term{implementation-dependent}. \endSubsection%{Namestrings as Filenames} \beginSubsection{Pathnames as Filenames} % From Chapter 21.1 ... % % \term{Pathnames} provide a means for expressing many operations that % manipulate files or file names in a manner that does not depend on the specific % format of file names on a particular file system. \newterm{Pathnames} are structured \term{objects} that can represent, in an \term{implementation-independent} way, the \term{filenames} that are used natively by an underlying \term{file system}. In addition, \term{pathnames} can also represent certain partially composed \term{filenames} for which an underlying \term{file system} might not have a specific \term{namestring} representation. %% 23.1.1 10 % A \term{pathname} % is not necessarily the name of a specific file. % Rather, it is a specification (possibly only a partial specification) of % how to access a file. A \term{pathname} need not correspond to any file that actually exists, and more than one \term{pathname} can refer to the same file. For example, the \term{pathname} with a version of \kwd{newest} might refer to the same file as a \term{pathname} with the same components except a certain number as the version. Indeed, a \term{pathname} with version \kwd{newest} might refer to different files as time passes, because the meaning of such a \term{pathname} depends on the state of the file system. Some \term{file systems} naturally use a structural model for their \term{filenames}, while others do not. Within the \clisp\ \term{pathname} model, all \term{filenames} are seen as having a particular structure, even if that structure is not reflected in the underlying \term{file system}. The nature of the mapping between structure imposed by \term{pathnames} and the structure, if any, that is used by the underlying \term{file system} is \term{implementation-defined}. %% 23.1.0 2 %In order to allow code to operate in a network environment %that may have more than one kind of file system, the pathname facility %allows a file name to specify which file system (called the %host) is to be used. %Left out. %% 23.1.1 3 Every \term{pathname} has six components: a host, a device, a directory, a name, a type, and a version. By naming \term{files} with \term{pathnames}, \clisp\ programs can work in essentially the same way even in \term{file systems} that seem superficially quite different. For a detailed description of these components, \seesection\PathnameComponents. The mapping of the \term{pathname} components into the concepts peculiar to each \term{file system} is \term{implementation-defined}. \issue{PATHNAME-SYNTAX-ERROR-TIME:EXPLICITLY-VAGUE}% There exist conceivable \term{pathnames} for which there is no valid mapping in a particular \term{implementation}. The time at which this error detection occurs is \term{implementation-dependent}. \endissue{PATHNAME-SYNTAX-ERROR-TIME:EXPLICITLY-VAGUE} \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{defined names} that are applicable to \term{pathnames}. \displaythree{Pathname Operations}{ *default-pathname-defaults*&namestring&pathname-name\cr directory-namestring&open&pathname-type\cr enough-namestring&parse-namestring&pathname-version\cr file-namestring&pathname&pathnamep\cr file-string-length&pathname-device&translate-pathname\cr host-namestring&pathname-directory&truename\cr make-pathname&pathname-host&user-homedir-pathname\cr merge-pathnames&pathname-match-p&wild-pathname-p\cr } \endSubsection%{Pathnames as Filenames} \beginSubsection{Parsing Namestrings Into Pathnames} %% 23.1.1 11 Parsing is the operation used to convert a \term{namestring} into a \term{pathname}. This operation is \term{implementation-dependent}, because the format of \term{namestrings} is \term{implementation-dependent}. %% 23.1.1 20 A \term{conforming implementation} is free to accommodate other \term{file system} features in its \term{pathname} representation and provides a parser that can process such specifications in \term{namestrings}. \term{Conforming programs} must not depend on any such features, since those features will not be portable. \endSubsection%{Parsing Namestrings Into Pathnames}