% -*- Mode: TeX -*- %%Evaluation \term{Execution} of \term{code} can be accomplished by a variety of means ranging from direct interpretation of a \term{form} representing a \term{program} to invocation of \term{compiled code} produced by a \term{compiler}. \newterm{Evaluation} is the process by which a \term{program} is \term{executed} in \clisp. The mechanism of \term{evaluation} is manifested both implicitly through the effect of the \term{Lisp read-eval-print loop}, and explicitly through the presence of the \term{functions} \funref{eval}, \funref{compile}, \funref{compile-file}, and \funref{load}. Any of these facilities might share the same execution strategy, or each might use a different one. The behavior of a \term{conforming program} processed by \funref{eval} and by \funref{compile-file} might differ; \seesection\SemanticConstraints. \term{Evaluation} can be understood in terms of a model in which an interpreter recursively traverses a \term{form} performing each step of the computation as it goes. This model, which describes the semantics of \clisp\ \term{programs}, is described in \secref\EvaluationModel. \beginsubSection{Introduction to Environments} \DefineSection{IntroToEnvs} A \newterm{binding} is an association between a \term{name} and that which the name denotes. \term{Bindings} are \term{established} in a \term{lexical environment} or a \term{dynamic environment} by particular \term{special operators}. An \newterm{environment} is a set of \term{bindings} and other information used during evaluation (\eg to associate meanings with names). \term{Bindings} in an \term{environment} are partitioned into \newterm{namespaces}. A single \term{name} can simultaneously have more than one associated \term{binding} per \term{environment}, but can have only one associated \term{binding} per \term{namespace}. %!!!! Moon: There out to be a list of the namespaces!! % Do they even have agreed-upon names? \beginsubsubsection{The Global Environment} The \newterm{global environment} is that part of an \term{environment} that contains \term{bindings} with both \term{indefinite scope} and \term{indefinite extent}. The \term{global environment} contains, among other things, the following: \beginlist \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{dynamic variables} and \term{constant variables}. \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{functions}, \term{macros}, and \term{special operators}. \item{\bull}% \issue{DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO:X3J13-NOV89}% \term{bindings} of \term{compiler macros}. \endissue{DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO:X3J13-NOV89}% \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{type} and \term{class} \term{names} \item{\bull} information about \term{proclamations}. \endlist \endsubsubsection%{The Global Environment} \beginsubsubsection{Dynamic Environments} A \newterm{dynamic environment} for \term{evaluation} is that part of an \term{environment} that contains \term{bindings} whose duration is bounded by points of \term{establishment} and \term{disestablishment} within the execution of the \term{form} that established the \term{binding}. A \term{dynamic environment} contains, among other things, the following: \beginlist \item{\bull} \term{bindings} for \term{dynamic variables}. \item{\bull} information about \term{active} \term{catch tags}. \item{\bull} information about \term{exit points} established by \specref{unwind-protect}. \item{\bull} information about \term{active} \term{handlers} and \term{restarts}. \endlist The \term{dynamic environment} that is active at any given point in the \term{execution} of a \term{program} is referred to by definite reference as ``the current \term{dynamic environment},'' or sometimes as just ``the \term{dynamic environment}.'' Within a given \term{namespace}, a \term{name} is said to be \term{bound} in a \term{dynamic environment} if there is a \term{binding} %or mapping associated with its \term{name} in the \term{dynamic environment} or, if not, there is a \term{binding} %or mapping associated with its name in the \term{global environment}. \endsubsubsection%{Dynamic Environments} \beginsubsubsection{Lexical Environments} A \newterm{lexical environment} for \term{evaluation} at some position in a \term{program} is that part of the \term{environment} that contains information having \term{lexical scope} within the \term{forms} containing that position. A \term{lexical environment} contains, among other things, the following: \beginlist \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{lexical variables} and \term{symbol macros}. \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{functions} and \term{macros}. (Implicit in this is information about those \term{compiler macros} that are locally disabled.) %% Replaced by parenthetical remark on previous bullet. -kmp 5-Dec-91 % \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{compiler macros} % (specifically, information about those \term{compiler macros} % that are locally disabled) \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{block tags}. \item{\bull} \term{bindings} of \term{go tags}. \item{\bull} information about \term{declarations}. \endlist The \term{lexical environment} that is active at any given position in a \term{program} being semantically processed is referred to by definite reference as ``the current \term{lexical environment},'' or sometimes as just ``the \term{lexical environment}.'' Within a given \term{namespace}, a \term{name} is said to be \term{bound} in a \term{lexical environment} if there is a \term{binding} %or mapping associated with its \term{name} in the \term{lexical environment} or, if not, there is a \term{binding} %or mapping associated with its name in the \term{global environment}. \beginsubsubsubsection{The Null Lexical Environment} \DefineSection{NullLexicalEnv} The \newterm{null lexical environment} is equivalent to the \term{global environment}. Although in general the representation of an \term{environment} \term{object} is \term{implementation-dependent}, \nil\ can be used in any situation where an \term{environment} \term{object} is called for in order to denote the \term{null lexical environment}. \endsubsubsubsection%{The Null Lexical Environment} \endsubsubsection%{Lexical Environments} \beginsubsubsection{Environment Objects} \DefineSection{EnvObjs} Some \term{operators} make use of an \term{object}, called an \newterm{environment object}, that represents the set of \term{lexical bindings} needed to perform semantic analysis on a \term{form} in a given \term{lexical environment}. The set of \term{bindings} in an \term{environment object} may be a subset of the \term{bindings} that would be needed to actually perform an \term{evaluation}; for example, \term{values} associated with \term{variable} \term{names} and \term{function names} in the corresponding \term{lexical environment} might not be available in an \term{environment object}. The \term{type} and nature of an \term{environment object} is \term{implementation-dependent}. The \term{values} of \term{environment parameters} to \term{macro functions} are examples of \term{environment objects}. The \term{object} \nil\ when used as an \term{environment}\meaning{2} \term{object} denotes the \term{null lexical environment}; \seesection\NullLexicalEnv. \endsubsubsection%{Environment Objects} \endSubsection%{Introduction to Environments} \beginSubsection{The Evaluation Model} \DefineSection{EvaluationModel} A \clisp\ system evaluates \term{forms} with respect to lexical, dynamic, and global \term{environments}. The following sections describe the components of the \clisp\ evaluation model. \beginsubsubsection{Form Evaluation} %% 5.1.0 2 %% 5.1.1 1 \term{Forms} fall into three categories: %!!!Is this a correct use of self-evaluating? -kmp 09-Apr-91 \term{symbols}, \term{conses}, and \term{self-evaluating objects}. The following sections explain these categories. \beginsubsubsubsection{Symbols as Forms} \DefineSection{SymbolsAsForms} If a \term{form} is a \term{symbol}, then it is either a \term{symbol macro} or a \term{variable}. The \term{symbol} names a \term{symbol macro} if there is a \term{binding} of the \term{symbol} as a \term{symbol macro} in the current \term{lexical environment} (see \specref{symbol-macrolet}). If the \term{symbol} is a \term{symbol macro}, then it is expanded and the result of that expansion, which might be any kind of \term{form}, is processed in place of the original \term{symbol}. If a \term{form} is a \term{symbol} that is not a \term{symbol macro}, then it is the \term{name} of a \term{variable}, and the \term{value} of that \term{variable} is returned. There are three kinds of variables: \term{lexical variables}, \term{dynamic variables}, and \term{constant variables}. % global variables. A \term{variable} can store one \term{object}. The main operations on a \term{variable} are to \term{read}\meaning{1} and to \term{write}\meaning{1} its \term{value}. %% 7.1.1 1 %% 7.2.0 2 %% 7.2.0 3 An error \oftype{unbound-variable} should be signaled if an \term{unbound variable} is referenced. \term{Non-constant variables} can be \term{assigned} by using \specref{setq} or \term{bound}\meaning{3} by using \specref{let}. \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{defined names} that are applicable to assigning, binding, and defining \term{variables}. \displaythree{Some Defined Names Applicable to Variables}{ boundp&let&progv\cr defconstant&let*&psetq\cr defparameter&makunbound&set\cr defvar&multiple-value-bind&setq\cr lambda&multiple-value-setq&symbol-value\cr } The following is a description of each kind of variable. \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Lexical Variables} %!!! Issue of (let ((x x)) (declare (special x)) ...). Is the outer X special? -kmp %% 5.1.2 2 %% Rewritten by KAB and KMP. % A \term{variable} that occurs textually within a \term{form} % that creates a \term{lexical binding} for a \term{variable} % of the same name is a \term{lexical variable} unless the reference is locally % declared \declref{special} (see \misc{declare}) or the \term{binding} % is shadowed by a \term{form} that creates a \term{dynamic binding} of the same name. %% 5.1.2 3 A \term{lexical variable} is a \term{variable} that can be referenced only within the \term{lexical scope} of the \term{form} that establishes that \term{variable}; \term{lexical variables} have \term{lexical scope}. Each time a \term{form} creates a \term{lexical binding} of a \term{variable}, a \term{fresh} \term{binding} is \term{established}. Within the \term{scope} of a \term{binding} for a \term{lexical variable} \term{name}, uses of that \term{name} as a \term{variable} are considered to be references to that \term{binding} except where the \term{variable} is \term{shadowed}\meaning{2} by a \term{form} that \term{establishes} a \term{fresh} \term{binding} for that \term{variable} \term{name}, or by a \term{form} that locally \term{declares} the \term{name} \declref{special}. A \term{lexical variable} always has a \term{value}. There is no \term{operator} that introduces a \term{binding} for a \term{lexical variable} without giving it an initial \term{value}, nor is there any \term{operator} that can make a \term{lexical variable} be \term{unbound}. \term{Bindings} of \term{lexical variables} are found in the \term{lexical environment}. \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Lexical Variables} \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Dynamic Variables} A \term{variable} is a \term{dynamic variable} if one of the following conditions hold: \beginlist \item{\bull} It is locally declared or globally proclaimed \declref{special}. \item{\bull} It occurs textually within a \term{form} that creates a \term{dynamic binding} for a \term{variable} of the \term{same} \term{name}, and the \term{binding} is not \term{shadowed}\meaning{2} by a \term{form} that creates a \term{lexical binding} of the same \term{variable} \term{name}. %% Is this right? Is there an issue that applies to this? -kmp %% Removed for now because Barrett and Moon balked, too. -kmp 13-Oct-91 % \item{\bull} It is not locally declared \declref{special}, % and it does not occur textually within a \term{form} that creates % a lexical \term{binding} for a variable of the same name. \endlist %!!! Barrett wants to mention "dynamic scope" here someplace. A \term{dynamic variable} can be referenced at any time in any \term{program}; there is no textual limitation on references to \term{dynamic variables}. At any given time, all \term{dynamic variables} with a given name refer to exactly one \term{binding}, either in the \term{dynamic environment} or in the \term{global environment}. %% 5.1.2 5 The \term{value} part of the \term{binding} for a \term{dynamic variable} might be empty; in this case, the \term{dynamic variable} is said to have no \term{value}, or to be \term{unbound}. A \term{dynamic variable} can be made \term{unbound} by using \funref{makunbound}. The effect of \term{binding} a \term{dynamic variable} is to create a new \term{binding} to which all references to that \term{dynamic variable} in any \term{program} refer for the duration of the \term{evaluation} of the \term{form} that creates the \term{dynamic binding}. % %!!! Need to merge this in with previous or delete it. % %% 5.1.2 4 % A \term{dynamic variable} that is referenced outside the \term{dynamic extent} of % a \term{form} that \term{binds} the \term{symbol} that names the % variable is a global variable. A global variable is \term{unbound} % unless and until explicitly assigned a value, except for global % variables defined in this specification or by an implementation. A \term{dynamic variable} can be referenced outside the \term{dynamic extent} of a \term{form} that \term{binds} it. Such a \term{variable} is sometimes called a ``global variable'' but is still in all respects just a \term{dynamic variable} whose \term{binding} happens to exist in the \term{global environment} rather than in some \term{dynamic environment}. % slight rewording --sjl 3 Mar 92 A \term{dynamic variable} is \term{unbound} unless and until explicitly assigned a value, except for those variables whose initial value is defined in this specification or by an \term{implementation}. %% Pretty much said above. % \term{Bindings} of \term{dynamic variables} are found in the \term{dynamic environment} % or the \term{global environment}. \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Dynamic Variables} \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Constant Variables} \DefineSection{ConstantVars} %% 1.2.5 6 %% 5.1.2 6 Certain variables, called \term{constant variables}, are reserved as ``named constants.'' The consequences are undefined if an attempt is made to assign a value to, or create a \term{binding} for a \term{constant variable}, except that a `compatible' redefinition of a \term{constant variable} using \macref{defconstant} is permitted; \seemac{defconstant}. \term{Keywords}, \term{symbols} defined by \clisp\ or the \term{implementation} as constant (such as \nil, \t, and \conref{pi}), and \term{symbols} declared as constant using \macref{defconstant} are \term{constant variables}. \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Constant Variables} \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Symbols Naming Both Lexical and Dynamic Variables} %A \term{symbol} can name both a \term{lexical variable} and a \term{dynamic variable}. %%KAB: The above is a little confusing, as it could be read to mean they %% are somehow in different namespaces. %%KMP: Replaced by the following section: The same \term{symbol} can name both a \term{lexical variable} and a \term{dynamic variable}, but never in the same \term{lexical environment}. In the following example, the \term{symbol} \f{x} is used, at different times, as the \term{name} of a \term{lexical variable} and as the \term{name} of a \term{dynamic variable}. \code (let ((x 1)) ;Binds a special variable X (declare (special x)) (let ((x 2)) ;Binds a lexical variable X (+ x ;Reads a lexical variable X (locally (declare (special x)) x)))) ;Reads a special variable X \EV 3 \endcode \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Symbols Naming Both Lexical and Dynamic Variables} \endsubsubsubsection%{Symbols as Forms} \beginsubsubsubsection{Conses as Forms} A \term{cons} that is used as a \term{form} is called a \term{compound form}. If the \term{car} of that \term{compound form} is a \term{symbol}, that \term{symbol} is the \term{name} of an \term{operator}, and the \term{form} is either a \term{special form}, a \term{macro form}, or a \term{function form}, depending on the \term{function} \term{binding} of the \term{operator} in the current \term{lexical environment}. If the \term{operator} is neither a \term{special operator} nor a \term{macro name}, it is assumed to be a \term{function name} (even if there is no definition for such a \term{function}). If the \term{car} of the \term{compound form} is not a \term{symbol}, then that \term{car} must be a \term{lambda expression}, in which case the \term{compound form} is a \term{lambda form}. How a \term{compound form} is processed depends on whether it is classified as a \term{special form}, a \term{macro form}, a \term{function form}, or a \term{lambda form}. \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Special Forms} % special form changed to special operator in a few places --sjl 3 Mar 92 A \term{special form} is a \term{form} with special syntax, special evaluation rules, or both, possibly manipulating the evaluation environment, control flow, or both. % When the operator names a \term{special form}, % the operation is performed using special purpose code % in the current \term{lexical environment} and \term{dynamic environments}. %% Simplified for Sandra: A \term{special operator} has access to the current \term{lexical environment} and the current \term{dynamic environment}. Each \term{special operator} defines the manner in which its \term{subexpressions} are treated---which are \term{forms}, which are special syntax, \etc. Some \term{special operators} create new lexical or dynamic \term{environments} for use during the \term{evaluation} of \term{subforms} of the \term{special form}. For example, \specref{block} creates a new \term{lexical environment} that is the same as the one in force at the point of evaluation of the \specref{block} \term{form} with the addition of a \term{binding} of the \specref{block} name to an \term{exit point} from the \specref{block}. %Moon observes that this is no different than for any other form: % % Generally, \term{special forms} will return normally, \term{yielding} % one or more values, but some \term{special forms} may cause a non-local exit. The set of \term{special operator} \term{names} is fixed in \clisp; no way is provided for the user to define a \term{special operator}. \Thenextfigure\ lists all of the \clisp\ \term{symbols} that have definitions as \term{special operators}. \DefineFigure{CLSpecialOps} %% 5.1.3 2 %% 7.0.0 5 %% 7.7.0 1 %% 7.8.3 3 %% 7.8.3 5 %% 7.8.5 3 %% 7.10.0 1 \issue{COMPILER-LET-CONFUSION:ELIMINATE} \issue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE} \issue{LOAD-TIME-EVAL:R**2-NEW-SPECIAL-FORM} \issue{GENERIC-FLET-POORLY-DESIGNED:DELETE} \displaythree{Common Lisp Special Operators}{ block&let*&return-from\cr catch&load-time-value&setq\cr eval-when&locally&symbol-macrolet\cr flet¯olet&tagbody\cr function&multiple-value-call&the\cr go&multiple-value-prog1&throw\cr if&progn&unwind-protect\cr labels&progv&\cr let"e&\cr } %Removed COMPILER-LET -kmp 3-Jan-91 %Removed WITH-ADDED-METHODS -kmp 7-Jan-91 %Removed DECLARE per Moon's comments. -kmp 10-Mar-91 %Added LOAD-TIME-VALUE -kmp 26-May-91 %Added LOCALLY per Barrett comments. -kmp 13-Oct-91 \endissue{GENERIC-FLET-POORLY-DESIGNED:DELETE} \endissue{LOAD-TIME-EVAL:R**2-NEW-SPECIAL-FORM} \endissue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE} \endissue{COMPILER-LET-CONFUSION:ELIMINATE} %% 5.1.3 9 \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Special Forms} \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Macro Forms} If the \term{operator} names a \term{macro}, its associated \term{macro function} is applied to the entire \term{form} and the result of that application is used in place of the original \term{form}. Specifically, a \term{symbol} names a \term{macro} in a given \term{lexical environment} if \funref{macro-function} is \term{true} of the \term{symbol} and that \term{environment}. The \term{function} returned by \funref{macro-function} is a \term{function} of two arguments, called the expansion function. The expansion function is invoked by calling the \term{macroexpand hook} with the expansion function as its first argument, the entire \term{macro form} as its second argument, % and the current \term{lexical environment} % %% KAB thinks this is a bogus distinction. % % (or with the current compilation \term{environment}, % % if the \term{form} is being processed by \funref{compile-file}) %% Trying again... -kmp&kab 8-Feb-92 and an \term{environment object} (corresponding to the current \term{lexical environment}) as its third argument. The \term{macroexpand hook}, in turn, calls the expansion function with the \term{form} as its first argument and the \term{environment} as its second argument. The \term{value} of the expansion function, which is passed through by the \term{macroexpand hook}, is a \term{form}. % (\funref{macroexpand} % and \funref{macroexpand-1} attach a second, \term{boolean} return value % which is always \term{true} in this context, and hence always ignored.) The returned \term{form} is \term{evaluated} in place of the original \term{form}. %% 8.0.0 6 A \term{macro name} is not a \term{function designator}, and cannot be used as the \param{function} argument to \term{functions} such as \funref{apply}, \funref{funcall}, or \funref{map}. An \term{implementation} is free to implement a \clisp\ \term{special operator} as a \term{macro}. An \term{implementation} is free to implement any \term{macro} \term{operator} as a \term{special operator}, but only if an equivalent definition of the \term{macro} is also provided. % I don't think this adds anything to the above, and it's more confusing. % So I commented it out. --sjl 3 Mar 92 % %% 7.1.1 23 % A \clisp\ \term{symbol} may name both a \term{special operator} % and a \term{macro}, % %I added this: -kmp -kmp 12-Mar-91 % but in that case the definitions must be semantically equivalent. \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{defined names} that are applicable to \term{macros}. \displaythree{Defined names applicable to macros}{ *macroexpand-hook*¯o-function¯oexpand-1\cr defmacro¯oexpand¯olet\cr } %DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO and COMPILER-MACRO-FUNCTION removed per Moon. -kmp 10-Mar-91 \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Macro Forms} \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Function Forms} \DefineSection{FunctionForms} If the \term{operator} is a \term{symbol} naming a \term{function}, the \term{form} represents a \term{function form}, and the \term{cdr} of the list contains the \term{forms} which when evaluated will supply the arguments passed to the \term{function}. When a \term{function name} is not defined, an error \oftype{undefined-function} should be signaled at run time; \seesection\SemanticConstraints. A \term{function form} is evaluated as follows: The \term{subforms} in the \term{cdr} of the original \term{form} are evaluated in left-to-right order in the current lexical and dynamic \term{environments}. The \term{primary value} of each such \term{evaluation} becomes an \term{argument} to the named \term{function}; % removed inappropriate reference to Lambda List section. --sjl 3 Mar 92 any additional \term{values} returned by the \term{subforms} are discarded. The \term{functional value} of the \term{operator} is retrieved from the \term{lexical environment}, and that \term{function} is invoked with the indicated arguments. %%How the function treats its arguments, what bindings it establishes, etc. %% does not belong here. -kmp,moon % and a new \term{lexical environment} is created that contains only % the \term{bindings} established by \term{binding} each parameter % name in the lambda list of the \term{function} with the % corresponding value in the evaluated arguments along with a binding of % the name of the \term{function} with the \term{exit point} that % returns from the \term{function}. This is the lexical % \term{environment} used for evaluating the body of the \term{function}. \issue{FUNCTION-CALL-EVALUATION-ORDER:MORE-UNSPECIFIED} Although the order of \term{evaluation} of the \term{argument} \term{subforms} themselves is strictly left-to-right, it is not specified whether the definition of the \term{operator} in a \term{function form} is looked up before the \term{evaluation} of the \term{argument} \term{subforms}, after the \term{evaluation} of the \term{argument} \term{subforms}, or between the \term{evaluation} of any two \term{argument} \term{subforms} if there is more than one such \term{argument} \term{subform}. For example, the following might return 23 or~24. \code (defun foo (x) (+ x 3)) (defun bar () (setf (symbol-function 'foo) #'(lambda (x) (+ x 4)))) (foo (progn (bar) 20)) \endcode \endissue{FUNCTION-CALL-EVALUATION-ORDER:MORE-UNSPECIFIED} A \term{binding} for a \term{function name} can be \term{established} in one of several ways. A \term{binding} for a \term{function name} in the \term{global environment} can be \term{established} by \macref{defun}, \SETFof{fdefinition}, % added symbol-function --sjl 3 Mar 92 \SETFof{symbol-function}, %% KAB: Doesn't belong here. %\macref{defmacro}, %\SETFof{macro-function}, \funref{ensure-generic-function}, \macref{defmethod} (implicitly, due to \funref{ensure-generic-function}), or \macref{defgeneric}. A \term{binding} for a \term{function name} in the \term{lexical environment} can be \term{established} by \specref{flet} or \specref{labels}. \issue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE} %\specref{with-added-methods}, \endissue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE}% \issue{GENERIC-FLET-POORLY-DESIGNED:DELETE} % \specref{generic-flet}, % or % \specref{generic-labels}. \endissue{GENERIC-FLET-POORLY-DESIGNED:DELETE} %%Moon thinks this is redundant, so asked that it be deleted. -kmp 11-Mar-91 % If a \term{symbol} that names a \term{function} appears % as the first element of a function call \term{form}, then it refers % to the definition established by the innermost % \specref{flet}, % \specref{labels}, % \issue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE} % %\specref{with-added-methods}, % \endissue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE}% % \specref{generic-flet}, % or % \specref{generic-labels} % that textually contains the reference, or to the global definition (if any) if there % is no such containing \term{form}. As noted earlier, this use % of \term{symbols} to name \term{functions} is % independent of their use in naming dynamic and lexical variables. \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{defined names} that are applicable to \term{functions}. \issue{GENERIC-FLET-POORLY-DESIGNED:DELETE} \issue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE} \displaythree{Some function-related defined names}{ apply&fdefinition&mapcan\cr call-arguments-limit&flet&mapcar\cr complement&fmakunbound&mapcon\cr constantly&funcall&mapl\cr defgeneric&function&maplist\cr defmethod&functionp&multiple-value-call\cr defun&labels&reduce\cr fboundp&map&symbol-function\cr } %Removed GENERIC-FLET, GENERIC-LABELS. -kmp 7-Feb-92 %Removed WITH-ADDED-METHODS -kmp 7-Jan-91 %Added MAPC, MAPCAR, MAPCAN, MAPLIST, MAPL, MAPCON, % CONSTANTLY, COMPLEMENT, REDUCE, FDEFINITION. %Removed LAMBDA-LIST-KEYWORDS. %Not including all the things with :TEST, :TEST-NOT, :KEY arguments, though. % -kmp 16-Oct-91 \endissue{WITH-ADDED-METHODS:DELETE} \endissue{GENERIC-FLET-POORLY-DESIGNED:DELETE} \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Function Forms} \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Lambda Forms} \DefineSection{LambdaForms} A \term{lambda form} is similar to a \term{function form}, except that the \term{function name} is replaced by a \term{lambda expression}. A \term{lambda form} is equivalent to using \term{funcall} of a \term{lexical closure} of the \term{lambda expression} on the given \term{arguments}. (In practice, some compilers are more likely to produce inline code for a \term{lambda form} than for an arbitrary named function that has been declared \declref{inline}; however, such a difference is not semantic.) For further information, \seesection\LambdaExpressions. \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Lambda Forms} \endsubsubsubsection%{Conses as forms} \beginsubsubsubsection{Self-Evaluating Objects} \issue{EVAL-OTHER:SELF-EVALUATE} A \term{form} that is neither a \term{symbol} nor a \term{cons} is defined to be a \term{self-evaluating object}. \term{Evaluating} such an \term{object} \term{yields} the \term{same} \term{object} as a result. \endissue{EVAL-OTHER:SELF-EVALUATE} Certain specific \term{symbols} and \term{conses} might also happen to be ``self-evaluating'' but only as a special case of a more general set of rules for the \term{evaluation} of \term{symbols} and \term{conses}; such \term{objects} are not considered to be \term{self-evaluating objects}. % added --sjl 3 Mar 92 The consequences are undefined if \term{literal objects} (including \term{self-evaluating objects}) are destructively modified. \beginsubsubsubsubsection{Examples of Self-Evaluating Objects} \term{Numbers}, \term{pathnames}, and \term{arrays} are examples of \term{self-evaluating objects}. \code 3 \EV 3 #c(2/3 5/8) \EV #C(2/3 5/8) #p"S:[BILL]OTHELLO.TXT" \EV #P"S:[BILL]OTHELLO.TXT" #(a b c) \EV #(A B C) "fred smith" \EV "fred smith" \endcode \endsubsubsubsubsection%{Examples of Self-Evaluating Objects} \endsubsubsubsection%{Self-Evaluating Objects} \endsubsubsection%{Form Evaluation} \endSubsection%{The Evaluation Model} \beginsubsection{Lambda Expressions} \DefineSection{LambdaExpressions} % I found the last paragraph of this section very confusing, so I % reworded the first paragraph to make it unnecessary. -- sjl 3 Mar 92 % In a \term{lambda expression}, % the current lexical \term{environment} is extended by adding the \term{binding} of % each \term{parameter} in the \term{lambda list} of the \term{lambda expression} % with the corresponding \term{value} from the \term{arguments}. % This is the \term{lexical environment} used for evaluating the body % of the \term{lambda expression}. In a \term{lambda expression}, the body is evaluated in a lexical \term{environment} that is formed by adding the \term{binding} of each \term{parameter} in the \term{lambda list} with the corresponding \term{value} from the \term{arguments} to the current lexical \term{environment}. For further discussion of how \term{bindings} are \term{established} based on the \term{lambda list}, \seesection\LambdaLists. The body of a \term{lambda expression} is an \term{implicit progn}; the \term{values} it returns are returned by the \term{lambda expression}. % When the \term{function} returns, % the \term{lexical environment} that was in effect % when the original \term{form} was evaluated % is re-established. \endsubsection%{Lambda Expressions} \beginSubsection{Closures and Lexical Binding} %% 7.1.1 5 A \term{lexical closure} is a \term{function} that can refer to and alter the values of \term{lexical bindings} \term{established} by \term{binding} \term{forms} that textually include the function definition. Consider this code, where \f{x} is not declared \declref{special}: \code (defun two-funs (x) (list (function (lambda () x)) (function (lambda (y) (setq x y))))) (setq funs (two-funs 6)) (funcall (car funs)) \EV 6 (funcall (cadr funs) 43) \EV 43 (funcall (car funs)) \EV 43 \endcode \Thespecform{function} coerces a \term{lambda expression} into a \term{closure} in which the \term{lexical environment} in effect when the \term{special form} is evaluated is captured along with the \term{lambda expression}. The function \f{two-funs} returns a \term{list} of two \term{functions}, each of which refers to the \term{binding} of the variable \f{x} created on entry to the function \f{two-funs} when it was called. %% For Moon. %with argument \f{6}. This variable has the value \f{6} initially, but \specref{setq} can alter this \term{binding}. % %Barrett finds the next sentence confusing. % %Moon, too. % The \term{lexical closure} created for the first % \term{lambda expression} does not capture the value \f{6} for \f{x} % when the \term{closure} is created. The second \term{function} can be % used to alter the variable binding (to \f{43}, in the example), and % this altered variable binding then becomes accessible to the first % \term{function}. The \term{lexical closure} created for the first \term{lambda expression} does not ``snapshot'' the \term{value} \f{6} for \f{x} when the \term{closure} is created; rather it captures the \term{binding} of \f{x}. The second \term{function} can be used to alter the \term{value} in the same (captured) \term{binding} (to \f{43}, in the example), and this altered variable binding then affects the value returned by the first \term{function}. %% 7.1.1 6 In situations where a \term{closure} of a \term{lambda expression} over the same set of \term{bindings} may be produced more than once, the various resulting \term{closures} may or may not be \term{identical}, at the discretion of the \term{implementation}. That is, two \term{functions} that are behaviorally indistinguishable might or might not be \term{identical}. Two \term{functions} that are behaviorally distinguishable are \term{distinct}. For example: \code (let ((x 5) (funs '())) (dotimes (j 10) (push #'(lambda (z) (if (null z) (setq x 0) (+ x z))) funs)) funs) \endcode The result of the above \term{form} is a \term{list} of ten \term{closures}. Each requires only the \term{binding} of \f{x}. It is the same \term{binding} in each case, but the ten \term{closure} \term{objects} might or might not be \term{identical}. On the other hand, the result of the \term{form} \code (let ((funs '())) (dotimes (j 10) (let ((x 5)) (push (function (lambda (z) (if (null z) (setq x 0) (+ x z)))) funs))) funs) \endcode is also a \term{list} of ten \term{closures}. However, in this case no two of the \term{closure} \term{objects} can be \term{identical} because each \term{closure} is closed over a distinct \term{binding} of \f{x}, and these \term{bindings} can be behaviorally distinguished because of the use of \specref{setq}. %% 7.1.1 7 The result of the \term{form} \code (let ((funs '())) (dotimes (j 10) (let ((x 5)) (push (function (lambda (z) (+ x z))) funs))) funs) \endcode is a \term{list} of ten \term{closure} \term{objects} that might or might not be \term{identical}. A different \term{binding} of \f{x} is involved for each \term{closure}, but the \term{bindings} cannot be distinguished because their values are the \term{same} and immutable (there being no occurrence of \specref{setq} on \f{x}). A compiler could internally transform the \term{form} to \code (let ((funs '())) (dotimes (j 10) (push (function (lambda (z) (+ 5 z))) funs)) funs) \endcode where the \term{closures} may be \term{identical}. %% Moon thought this was redundant and distracting. -kmp 8-Feb-92 % In some \term{implementations}, % two distinct evaluations of the same \specref{function} \term{form} might % produce \term{identical} \term{closures} if they must be behaviorally % identical with respect to invocation. %% 7.1.1 9 It is possible that a \term{closure} does not close over any variable bindings. In the code fragment \code (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (+ x 2))) y) \endcode the function \f{(lambda (x) (+ x 2))} contains no references to any outside object. In this case, the same \term{closure} might be returned for all evaluations of the \specref{function} \term{form}. \endSubsection%{Closures and Lexical Binding} \beginSubsection{Shadowing} \DefineSection{Shadowing} %% 5.1.3 10 %% 3.0.0 13 % % If two \term{forms} that establish lexical entities with the same % \term{name} are textually nested, then references within the inner % \term{form} refer to the entity established by the inner one; the % inner one shadows the outer one. Outside the inner \term{form} but % inside the outer one, references refer to the entity established by % the outer \term{form}. For example: % %% Rewritten for Sandra: If two \term{forms} that \term{establish} \term{lexical bindings} with the same \term{name} $N$ are textually nested, then references to $N$ within the inner \term{form} refer to the \term{binding} established by the inner \term{form}; the inner \term{binding} for $N$ \newterm{shadows} the outer \term{binding} for $N$. Outside the inner \term{form} but inside the outer one, references to $N$ refer to the \term{binding} established by the outer \term{form}. For example: %!!! Barrett thinks this doesn't explain, and that we should discuss, % (let ((x ...)) (let ((x ...)) (declare (special x)) ...)) \code (defun test (x z) (let ((z (* x 2))) (print z)) z) \endcode The \term{binding} of the variable \f{z} by \specref{let} shadows the \term{parameter} binding for the function \f{test}. The reference to the variable \f{z} in the \funref{print} \term{form} refers to the \specref{let} binding. The reference to \f{z} at the end of the function \f{test} refers to the \term{parameter} named \f{z}. %!!! What to do with this use of "construct"? -kmp 3-Sep-91 %% 3.0.0 26 Constructs that are lexically scoped act as if new names were generated for each \term{object} on each execution. Therefore, dynamic shadowing cannot occur. For example: \code (defun contorted-example (f g x) (if (= x 0) (funcall f) (block here (+ 5 (contorted-example g #'(lambda () (return-from here 4)) (- x 1)))))) \endcode Consider the call \f{(contorted-example nil nil 2)}. This produces \f{4}. During the course of execution, there are three calls to \f{contorted-example}, interleaved with two blocks: \code (contorted-example nil nil 2) (block here\ssso ...) (contorted-example nil #'(lambda () (return-from here\ssso 4)) 1) (block here\ssst ...) (contorted-example #'(lambda () (return-from here\ssso 4)) #'(lambda () (return-from here\ssst 4)) 0) (funcall f) where f \EV #'(lambda () (return-from here\ssso 4)) (return-from here\ssso 4) \endcode At the time the \f{funcall} is executed there are two \specref{block} \term{exit points} outstanding, each apparently named \f{here}. The \specref{return-from} \term{form} executed as a result of the \f{funcall} operation refers to the outer outstanding \term{exit point} (here\ssso), not the inner one (here\ssst). It refers to that \term{exit point} textually visible at the point of execution of \specref{function} (here abbreviated by the \f{\#'} syntax) that resulted in creation of the \term{function} \term{object} actually invoked by \funref{funcall}. %% 3.0.0 27 If, in this example, one were to change the \f{(funcall f)} to \f{(funcall g)}, then the value of the call \f{(contorted-example nil nil 2)} would be \f{9}. The value would change because \funref{funcall} would cause the execution of \f{(return-from here\ssst\ 4)}, thereby causing a return from the inner \term{exit point} (here\ssst). When that occurs, the value \f{4} is returned from the middle invocation of \f{contorted-example}, \f{5} is added to that to get \f{9}, and that value is returned from the outer block and the outermost call to \f{contorted-example}. The point is that the choice of \term{exit point} returned from has nothing to do with its being innermost or outermost; rather, it depends on the lexical environment that is packaged up with a \term{lambda expression} when \specref{function} is executed. \endSubsection%{Shadowing} \beginSubsection{Extent} %% 3.0.0 28 \f{Contorted-example} works only because the \term{function} named by \f{f} is invoked during the \term{extent} of the \term{exit point}. Once the flow of execution has left the block, the \term{exit point} is \term{disestablished}. For example: \code (defun invalid-example () (let ((y (block here #'(lambda (z) (return-from here z))))) (if (numberp y) y (funcall y 5)))) \endcode One might expect the call \f{(invalid-example)} to produce \f{5} by the following incorrect reasoning: \specref{let} binds \f{y} to the value of \specref{block}; this value is a \term{function} resulting from the \term{lambda expression}. Because \f{y} is not a number, it is invoked on the value \f{5}. The \specref{return-from} should then return this value from the \term{exit point} named \f{here}, thereby exiting from the block again and giving \f{y} the value \f{5} which, being a number, is then returned as the value of the call to \f{invalid-example}. %% 3.0.0 29 The argument fails only because \term{exit points} have \term{dynamic extent}. The argument is correct up to the execution of \specref{return-from}. The execution of \specref{return-from} should signal an error \oftype{control-error}, however, not because it cannot refer to the \term{exit point}, but because it does correctly refer to an \term{exit point} and that \term{exit point} has been \term{disestablished}. %% 3.0.0 14 %% 3.0.0 16 A reference by name to a dynamic \term{exit point} binding such as a \term{catch tag} refers to the most recently \term{established} \term{binding} of that name that has not been \term{disestablished}. For example: \code (defun fun1 (x) (catch 'trap (+ 3 (fun2 x)))) (defun fun2 (y) (catch 'trap (* 5 (fun3 y)))) (defun fun3 (z) (throw 'trap z)) \endcode Consider the call \f{(fun1 7)}. The result is \f{10}. At the time the \specref{throw} is executed, there are two outstanding catchers with the name \f{trap}: one established within procedure \f{fun1}, and the other within procedure \f{fun2}. The latter is the more recent, and so the value \f{7} is returned from \specref{catch} in \f{fun2}. Viewed from within \f{fun3}, the \specref{catch} in \f{fun2} shadows the one in \f{fun1}. Had \f{fun2} been defined as \code (defun fun2 (y) (catch 'snare (* 5 (fun3 y)))) \endcode then the two \term{exit points} would have different \term{names}, and therefore the one in \f{fun1} would not be shadowed. The result would then have been \f{7}. \endSubsection%{Extent} \beginSubsection{Return Values} Ordinarily the result of calling a \term{function} is a single \term{object}. Sometimes, however, it is convenient for a function to compute several \term{objects} and return them. % slight rewording -- sjl 3 Mar 92 In order to receive other than exactly one value from a \term{form}, one of several \term{special forms} or \term{macros} must be used to request those values. If a \term{form} produces \term{multiple values} which were not requested in this way, then the first value is given to the caller and all others are discarded; if the \term{form} produces zero values, then the caller receives \nil\ as a value. \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{operators} for receiving \term{multiple values}\meaning{2}. These \term{operators} can be used to specify one or more \term{forms} to \term{evaluate} and where to put the \term{values} returned by those \term{forms}. \displaythree{Some operators applicable to receiving multiple values}{ multiple-value-bind&multiple-value-prog1&return-from\cr multiple-value-call&multiple-value-setq&throw\cr multiple-value-list&return&\cr } \Thefunction{values} can produce \term{multiple values}\meaning{2}. \f{(values)} returns zero values; \f{(values \param{form})} returns the \term{primary value} returned by \param{form}; \f{(values \param{form1} \param{form2})} returns two values, the \term{primary value} of \param{form1} and the \term{primary value} of \param{form2}; and so on. See \conref{multiple-values-limit} and \funref{values-list}. %% This little piece of language analysis isn't useful to the spec. %% -kmp&kab 13-Oct-91 % % \term{Multiple values} can result from a \term{form} under precisely these % circumstances: % \beginlist % \itemitem{\b{Evaluation and Application}} % % \beginlist % \itemitem{\funref{eval}} % % \funref{eval} returns \term{multiple values} if the form given it to % evaluate produces \term{multiple values}. % % \itemitem{\funref{apply}, \funref{funcall}, \specref{multiple-value-call}} % % \funref{apply}, \funref{funcall}, and \specref{multiple-value-call} % can return \term{multiple values} from the function applied or called. % \endlist % % \itemitem{\b{Sequential Forms}} % % \beginlist % \itemitem{\specref{progn}} % % The special form \specref{progn} can return \term{multiple values} resulting % from evaluation of the last \term{subform}. % % \itemitem{\term{implicit progn}} % % Other situations are referred to as an \term{implicit progn}, in % which several forms are evaluated and the results of all but the last % form are discarded. An \term{implicit progn} returns multiple % values if the last form does. These situations include the body of a % \term{lambda expression}, including those constructed implicitly by % \macref{defmethod}, \macref{defun}, \macref{defmacro}, % \issue{DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO:X3J13-NOV89} % \macref{define-compiler-macro}, % \endissue{DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO:X3J13-NOV89} % \specref{flet}, % \specref{macrolet}, \specref{generic-flet}, \specref{labels}, % \specref{generic-labels}, \macref{deftype}. Also included are % bodies of the \specref{eval-when}, \specref{progv}, % \specref{let}, \specref{let*}, \macref{when}, % \macref{unless}, \specref{block}, % \macref{multiple-value-bind}, and \specref{catch} \term{forms}, as well as % clauses in such conditional \term{forms} as \macref{case}, % \macref{typecase}, \macref{ecase}, \macref{etypecase}, % \macref{ccase}, and \macref{ctypecase}. If a body has no % \term{forms}, a single \nil\ is returned. % \endlist % % \itemitem{\b{Conditional Forms}} % % \beginlist % \itemitem{\specref{if}} % % \specref{if} can return \term{multiple values} from whichever \term{subform} is selected % (the \i{then} form or the \i{else} form). % % \itemitem{\macref{and}, \macref{or}} % % \macref{and} and \macref{or} can return \term{multiple values} from the last \term{subform} % but not from \term{subforms} other than the last. % % \itemitem{\macref{cond}} % % \macref{cond} can return \term{multiple values} from the last \term{subform} of % the \term{implicit progn} of the selected clause. % If, however, the clause selected is a singleton clause, % then only a single value (the \term{true} value returned by the predicate) % is returned. This is true even if the singleton clause is % the last clause of the \macref{cond}. A final clause % {\tt (\i{form})} is not equivalent to {\tt (t \i{form})} % because the latter returns \term{multiple values} from \i{form} % while the former does not; a final clause of {\tt (\i{form})} % is instead equivalent to {\tt (t (values \i{forms}))}. % \endlist % % \itemitem{\b{Returning from a Block}} % % \beginlist % \itemitem{\specref{block}} % % The \specref{block} special form can return \term{multiple values} % from its last \term{subform} when it exits normally. % If \specref{return-from} (or \macref{return}) is used to terminate % the \term{block} prematurely, then \specref{return-from} can % return \term{multiple values} % %from its \term{subform} % as the \term{values} of the terminated \term{block}. % Other \term{operators} that implicitly create \term{blocks}, % such as \macref{do}, \macref{dolist}, \macref{dotimes}, % \macref{prog}, and \macref{prog*}, % also can return \term{multiple values} specified by % \specref{return-from} (or \macref{return}). % % \itemitem{\macref{do}} % % \macref{do} can return \term{multiple values} from the last form of the % exit clause, exactly as if the exit clause were a \macref{cond} % clause. Similarly, \macref{dolist} and \macref{dotimes} can % return \term{multiple values} from the \param{result-form} if that is % executed. \macref{loop} can return \term{multiple values} by using % \macref{return} and \specref{return-from}. These situations are % all examples of implicit uses of \specref{return-from}. % % \endlist % % \itemitem{\b{Throwing out of a Catch}} % % \beginlist % % \itemitem{\specref{catch}} % % The \specref{catch} \term{form} returns \term{multiple values} if % the result form in a \specref{throw} exiting from % such a catch produces \term{multiple values}. % \endlist % % \itemitem{\b{Miscellaneous Situations}} % % \beginlist % % \itemitem{\macref{multiple-value-prog1}} % % \specref{multiple-value-prog1} can return \term{multiple values} from its first % \term{subform}. \macref{prog1} always returns a single value. % % \itemitem{\specref{unwind-protect}} % % \specref{unwind-protect} returns \term{multiple values} if the form it protects % returns \term{multiple values}. % % \itemitem{\specref{the}} % % \specref{the} returns \term{multiple values} if the form it contains returns % \term{multiple values}. % \endlist % \endlist % % Among special forms that never return \term{multiple values} are % \specref{setq}, \macref{multiple-value-setq}, \macref{prog1}, and % \macref{prog2}. % % In an ordinary function call, % each argument form produces exactly one argument; if such a form % returns zero values, \nil\ is used for the argument, and if more than one % value, all but the first are discarded. % Similarly, conditional \term{forms} (such as \specref{if} \term{forms}) % that test the value of a form % will use exactly one value, the first one, from that form and discard the rest; % such \term{forms} will use \nil\ as the test value if zero values are returned. % \endSubsection%{Return Values}