\section{Specific programming paradigms} We turn to the examination of various concrete programming problems. Because the origins of \tcc{} were in synchronous programming, we first examine how some typical reactive and synchronous computations may be expressed in \tgentzen{}. Next we consider the representation of some common patterns of default inference. \subsection{Reactive programming} A typical reactive programming task is the programming of controllers. For such tasks, it is crucial that the controller program be compilable into a system with bounded run-time state, e.g.{} an FSA. The programs presented below for two reactive computation tasks satisfy the conditions for bounded compilability discused in Section~\ref{tcc}. (In particular they do not use embedded parametric asks which also contain the seeds of arbitrary recursion.) \input{mouse} \input{atm} \input{fib} \subsection{Programming with defaults} We now turn to some techniques that make explicit use of Timed Negative Asks for defeasible default reasoning. \input{sieve} \input{persistent-assignments} \input{rollers} \input{minimization} \newpage \subsection{Meta-programming: A \tgentzen{} meta-interpreter}\label{meta-interp} \input{meta-interp}