FOCLo/IR Pronunciation VOCABULARY ======= ============= ========== a which, all that A ah his, her, their abair say abairt -i/ sentence abha (abhainn) oww-ah river abhaile homewards a/bhalmho/r enormous a/bhar subject, material a/bhar conspo/ide cause of controversy abhus reason, cause, material a/bhar buartha cause for concer n thall is abhus here and there abhus here, in this place ach but ach oiread either ach amha/in except achainni/ request,petition achar distance, period of time gan mo/ra/n achair before long achar gearr a short time achrann (a) fight, dispute, conflict achrann mi/leata military dispute achrainn idirna/siu/nta international disputes acht act a achtai/odh which was enacted acmhainni/ resources Acu at them acra -i/ acre adeir according to a/dh luck a/dh mo/r good luck/good-bye adhmad wood admha/il I admit ni/or admhaigh siad they didn't admit aduaidh north, from the north aer air Aerfort ayr-fort Airport ae/ro/g air-owg aerial aer phost ayr fust airmail a/fach however ag prefix for english -ing ta/ . . . ag have ... ag egg at, to Agaibh at you Againn at us agallamh interview ina agallamh le ANOIS in his interview with ANOIS (an Irish newspaper) agam "at-me"; with forms of ta/, "I have, had" etc. Agat at you aghaidh face,front ar aghaidh in front of, facing in aghaidh against le haghaidh for (the purpose of) ago/id protest agus aw-gus and aibi/ ripe, smart aibi/ocht ripeness, smartness Aibrea/n, Aibrea/in April aice: in aice near, beside Aici at her aicmeach class cogadh aicmeach class war aidhm(eanna) aim(s), objective(s) aidhm fhadte/armach long-term aim aife/al regret Aifreann af-rinn mass Aige at him a bhe/as aige that he will have aighneas dispute aigne mind a/il: is a/il liom I wish aill cliff, big rock a/ille more/most beautiful aimhleas mischief, disadvantage, doubt, suspicion aimsir am-shir weather, time aingeal angel gan aine/isteiseach without anaesthetic ainm ann-um name ainm na he/ireann the name of Ireland ainmneacha names ainmneacha na ndaoine the names of the people ainmhi/ (an) animal ainmhithe animals ainmnithe named, appointed ainneoin in spite of, dispite a/inti/n aunt air on it, on him aird heed, notice airde height, tallness in airde up, high aire ahra Caution, Danger, care aireamh I count, reckon a/ireamha/n Calculator airgead ah-rah-gid money breis airgid more money, additional finance an t-airgead seo this money airgeada/ioch fiscal airigh (aireachta/il) feel, hear airi/m hear a/irithe special, certain, particular go ha/irithe particularly, especially ais: le hais beside, compared with lena ais beside him ar ais back ag iompu/ ar ais turning back ar ais go he/irinn back to Ireland a/is convenience, benefit aisce free, gratis Aisiontacht Agency aisteach peculiar, strange, queer aisteoir (i/) actor aistrigh translate aistritheoir(i/) translator(s) aistriu/ translating, translation aistriu/cha/n (a) translation X a aistriu/ to translate X a/it aw-teh place in a/it in place of, instead of aitheantas recognition aithne acquaintance, knowing (of person) cur in aithne do introduce aithne commandment aithnigh (aithneachta/il) recognize aithni/m I recognize go n-aithni/onn X that X recognises aithrist imitation, mimicry aithritheoir(i) resident(s) a/itiu/l local (singular adj.) a/itiu/la local (plural adj.) a/l clutch, litter a/lainn: go h-a/lainn guh hawl-inn beautiful Ala/raim Alarm Alba (Albain) Scotland allas sweat cur allais sweating alt article in magazine, in newspaper alto/ir (acha) altar(s) am om time amanna sometimes ce/n t-am e/ what time is it in am in time amach aw-mack Out/Exit, out(wards) amach anseo in the future, in a while as seo amach from this time on, this day forward ligithe amach released, let out amacn is 'a extremely amada/n fool a amada/in you fool ama/ireach tomorrow amanathar the day after tomorrow ambassado/ir(i/) ambassador(s) amha/in only, one, exclusively ach amaha/in except ni/ hamha/in not only amharc sight amharclann ow-arc-lunn theatre amhdaigh (amhdachta/il) admit, thus, so, how gur amhlaidh apparently amhra/n (a/in) song(s) amhra/nai/ (aithe) ow-ran-ee singer amhra/nai/ocht singing Amhra/n na bhFiann ow-rawn na veen the Soldiers' Song amhras doubt, suspicion ni/l aon amhras there is no doubt amhrasach doubtful amplu/ch greedy amu/ astray, wasted amuigh outside, out, without an the(singular) an per/each punt an duine a pound per person an (with verbs)question an- intensive prefix - very, excellent anachain misfortune anall hither, from over there, from beyond anam soul andu/il craving, inordinate desire aneas south, from the south aniar from the west, from behind aniar sa leaba up in the bed ani/os up from below anlann sauce ann "in it", there, in existence in ann able (can) annamh rare annraith on-ree soup annamh seldom anocht tonight ano/ir from the east anois now anois beag just now anonn over, across anraith soup anro/ hardship ansan there, then anseo here ansin there/then ansiu/d there (implying distance) anuas down from above le seachtain etc. anuas for the last week etc. anuraidh last year aoibhinn pleasant an Aoine Friday aoirde height aois (eanna) age, century aois scortha quitting age aon one/any a haon a hayn (number)one gach aon each of, every aonach fair aonar solitude, singleness duine aonair a solitary person aontacht pholati/ochta political union aontacht pholatiu/il political union aontacht u/r new union aontas agreement (unity) Aontas So/ive/adach Soviet Union Aontas na So/ive/ide the Soviet Union aontu/ (aontaigh) to agree aontu/ eatarthu fe/in to agree amongst themselves aontu/ faoi(n) agree about (the) aontu/ na Gearma/ine the unification of Germany anonu/ a h-aon de/ag a hane-jayg eleven aos age aosta old a/r orr Our a/r dtithe orr di-heh Our houses. a/r n-ainmneacha "nanim-nocha Our names. ar err on,upon ar an a/bhar sin for that reason, because of that ar an so/ in comfort ar chuma e/igin somehow ar dtu/s in the beginning, at first ar, arsa said ar seisean he said, said he ara interjection (expressing offhadedness, dismissal) a/rachas insurance Araib Shadach Saudi Arabia Araibis Arabic a/rainn Aran ara/n uur-awn bread ara/n donn urr-awn done brown bread ara/n pra/tai/ urr-awn praw-tee potato bread ara/n to/sta toast a/rannach Aran islander a/rasa/n flat, apartment a/rasa/in apartments a/rasa/in sta/it state-owned apartments arbhar corn ard high, tall Arda/n ord-awn Platform, high ground Ard-Oifig an Phoist awrd iffig in fwisht General Post Office ardu/ (ardaigh) raise, rise, grow, higher, increase a n-ardu/ being raised(plural) are/ir last night ar fad all ariamh ever, never ari/st again argo/int(i/) argument(s), disagreement(s) arm orm army, weapon a/rsa ancient aru/ aru/ ama/ireach the day after tomorrow aru/ anuraidh the year before last aru/ inne/ the day before yesterday as aws from, out of as seo amach from this time on, this day forward amach as out of asal donkey ata/ that is, that are athair father athaontu/ reunification athaontu/ na Gearma/ine the reunification of Germany athaontu/ na he/ireann the reunification of Ireland a/thas joy Athbhliain faoi mhaise! Happy New Year! Athbhliain faoi she/an is faoi mhaise! A happy and prosperous New Year! athbhreoslu/ refuelling; athghabha/il reconquest athrai/m I change athru/ (athraigh) change, alteration athruithe changes an t-athru/ the change Atlantach Atlantic atu/rnae attorney ba past tense of is ba cho/ir do/ibh they should ba cheart do/ibh they should babhal bowl Babog baby bac (bacadh) bother, prevent bacach lame bacai/l lameness bacaim: na/ bac e/ don't heed him na/ bac leis have nothing to do with him ba/d (ba/id) bawd boat an ba/d the boat na ba/id the boats na ba/id seo these boats ba/doi/r boatman ba/do/ireacht boating baghcat boycott bagu/n bog-oon bacon ag bagairt ar X threatening X Baga/iste bog-aw-sthe Baggage ba/igh drown bail prosperity, blessing bail o/ Dhia ar a blessing from God on baile boll-yah home, village as an mbaile from home sa baile at home chun an bhaile homewards baile mo/r town Baile a/tha Cliath Dublin baile fearainn townland baileach exactly, quite bailigh (bailiu/) collect baili/m I gather, collect bailiu/ leis clearing off ba/ille bailiff bain take (with effort), extract, reap bain triail as try it, give it a try baineacht whiteness bainim I cut ( turf) bainim as I get from bainim de I take away from bainis wedding feast bainisteoir manager Bainisteoir Pearsanra Personnel Manager bainne milk bainne te warm milk bainri/on (-acha) queen baint taking, extracting, reaping taitneamh a bhaint as to enjoy baint as teasing baint de taking off baint amach reaching, achieving baintear leas as X X is (are) used a bhain amach reach bainte amach reached ta/ baint agam le I am connected with baintreach widow bairille barrel ba/isi/n basin ba/isteach (ba/isti/) rain raining Baisteach (a) Baptist Baistigh Baptists baladh smell ball: ar ball in a while, a while ago ball member, piece (of furniture or clothing), instument, place balla wall ballach, rock bream ballrai/ocht membership Ba/n bawn White ba/n untilled land banaltra nurse banana banana banbh piglet banc bonk bank ba/ndearg pink ba/nghlas pale green ba/nghorm pale blue; livid banri/on bon-reen queen ba/nrua light red, sandy bansagairt women priests baol danger baoth silly, foolish barr top, summit de hbarr on account of thar barr outstandingly good barr- outstanding barrai/ocht too much barru/il gay, funny, droll baru/il drole, amusing, comical baru/il notion, opinion baru/lacht drollery ba/s death fa/il bha/is dying chun ba/is to death fuair se/ ba/s he died Bascach Basque an Bhascais the Basque language ba/sta waist bata battah stick beach bach bee beag behg small, little beag bi/deach tiny, little beaga/n a small amount fi/or-bheaga/n very little beagnach almost beainc bank (money) be/al mouth, brim, opening Be/al Feiriste Belfast bealach way, tv channel bealai/ ways bealai/ a aimsiu/ to find ways chun bealaigh away an bealach seo this way an bealach sin that way be/aloideas folklore Bealtaine, Bhealtaine May Bean ban a woman, wife bean an ti/ hostess bhean ti/ housewife bean si/ ban shee fairy woman bean pho/sta (a) married woman bean rialta nun beannacht greeting, blessing beannu/ (beannaigh) bless, salute, greet Beannachtai/ an tse/asu/ir! Season's greetings! bea/r bar Be/arla, Bhe/arla bare-lah English(lit. "dialect") Be/arla na Sacsan the speech of the English, English bearr shave, cut hair bearraim I clip, shave beart barth parcel beart move , shift, device, manoevre, act beatha life, livelihood, food go mbeatho/fai/ go fo/rsu/il X that X would be force-fed beidh will be beidh aife/ala ort you will regret beidh bro/n ort you will be sorry beidh ar x x will have to be/ili/ a meal beilt belt be/im faoi leith special emphasis beir give birth to, lay eggs beir ar seize, catch, hold beirim I take, bear beirim ar I take hold of beireann X an chraobh X wins hands down beiri/m I boil Beirli/n Berlin beirt two persons beithfoch beast beo alive, lively, quick beoghearradh vivisection beoghearradh 50,000 50,000 were vivisected beoir byore beer beos aliveness, quickness b'fhe/idir perhaps, maybe bhagair threaten bheith to be bheirim I give, bring go bhfaigheadh X ba/s until X die(s) go bhfuil su/il ag x x intends bhi/ was, were (past of ta/) Bhi/ me/ I was Bhi/omar we were Bhi/ se/ he was Bhi/ si/ she was Bhi/ siad they were Bhi/ sibh you were Bhi/ tu/ you were bhoil (pause word) Bhur voor Your Bhur la/mha voor lauva Your hands. Bhur n-aidhmeanna voor nime-unuh Your aims. bi/ be ta/ beidh bheith bia food bille Bill billeoig leaf binn gablewall binn sweet (music), melodious binneadas melodiousness binse bench bi/odh vo/tai/ ag Y let Y have votes, permission to vote bi/ogann si/ she stirs bi/onn pres. hab. of ta/ bior point, pointed stick bith obsolete noun meaning "world" bith: ar bith any, at all ( on earth) rud ar bith anything, nothing blaince/ad blanket blais (blaiseadh) taste blaosc eggshell, skull Blarag a sort of cow (lowland breed, not bo ruadh) blas taste, good accent; anything blasta tasty, sharp (knife) bla/th blaw flower, bloom, blossom bla/thanna flowers bla/thach blaw-huckh buttermilk bliain year an bhliain the year blianta years na blianta the years i mbliana this year dha/ bhliain two years in aghaidh na bliana per annum blu/s bloos blouse bo/ bo cow ba (beithi/gh) cows boba/il bobaili/n 'ball, tuft, tassel, pompom, small knob as on a child's cap' bobaili/neach 'tufted, tasselled' bob pe/iste bocht poor, soft bodach boor, lout, thug a bhodaigh ! (you) boor! bodhar deaf, hollow (sound) bodhra/n bowr-awn traditional drum bog soft, tender, mild and damp bog (bogadh) soften, move about ar bogadh steeping boilsciu/ inflation ra/tai/ boilscithe inflation rates boinn sole bois palm of hand bualadh bos clapping boladh smell bolg belly de/anamh bolg-le-gre/in sunbathing bomaite minute bo/nea bone-ah collar bonn a coin bord board table bosca busskeh box bosca ceoil buska kyole melodeon Bostu/n Boston bo/thar bow-hor a road ar thaobh an bho/thair on the side of the road botu/n mistake, error brabach profit bhrabu/is profit bra/ch: go bra/ch forever bradach theiving, sly, dishonest brada/n brod-awn salmon bra/illi/n sheet (bed) braiteoireacht hesitating braith depend brath expectation ag brath ar depending on branar fallow land braon a drop Brasai/l, Bhrasai/l Brazil brat broth flag bratach flag, banner bratach a iompar to carry a banner (go) brea/ guh braw fine breac brack trout, fish bre/ag lie, untruth bre/an (braon?) bored, fed up bre/an rotten smelling Breatain, Bhreatain, Breataine an Bhreatain Britain na Breataine of Britain Breathain Beag Wales (little Britain) na Breataine Bige of Wales Breathnach Welsh breathnaigh look breathnu/ looking breathnu/ uaidh looking (idly) into distance bre/idi/n e/ bray-jeen ay tweed breith I bear, birth breithiu/nas judgement, opinion breoite sick bri/ force, vigor ce/n bhri/ ach what would it matter except bri/c brick bricfa/sta brick-fasta breakfast Bri/d Brigid Bri/di/n little Brigid bris break, sack brisim I break briseadh brish-uh change briste broken bri/ste trousers brionglo/idi/ dreaming bro/ig shoe bro/ga shoes broinn breast, womb bro/n sorrow, grief mo bhro/n alas bro/nach sad sorrowful brostaigh hurry brothallach warm bru/ (bru/igh) press, bruise, crush, mash faoi bhru/ under pressure ag bru/ fa choinne pressing for bruach river bank bru/chtai/l burping, belching bruith boil, coook Bruscar brew-scar Litter bua boo-ah victory,talent, virtue bua na fili/ochta the gift of poesy, of composing poetry bua an cheoil musical talent Buachaill boo-kill a boy buaile paddock, milking place buail (bualadh) strike, hit, beat, come/go briskly buailim I strike buainim I reap buamala bombing buan lasting, durable buartha worried, troubled buatais boot buataisi/ boots Bui/ bwee Yellow, orange buice/ad bucket buide/al bottle buile fit of anger buili/n loaf buili/n ara/in loaf of bread buille blow, strike bui/och grateful bui/ochas thanks, gratitude bui/ochas le Dia thanks be to God bui/on class, band (of people) bu/iste/ir butcher bulla/n bullock bun bottom, foundation, basis bhun lenited ("aspirated") form of bun, after a preposition ar bun afoot, going on cur ar bun setting up, founding i mbun in charge of, running, attending to bun a/bhar basic subject, raw material bunu/sach basic, fundamental go bunu/sach basically, fundamentally athraithe go bunu/sach fundamentally changed buneolas basic information bunscoil primary school Burma Burma bus bus bus ca/ kaw Where Ca/ bhfuil? kaw will Where is? Ca/ bhfuil se/? kaw will shay Where is it? cabaire talkative person cabaireacht prattling, nattering caba/iste cob-awsh-cheh cabbage cabhair assistance, help cabhantar counter cabhlach navy cac shit ca/ca cake, (homemade)bread cad what? cada/s cod-aws cotton Cad e/ kod ay what Cad e/ sin? kod eh shin What is that? Cad ta/ ort? What is worng with you Cad e/ mar kod ay mar how Cadhnra Battery ca/g cawg jackdaw caid ball ca/ideo how long since caife caff-ay cafe//coffee ca/il fame, renown, reputation cailc chalk Caili/n call-een a girl ca/ili/uil famous, renowned caill (cailleadh) lose, miss cailleach kall-yuckh witch caillim I lose caint talk, conversation, speech, chat, exchange, discussion caint ar mentioning, talking of cainteannai/ talks an chaint the talk an chaint uile all the talk an chaint ar fad all the talk caint bhaoth pointless, foolish talk cainteoir speaker ca/inteoiri/ fault-finders cainteoiri/ speakers caipi/n cap caipti/n captain cairde friends cairdeas friendship a chairde ! friends - vocative a chairde his friends a cairde her friends mo chairde my friends a/r gcairde our friends do chairde your friends bhur gcairde your friends a gcairde their friends ca/is cawsh cheese Ca/isc Easter An Cha/isc un chaushk Easter caislea/n kosh-lawn castle caite (caith) use (up), spend, wear, throw, shoot, have to ...seo caite last ... caitheamh spending caitheamh faoi taking a seat i gcaitheamh during i gcaitheamh na / an during the caithim I spend, throw, use Caitliceach, Chaitliceach (a) Catholic Caitlicigh Catholics caladh, calai/, quay, port, landing-place call call, need, necessity cam crooked gcampai/ camps canad where canda/il auction canna tin/can cantalach cantanakerous, bad-humored caoga kweeg-ah fifty caogadu/ fifith caoi way, opportunity, means ar aon caoi at any rate cur caoi ar fixing, mending sa gcaoi go/nach in order that, so that ce/n chaoi what way how is e/ an chaoi actually Caoimhi/n, Chaoimhi/n Kevin caoin (caoineadh) cry, lament ag caoineadh crying caoireoil queer-ole mutton caoirigh plural caol narrow, slender caomhaigh conservatives caomhnaigh preserve caora queer-ah sheep capall cop-ull horse captaen captain ca/r cawr car cara friend a chara na n-a/rann ! my dear friend! carabhat tie carabhata scarf caraid friend carr car carraig rock carraig an Aifrinn corr-ig un af-inn Mass rock Carrchlo/s car-khlos Car-park ca/rta card ca/rta phoist cawr-tah fwisht postcard carthanachta charitable ca/s case, sympathy cuir i gca/s take for instance, for example an ca/s ar son the case for i gca/s u/isc olla in the case of lanolin i gca/s ce/arach beach in the case of beeswax cas turn, sing, play, meet casadh turning casaim I turn caso/g jacket casta complicated casta/il meeting casu/r hammer cat cot cat cath koh battle Cathain? caw-hin When? cathain a thiocfaidh X when X will come, when will X come cathair coh-urr city na cathrach of the city Cathal, Chathal Charles Cathal o/ hEochaidh Charles Haughey Chathail Ui/ Eochaidh of Charles Haughey cathaoir chair cathaoirleach chairperson ce/ kay who, what, where ce/ sin? kay shin who's that? Ce/ againn? kay agwin Which (one) of us? Ce/ a rinne e/? kay ah reen-eh eh Who did it? Ce/ chaoi bhfuil tu/? kay hay will thoo Connaught Irish Ce/ leis e/? kay lesh eh Who is it? Ce/ mhe/ad? kay vade How much? Ce/ mhe/ad ata/ ar. . .? how much is . . . ce/ mhe/id what size ni/l a fhios ce/n there is no knowing how ce/ go/nach although, even though ce/ quay ceacht lesson na ceachtanna seo these lessons ceachtar either,any cead permission, leave ce/ad kayd a hundred an ce/ad the first an che/ad fhe/ile the first festival b'shin an che/ad fhe/ile that was the first festival ce/adu/ hundredth ceadaithe permitted Ce/adaoin, Che/adaoin Wednesday an Che/adaoin seo chugainn this coming (next) Wednesday ceadu/nas kyad-oon-as license ceadu/nais licences ceamara camara Ceanada Canada Cheanada of Canada ceangal (ceangail) tie, bind ceangailte le tied to, linked to, bound up with ceann kyann head, one, roof, end ceann cipi/n numskull, bone-head, blockhead a cheann cipi/n ! (you) numskull ! mo cheann my head ceann amha/in one dha/ cheann two an ceann sin that one punt an ceann one pound each faoi cheann at the end of, after go ceann for (a space of time) ceann ti/re cyann cheer-eh headland tinneas cinn headache ce/anna same mar an gce/anna the same (way) ceannacht (ceannaigh) buy ceannach I buy ceannadhairt pillow ceannaire (a) leader ceannaithe face, features ceanncheathru/ headquarters CeannLuibhne KeyCaps ceantar district, area ceanu/il ar fond of ceap (ceapadh) think ceapach plot (of land), flowerbed ceapaim I think ceapann si/ she thinks ceapann se/ he thinks ceapann siad they think ceapaire sandwich ceapairi/ sandwiches ceapo/g small plot (of land), flower-bed ceaptha susposed to cearc kyarc hen Ce/ard what ce/ard e/ fe/in what is it? Ce/ard a deir tu/? kay-erd ah der thu What (did you say) Ce/ard ata/ uait? kay-erd a-tah ooth What do you want? Ceardchumann (trade ) Union ce/ardo/s what sort of? cearr wrong ceart(a) correct/right(s) cert a bhaint to manage, find satifactory a gcearta their rights cearta mhuintir na Gaeilge the rights of the Gaelic-speaking community cearta aistriu/cha/in translation rights cearta daonna human rights cearta foilsithe publishing rights cearta na mban women's rights cea/rta forge ceas heavy feeling after meal ce/atada/n percentage ceathach kyah-uckh showery Ceartchreidmheach Orthodox cearthair four a ceathair a keh-at four ceathair de/ag kehar-jayg fourteen ceathrar four people cearthru/ quarter, fourth, thigh ce/ibh pier, quay ceil conceal ce/ile spouse a ce/ile each other le che/ile together o/ che/ile asunder as a che/ile in a row, consecutively mar a che/ile alike, same scartha o/na che/ile separated from each other Ce/ili/ kay-lee Irish dance ceilim I conceal ceim steep, degree, style ce/im dhiu/ltach negative step, backward step ceimic cemic chemistry ceimiceach chemical ce/imseata came-shuh-tah geometry ce/ir wax ceird trade, skill ceirni/n ker-nyeen record ceist(eanna) kesht question(s) i gceist in question, under consideration an cheist is pra/inni/ the most urgent question a/ gceistiu/ being questioned ceithre four (objects) ceithre fichid duine eighty people Ce/n which Ce/n a/it? kane aawt Which place? Ce/n aois thu/? kane ee-sh hu How old are you? Ce/n chaoi? kane qwee Which way? Ce/n de/anamh i/? What make is it? ce/n fa/th why Ce/n fear e/? kane far eh Which man is it? Ce/n t-am e/? kane tom eh What time is it? ce/n uair? when? ceo fog;anything, nothing ceol kyole sing, music ceolchoirm kyole-khirm concert ceolto/ir musician ceomhar kyo-wur foggy ce/rb as duit? where are you from? Ce/rbh e/ sin? kerb eh shin Who was that? Ce/rb iad? kerb eed Who are they? a/ cha/ineadh being criticized, censured chaith se/ amach he regurgitated his food chaitheamh cast vo/ta a chaitheamh to cast a vote chas x ar y x met y che/ad first an che/ad duine eile! next! den che/ad uair for the first time cheal for lack of cheana previously, already an la/ cheana the other day cheana fe/in already cheap si/ she thought cheithre four chim I see chistin chishtin kitchen choi/che ever, always choichi/n never choinnigh keep ce/ choinnigh ? who kept a choinnigh who kept a choinnea/il to keep chomh as chomh fada siar le 1876 as far back as 1876 Chomh luath agus is fe/idir. As soon as possible. chomh ... le as .. as chomh maith le as well as chomh sciobtha le as fast as chomh gasta is a dhein as fast as it did <'gasta'='sciobtha'> ar chomhche/im equal chomh fada le Y as long as Y chonac I saw chonaic si/ she thought chonlan fhe/in own accord,own initiative a chosc to prevent, forbid a chosaint (to) defend a gcearta a chosaint to defend their rights chraolann broadcast a/ chraoladh being broadcast beidh X a/ chraoladh X will be being broadcast a chreideann e/ sin who believe that, who hold that view a chruthu/ to create chuaigh si/ she went chuas I went chuala I heard chu/ig five chuir put (past tense) chuir ar aghaidh chuig an (to happen at the) chu/is reason chun to, towards chun cuidiu/ le to help, assist chun de/ilea/il le to deal with chun tosaigh (ar Y) ahead (of Y) chu/ns while ciall sense ciallmhar sensible, wise bi/odh ciall agat! have sense! be reasonable! cian: o/ chianaibh a while ago, just now Cianrialu/ Remote Control ci/aro/g keer-ohg beetle Ciarrai/, Chiarrai/ Kerry Co. Chiarrai/ Co. Kerry ciarsu/r keer-soor hankerchief cibe/ ar bith ce/ whoever, whatever cigire kig-irre inspector cill churchyard Cill Airne Killarney Cill Chainnigh Kilkenny cine race cinea/l kind, sort, sort of, somewhat cini/och racist cinn decide cinneadh decision cinnte surely, indeed, certainly ci/och breast ni/or baineadh den chi/och fo/s e/ he hasn't been weaned yet (from breast) ci/ochbheart bra cion affection goil i gcion ar impressing, effecting cionn over, above os coinn above, over thar cionn excellent ci/or comb, ridge ci/os(anna) rent(s) to/ igea/il ar ci/os hiring ciotach gauche, awkard ciotai/l awkardness cioth shower cisea/n basket cisi/ocht funding ci/ste kish-cheh cake cisteanach kitchen citeal kittil kettle Ciu/nas que-nas Silence! ciu/in quiet ciu/ineadas quietness, slience ciu/iniu/ (ciu/inigh) quieten ciumhais blanket clabhaiti/n, clu/idi/n, faici/n, naipci/n diaper clabhaiti/n salach soiled diaper cla/i fence, stonewall clais forrow, drain cla/irseach harp clamhsa/n grumbling, complaining clampar commotion, quarrel mar bharr ar an gclampar to make matters worse clann children, family claochluithe mutations cla/r klawr programme (on radio or tv) cla/r agenda (for meeting) cla/r board, table cla/ir programmes An Cla/r Clare (placename) cla/r tellifi/se TV program cla/r dubh balckboard cleacht (cleachtadh) be accustomed to,practice cleas trick cleasai/ trickster cli/ left ar cle/ to the left cliabh pannier, basket cliatha/nach sideways cliste clever clisti/ocht cleverness cliu/ fame, renown cloch a stone clog clock/bell a chlog o'clock uair an chlog an hour Clog Ala/raim Alarm Clock cloigeann head clois (cloisrea/il) hear cloisim I hear cloiseann tu/ you hear cloiseann sibh you hear an gcloiseann tu/ do your hear gur cloiseadh was heard clo/s yard clo/scri/obhai/ typist cluais ear clusa/nach fathead clu/dach cover cluife klih-heh game cluichi/ games cluthar cosy, comfortable cnag ball <(hard) ball> cna/imh bone cnaipe button cnaipi/ buttons cnaipi/ le bru/ buttons to press cneasta honest cnoc cnuck hill co/caireacht cooking codail (codladh) sleep a chodladh asleep, to sleep codladh sa/mh a sound sleep codladh go sa/mh to sleep soundly codlaim I sleep co/fra cupboard cogadh cug-uh war priosu/inigh cogaigh Prisioners of war cogadh aicmeach class war cogadh dearg bloody war cogar whisper cogar! hey, tell me, say cogarnai/l whispering cognai/m I chew coici/s fortnight coileach cock coili/neachas colonisation coill qwill wood, forest coimhlint conflict <=`competition'> coimhlinte race, competition coimple/acs complex coimple/acs la/rnach central complex coini/n cun-yeen rabbit coinne appointment coinneal candle coinnea/l (coinnigh) keep, hold coinne expectation im choinibh towards me coinni/oll condition Coinscri/obh Conscription; co/ir right, just, fair, generous coirce oats co/irigh (co/iriu/) arrange, make a bed coirne/al corner cois beside cois na farraige (to/at) the seaside lem chois along with me cois Feoire by the banks of the river Feoir cois foot, leg, shaft coisci/ni/ contraceptives coisin (coisint) cost, defend coiste (coitianta) committee colainn body cola/iste college Cola/iste na Tri/ono/ide Trinity College col ceathar first cousin colscaradh divorce coma/in proceed do chomai/n se/ leis he went along, he proceeded comhaimseartha contemporary <=`up to date'in above text> comhair count os comhair in front of a thabhairt os comhair to bring before os comhair na Da/la before the Da/il comhaireamh counting comhairle advice cur comhaiarle ar advising seirbhi/s chomhairleach advisory service comhairleachan (comhairligh) asvise comhairleoir(i/) advisor(s) comhalta fellow, member comhaontas alliance cho/mhaontu/ si/ochana. peace agreement an chomhalartaith seo this mutual exchange comhar co-operation comharchumann co-operative society Co/mhargadh Common Market comharsa neighbor comhdha/il conference Comhdhomhairle Versailles Conference of Versailles Comhdha/il Vi/n the Conference, Congress, of Vienna comhghuailleacht alliance comhghuailli/ocht leathanbhunaithe broad alliance. comhghuaillithe allies comhlacht business (company) comhlachtai/ rialtais government bodies Comhlathas So/ive/adach Soviet Union comhlo/dar company, household, family an Comhphobal Eorpach the European Community comhoibriu/ coopperation comhra/ conversation comhrialtas coalition government comhthe/acs context i gcomhthe/acs X in the context of X comhthuiscint idir an understanding between comhuaineach simultaneous como/rtas competition, comparison i gcomo/rtas le (mar) in comparison with como/ratas a/itiu/il a local competition como/rtais a/itiu/la local competitions compo/irt comfort, ease ar mo chompo/irt at my ease compo/irteach comfortable comra/dai/ comrade, pal co/nai/ (co/naigh) reside, dwell i gco/nai/ always i mo ... cho/nai/ residing, standing idle conas How Conas a de/arfa/...? kunas ah der-faw How do you say...? Conas ta/ tu/? konnas tah tuh How are you? congarach near adjacent conra coffin conradh (a) contract conarthai/ contracts Conradh Neodrachta na he/ireann, Irish Neutrality League Conradh Va/rsa/, Warsaw Treaty an Conradh Ceilteach the Celtic League conraitheoir contractor conraitheoir to/ga/la a building contractor (a builder) conspo/ide controversy contae cun-day county Contae an Chla/ir County Clare Contae a/tha Cliath County Dublin Contae Mhaigh Eo County Mayo Contae an Chorcai/ Co.Cork Contae Dhu/n na nGall County Donegal Contae Thi/r Chonaill County Donegal contra/ilte wrong contu/irt danger contu/irteach dangerous cor stir, movement, twist, situation ar chor ar bith at all co/ras (a, the) system an CAE (an Co/ras Airgeadai/ochta Eorpach) the European Monetary System co/ras riaracha/in system of administration an cora/s Cumannach the Communist system Co/ras Iompair Clo//OD Font/DA Mover corc cork, plug Corcaigh, Chorcaigh Cork iarthar Chorcai/ West Cork Corca/ioch person from Cork corn phi/opa curn fee-pah hornpipe coro/in crown 5 shillings corp body, corpse corr occasional, odd corrai/ (corraigh) stir, move corrfhocal Be/arla an odd (here and there) word of English corrthoghcha/n by election cos foot/leg cosa plural cos-nochtaithe barefoot Cosa/n koo-sawn a path cosc prohibition an cosc the ban Cosc ar pha/irccea/il koosk ahr fark-all No parking cosc a chur ar smaointe to suppress thoughts cosmaidi/ cosmetics cosmhuintir ordinary people (neg.) cosnai/onn it costs co/sta coast co/sta thiar west coast co/sta thoir east coast costas cost costas a ghlanadh to clear the cost costa(i)s to/ga/la building cost(s) costasach expensive cosu/il like, alike cosu/lacht appearance, resemblance co/ta coh-tah coat co/ta mo/r coh-tah more overcoat a/r gco/tai/ orr go-thee Our coats. cothaigh cultivate cothrom level, equal ag cothu/ feeding ta/ si/ ag cothu/ an nai/ona/in she is feeding the child cra/ (cra/igh) torment, annoy craic fun, a laugh, a chat craiceann skin craiceann caorach sheepskin cra/in sow craith (craitheadh) shake, upset craitheadh la/imh le shaking hands with crann tree crainn trees na gcrann of the trees crannchur lottery craobh crave (a) branch craobhacha branches craobh na Breataine the British branch craobh na he/ireann the Irish branch craobh na hAlban the Scottish branch craobh na Breataine Bige the Welsh branch craobh Mhanann the Manx branch craoladh creel-ah broadcast craolto/ir (a) broadcaster craorach blood-red cre/ clay cre/ na cille the clay of the churchyard creath (creathadh) shake, tremble cre/atu/r poor thing, poor fellow crediu/int credit creid believe creideann X X believe(s) creidim I believe creideamh faith, religion cri/och finish, end i gcri/ch to completion cri/ocha tuaisceartacha northern lands cri/ochnaigh (cri/ochnu/) finish cri/onna old cro/ byre, outhouse croch (crochadh) hang, go up, lift crochaim I hang cro/chbhui/ saffron yellow cro/dhearg blood-red crochta set of sails, aloft croi/ heart a chroi/ ! [dear] heart! crois belt crom (cromadh) stoop, bend (a limb) cro/n dark yellow cro/nbhui/ dark yellow, coppery cro/ndearg dark red crua hard, difficult cruach a rock, stack of turf cruaidh hard crua/lacht cruelty crua/lacht d'ainmhithe cruelty to animals cru/b a hoof Crubin pig trotter cru/im I milk cruinnea/l gathering, collection cruinnigh gather,collect cruinniu/ meeting cruinniu/ mullaigh summit meeting cruithneacht wheat cruo/gach busy cru/sca crew-scah pitcher cruthaitheach creative cscanradh fear, fright cu/ coo hound cuach cockoo cuairt (a) visit ar cuairt visiting cuairt ar Leningrad a visit to Leningrad an dara cuairt aige his second visit cuan coo-un bay, harbor, inlet an cuan the bay cuan mara sea urchin cuartu/ (cuartaigh) search cuas (a) cove, creek, inlet Cu/ba Cuba Cubhaigh Cuban Cu/chulainn Irish Hero cui/ suitable cuid share/portion cuid mho/r a lot mo chuid airgid my (share of) money cuid de part of mar chuid de as part of da/ gcuid fe/in of their own cuidigh (cuidiu/) help cu/ig five a cu/ig a koo-ig (number) five cu/ig de/ag koo-ig-jayg fifteen cu/igear five people cu/igiu/ fifth cu/ige coo-ig-eh province cu/ig la/ five days Cu/il an Ti/ back of the house cuileog fly Cuilin point cuimhne memory, remembrance is cuimhim liom I remember cuimhin memory, remembrance cuimhnigh (cuimhniu/) recollect, think cuimhniu/ air fe/in conidering one's position go cuimisitheach comprehensively cu/inne (internal) corner, nook cui/osach fairly, moderate cuir put, sow, bury ag cur putting - raining cuirim I put cuireadh invitation cuirfidh se/ it (he) will put go gcuirfidh se/ that it will put cuirfear x x will be put cuirfear be/im ar emphasis will be placed on cuirfear x ar y x will be placed on y cu/irt court cu/irt scuaise squash court cuirti/n(i/) curtin(s) cuis(anna) reason(s), cause, case cu/is bhuartha cause for concern de/anann se/ cuis it is sufficient cuislime/ara customer cu/l back ar chu/la behind culaith a suit (of clothes) culaith e/adaigh cull-ee ay-dee suit Cu/lra/ideoir Backgrounder cultu/r culture ar chultu/r on culture cum (cumadh) compose, make up cuma appearance as cuma out of shape is cuma it doesn't matter is cuma liom I don't care cumann society, association Cumannach Communist Cumannaigh Communists cumasach superb, extremely capable cumha loneliness, homesickness cu/namh help le cu/namh De/ with God's help cu/ng narrow cuntas account cuntasoir accountant cu/nto/ir assistant cu/nto/ir leabharlainne library assistant cupa/n cup-awn cup cupla a couple, twins, a few cupla ceann no/ tri/ two or three cur I put cur si/os citeal putting on a kettle cur i bhfeidhm put into opperation, make work cur chun cinn advancement cur as seilbh eviction cur as do upsetting cur si/os description cu/r foam, froth, skum curach curragh, coracle cu/ram responsibility, care, task cu/ramach careful cu/rsa course cu/rsai/ matters, concerns cu/rsai/ reatha current affairs cu/rsai/ oiliu/na training courses Custaim cust-ahm Customs na Custaim the Customs cu/thal shy da/ two an da/ the two da/ if da/ to his, etc. da/ gcuid fe/in of their own da/ bharr sin because of that dabht doubt daichead dockh-ad forty da/il drawl parliament Da/il e/ireann the Irish Parliament Da/il Westminster the Westminster Parliament Da/il na Breataine the British Parliament dailti/n brat An Daingean Dingle daingean in e/adan steadfastly opposed to daingean firm dair oak tree dall blind damanta damned damhsa dance ag damhsa dancing da/na bold i nda/n do in store for da/nlann art gallery daoine people duine person daoine fasta adults do dhaoine fasta to adults daoine a thuigeann people who understand daoine o/ga young people daonra population daor dear dar Dia! by God dar le according to dara second (number two) dath daw-hanna Color a dhath nothing ar aon dath the one color de deh from, of, off dea/(-) good dea-thoil goodwill deacair difficult nios deacra more difficult na deacrachtai/ a aithint to identify the difficulties na deacrachtai/ a re/iteach to resolve the difficulties deacracht difficulty de/ag -teen deaide daddy dealbh appearance, shape de/an do, make de/an locha/ini/n do a wee wee ag de/anamh doing de/anamh ar making for de/anamh amach making out, reckoning de/anach late de/antu/s manufacture deara: tugaim faoi deara I Notice De/ardaoin, Dhe/ardaoin Thursday dearfa positive dearg dyarg Red (but not hair, fur), redden, light (pipe, fire) dearmad without doubt, mistake de/anamh dearmad forgetting dearmhadaim i forget deartha/ir brother deas dyeas nice, pretty deas right (side) dea-sce/al(a) good news deatach smoke de dheasca because of de dheasca na moille because of the delay deich ten a deich a jeh (number) ten deichiu/ tenth deichniu/r ten people deichniu/r de na h-e/ireannaigh Ten Irish people deich la/ ten days deifir hurry, haste deilbh wrap (in weaving) deimhin certain go deimhin guh jev-in certainly, indeed deinim i do de/ine an tsaoil the harshness of life deir say deir Hilary Tovey says Hilary Tovey deir na nuachta/in the newspapers say deireann X say(s) de/irc alms deireadh end fe/ dheireadh thiar thall at long last, finally deireadh seachtaine weekend chun deiridh backwards faoi dheireadh at last sa deireadh in the end/at last deireadh na bliana the end of the year Deireadh Fo/mhair October deireanach last, late, final le deireanas lately, recently deirgeacht redness deirim i say (ni/os) deirni/ (more) later deis opportunity, apparatus deisithe mended deo: go deo for ever deoch jukh a drink deonach voluntary deontas (a) grant ar tho/ir deontais in search of a grant de re/ir according to dha/ if dha/ to/of him/her dha/ of all those that dha/ two a do/ (number)two dha/ bhliain two years dha/ lasta two loads dha/ oiread twice the size dha/ fhichead forty dha/iri/re in earnest, seriously dhar to/of us dha/re/ag twelve people dha/ mhi/le dhea/g twelve miles dheas: o/ dheas southwards, in/from the south dhein did, made ar dheis to the right Dia, Dhia God Dia duit dea dit or _dea gwit_ Hello (God be with you) Dia is Muire duit dea is mura dit Reply to above (or raising the ante!) Bui/ochas le Dia Thank God diabhal yeaw-il devil diagacht divinity diaidh after i ndiaidh (have) dialann diary di/cheall one's best effort di/choimisiu/nu/ decomisioning dideanai/ refugee di/fhostaithe unemployed difri/ocht difference di/lis faithful, dear, loyal di/lis don chreideamh loyal to the faith, to their religion dinne/ar jin-air dinner di/obha/il harm, damage di/ol sell, sale di/olaim I sell ag diomailt squandering di/ospo/ireacht debate, discussion an di/ospo/ireacht the debate, the discussion diothu distruction di/reach straight, direct, honest go di/reach exactly, indeed, just, directly di/threabh wilderness, uninhabited land diu/il suck ta/ se/ ag diu/l an bhainne he is sucking the milk diu/ltai/m I refuse dhiu/ltaigh Albert Reynolds Albert Reynolds refused dli/ jlee law an dli/ the law o/ thaobh dli/ from the legal standpoint, in law dli/odo/ir lawyer, solicitor, legal person dlu/thbhaint close relationship do duh Your do/ two ceann no/ dho/ one or two faoi dho/ twice do/ doe to/for dom to me duit to you do/ to him/it di to her/it du/inn to us daoibh to you do/ibh to them do/cha probable is do/cha it is likely dochar harm do/chas hope docht firm dochtu/r doctor dodhe/anta impossible to do doicheallach inhospitable do/igh burn do/igh likely, probable is do/igh liom I think it likely is do/igh le it seems likely (to), suppose ar ndo/igh of course, needless to say is do/igh liom go it is my opinion that, I think that ni/ do/igh liom go I do not think that, I do not believe doimhine depth doimhnis depth doirt (doirtim) approach, draw near doise/inne dozen domhain deep domhan world Domhnaigh, Dhomhnaigh Sunday dona bad donacht badness, illness Donn down Brown su/ile donna brown eyes, hazel eyes donnbhui/ yellowish brown; fallow; biscuit donndearg reddish brown donnfhionn light brown donnrua russet; chestnut; bay doras door dorcha durr-ka dark dorchadas darkness dorn fist doru/, doruithe, line dosaen duz-ayn dozen do/thain enough, sufficiency mo dho/thain my fill, as much as I want dotho/igthe impossible to rear drai/ocht dree-uckht magic drama drama dramhai/l waste dream crowd, party, group dream amha/in one group dre/imire ladder dreoili/n droll-een wren driofu/r sister driosu/r dresser droch- bad drochno/smhaireacht bad practice drochsce/al(a) bad news ndroch-chaoi/ bad way drogall reluctance droichead bridge droichead dola toll-bridge droim back druncaera drunk dti/ dee since dtu/s: ar dtu/s at first duais(eanna) prize(s) dua/n, hood; kidney duart I said dubh duv Black dubhaigh blacken duchais native du/chan blackening, potato blight du/chas birthright,heritage du/ghlas dark green; dark grey; livid du/ghorm dark blue; navy-blue; purple in the face du/il desire du/in close, shut duine person an duine thu/ (a) are you a person (who) duine a mhaslu/ to insult a person duine deasla/mhach someone good at working with their hands duine deisbhe/alach a good conversationalist, someone good with words duine goilliu/nach a sensitive person, one easily hurt, offended aon duine anyone gach aon duine everyone a d'fheil du/inn which suited us, suited us fine du/irt said du/irt Carol Fox Carol Fox said du/irt si/ she said du/irt se/ he said du/iseacht state of being awake, to awaken i mo dhu/oseacht awake i do dhu/iseacht awake ina dhu/iseacht him awake ina du/iseacht her awake ina/r ndu/iseacht us awake <"in our waking"> ina ndu/iseacht them awake <"in their waking, wakefulness"> du/isigh wake, awaken dul dull go ag dul going dul chun cinn progress dumhach sandhill, dune du/n close ag du/nadh closing du/nta closed du/naim I shut dusta dust e/ he, it, him ea it e/achtach wonderful Gnothai/ Eactracha of Foreign Affairs eachtra incident eacnamai/ocht economy Eacuado/r Ecuador e/ad jealousy e/adach cloth, clothes culaith e/adaigh a suit of clothes e/adai/ clothes e/adan face, forehead e/adrom light eagal I fear eagla fear ar eagla go for fear that eaglais og-lish church na hEaglaise of the Church teagasc na hEaglaise the teaching of the Church eaglaisi/ churches na heaglaisi/ eile the other churches, other denominations eagmais without eala all-ah swan ealai/n al-een art e/an bird An t-e/an un tayun the bird Eana/ir January mi/ Eana/ir the first of January eangach net eangach monafhilime/adach monofilimate net earcach recruit earcai/m I recruit earcai/ocht recruiting, recruitment earrach are-uckh spring An t-earrach the spring earrai/ goods earrai/ ni/ocha/in washing aids, cleansing products eas ass waterfall easaontas disagreement (disunity) e/asca easy, quick ni/os e/asca easier, less difficult e/ascai/ocht easiness, quickness easpa lack, want easpa tuisceana lack of understanding, feeling easpa misnigh lack of courage Easpag ass-pug Bishop Easpag Cu/nta Assistant Bishop, Associate Bishop eatarthu amongst eici/nt some e/igean necessity b'e/igean dom i had to ar e/igin hardly e/igeantach compulsory e/igin some ar e/igin barely, almost duine e/igin some-one eile (an)other pionta eile another point e/ileamh (a) demand e/ili/m I demand e/ili/on siad they demand e/ili/mid we demand e/ili/mi/s let us demand a e/ileamh to claim, to demand e/indi/: in e/indi/ (le) along (with), together, suddenly eineacht: i n-e/ineacht le together with e/inne anyone e/inni/ anything e/ire (e/irinn) aair-uh Ireland e/ireann Ireland's, of Ireland e/ireannach Irish person e/ireom as ! let's put an end to it! e/iri/ eye-ree rise e/iri/ as ceasing, stop, give up e/iri/ le succeeding ag e/iri/ rising ag e/iri/ ina beanna rising up into peaks ag e/iri rising up ag e/iri/ ani/os rising up from below e/irigh give up, rise, become e/irigh as ! give it up! give over! e/iri/m i rise e/iri/onn liom i succeed e/is after thar e/is after thar e/is dhom after I had thar e/is go/nach notwithstanding tar e/is do/ e/iri/ as after his resignation, on going into retirement eiseamla/ir example eisean he, him eisimircigh emigrants b'fhearr d'eisimircigh it would be better for emigrants (to) e/ist listen, keep quiet, not interfere e/isteacht i listen ag eitilt flying eitigh (eiteachta/il) refuse eitlea/n etch-ill-awn airplane eitlea/in planes eitice ethics eochair key eolai/ocht science Eolai/ocht Pholaitiu/il Political Science eolaithe experts eolas knowledge ar an eolas informed X a chur ar an eolas to inform X, to let X know na heolai/ochta of science seirbhi/si/ eolais information services eorna barley Eorpach European an Eoraip Europe na hEorpa of Europe e/ri/ Amach na Ca/sca eyeree a-mock na kauska Easter Rising fabhar favour fad length ar fad entirley, altogether i bhfad far, for a long time ar fhad in length fad is ata/ as long as (timespan) aidhm fhadte/armach long-term aim fada foda long le fada for a long time, this long time le fada an la/ for many's the day fadbhreathnai/och farseeing fadhb(anna) problem(s) na fadhbanna a re/iteach to solve the problems fado/ fod-oh long ago fa/g (fa/ga/il) leave fa/gaim i leave fa/gaint I leave faid length (time or distance) faigh (fa/il) get, find ag fa/il getting le fa/il to be got fa/il amach finding out faighim i get fa/il re/idh be finished with faill cliff failli/och neglectful Fa/ilte fwal-tche welcome fa/ilti/onn X roimh X welcomes fainic warning, beware of! fainne ring faire shame a/ faire watching, guarding, minding it fairsing wide, extensive, plentiful, spacious faisean fashion, habit faiseanta fashionable faiti/os fear, timidity fa/l (falach) hedge, hide i bhfalach in hiding, hidden falamh empty falla wall falso/ir lazybones fan wait, stay, remain ag fanacht waiting fan bomaite wait a minute fanacht wait, stay fanacht amach o/ stay clear of, away from fanacht glan amach o/ stay well clear of, well away from fa/na: le fa/na sloping fa/nach pointless, aimless fanaim I wait faoi by, before, under, about faoi re/ir ready faoi cheannas under the leadership (of) faoi sca/th under the auspices of, shadow of faoi smacht under control faoi ru/n confidential faoi bhun y under y faoilea/n fwee-lawn seagull faoin tuath in the countryside faoiti/n, whiting faoraor alas, unfortunately farc fork farraige fahr-ig-uh sea fa/s faws grow fasc ioda (of sense) fascadh shelter fata potato cur fhatai/ sowing potatoes fa/th cause, reason cad fa/th why cen fa/th for what reason fe/ under fe/ ndear caused tabhairt fe/ ndeara to notice feabhas goodness, excellence, improvement feabhas mo/r a big improvement a fheabhsu/ to improve chun feabhais improving Feabhra Fheabhra Febuary feabhsaigh (feabhsu/) improve fe/achaim I look feachtas campaign ar fheachtas ar bith (because of) any campaign fe/ad (fe/adachta/il) can feadai/l whistling fe/adaim I can feadar: ni/ fheadar I do not know feadh during, throughout ar feadh for the duration of feall treachery, foul deed fear far man fear an ti/ man of the house fear po/sta (a) married man beirt fear two men fe/ar grass fearann land, ground, territory: baile f., townland baile fearainn townland fearg anger fearr better, best is fearr liom I perfer b'fhearr liom I would perfer fe/aso/g beard feasta in the future,from now on feic (feicea/il) see feicfidh tu/ will see feicim i see le feicea/il to be seen feidhm use, function fe/idir possible, can b'fhe/idir bay-jirr maybe, perhaps (lit."It would be possible") is fe/idir liom I can feidhmeannach agent,executive feil (feiliu/int) suit, be appropriate fe/ile festival fe/ilire calendar feiliu/nach suitable, appropriate feilm farm feilme/ara farmer feilme/aracht farming fe/in self, own, even mo cho/ta fe/in my own coat me/ fe/in myself sinn fe/in ourselves alone fe/iniu/lacht selfhood, separate identitiy fe/inmhuini/n self-confidence fe/inphle/isiu/r masturbation fe/inrialu/ self-government Feirimeoiri Farmers fe/iri/n beag breise miniWRITER feirm(eacha) farm(s) feirmeacha beaga small farms feirmeoir(i/) farmer(s) feirmeoireacht farming Feiste Dhu/iseachta Startup Device fe/ith sinew, muscle, vein fe/ith an cheoil musical talent fe/ith na fili/ochta talent for poetry fe/ith an ghrinn a sense of humour fe/ la/thair at present, currently feochta whithered feoil fyole meat na feola of meat fiacail tooth fiacla teeth fiaclo/ir dentist fiafrai/ (fiafraigh) ask fiafrai/m I ask fia/in wild, fierce Fianna Fa/il political party fiche fih-ah twenty feichead score (twenty) fiche bliain twenty years fili/ poet, songmaster fili/ocht poetry fill (filleadh) return, fold fimi/nteacht hypocrisy Finder Finder Fine Gael political party fi/ogach dog-fish fi/on fee-un wine Fionlainn Finland an Fhionlainn Finland fionnrua sandy (colour of hair, etc.) fionnuar fin-oor cool fi/or feer true fi/or-uisce springwater fios knowledge cur fios ar sending for ta/ a fhios agam know a fhios "its knowledge; knowledge of it" ni/l a fhios agam I don't know ca/ bhfios dom how do i know fiosruithe fees-ruh-e Inquiries fir Men fir ag obair fir egg ober Men at work na fir seo these men fi/rinne truth beaga/n den fhi/rinne some truth, a little of the truth fisic fisic physics Fi/staifeada/n Video Cassete Recorder fi/ste/ip videotape fiu/ worth is fiu/ it seems wothwile fiuchadh boiling flaitheas sovereignty flaithis heaven flaithiu/il generous flannbhui/ orange-colour flannrua blood-red flea/ party fliuch (fliuchadh fluckh wet fobhri/ste underpants focal word fo/chupa/n fo-cup-awn saucer fo/d sod foghail stealing,trespassing foghlaim learn foghlaimi/m I learn foghlaimeoir(i/) learner(s) foghu/na petticoat Fo/gra foe-grah Notice fo/gra(i/) fostai/ochta employment notice(s), job advert(s) ag fo/gairt announcing fo/grai/mi/s let's announce, let's declare fo/grai/odh X X was announced foighdeach patient foighne (foighid) patience fo/ill go fo/ill for a while, yet foilsigh (foilsiu/) publish foilsi/tear X X are (is) published foilsitheoir(i/) publisher(s) foinse (a) source foireann crew, team, staff, set foirgneamh building (place, not work) foirgnimh buildings foirgnimh a/rsa ancient buildings fola/ir ni/ fola/ir do it is obligatory for ni/ fola/ir dom I must folamh empty folla/in healthy fo/mhar foe-war autumn fomhuirea/n (a) submarine fomhuirea/in nu/icle/acha nuclear submarines fo/n telephone fonn desire go fo/ill yet, still Fora/sach progressive; forc fork forleathan widespread fo/rsai/ forces fo/rsai/ la/idre strong forces fosta as well, also fostai/ocht employment fostaithe employed Frainc Fhrainc France Fraincis French an Fhraincis, French fra/ma frame francach frong-cuckh rat Francach French woman fraoch fury fre/ another way way of saying tri/ freagair (freagairt) answer Freagro/ir Responder freagra (an) answer freagarthacht answerable freisin fre-shin also friofac barb (as of fishing hook) fuacht a cold fuadar haste fuagair (fuagairt) call out, announce fuaigh (fua/il) sew Fuaim Sound fuar foo-ur cold fud ar fud throughout ar fud na hEorpa all over Europe fuil blood cur fola bleeding fuil: na/ fuil is not An bhfuilimid on willmeed Are we? An bhfuil me/ on will may Am I? An bhfuil se/ on will shee is he? An bhfuil si/ on will shay is she? An bhfuil siad on will shed Are they? An bhfuil sibh on will sheev Are you (plural)? An bhfuil tu/ on will too are you? go bhfuil that there is (fuil is a form of ta/; go is a subordinating conjunction that causes bh- before -f) go bhfuiltear it is fuilim i am fuinneog window fuisci/ whiskey fulaingt suffering a/ fhulaingt ag X being suffered by X furasta easy ga/ need, necessity ta/ ga/ le X X is needed in am an gha/tair in time of need gaba/iste cabbage gabh go gabha blacksmith gabha/il catch gabhaim i take, i go gabhaim pardu/n agat I apologise (to you) gabhaim pardu/n agaibh I apologise (to you) gabha/ltas a holding (of land, etc.) gabhar gow-er goat Gabh mo leithsce/al gav moh leh-shh-kale) Excuse me (sorry) gach every gach uile every gadai/ thief gadhar dog Gaeilge, Ghaeilge Irish Gaeilgeoir(i/) Gaelic speaker(s) Gaeilgeoireacht Irish speaking area Gaeltacht, Ghaeltacht Irish speaking area breac-Ghaeltacht area(s) on edge of Gaeltacht Gaillimh Galway na Gaillimhe of Galway gaineamh sand gaineamhlach desert gainne scale (of fish) gairdi/n gardyeen garden ga/ire gaw-ray laugh, laughter ag ga/ire laughing gairfean rough land or weather ga/iri/ laughing gairid short le gairid recently go gairid shortly gaisce feat, boast de/anamh gaisce boasting galaoireach soap galar disease, sickness gall anglified person, foreigner Galltacht, Galltachta English speaking area galu/n gallon gamhain calf gan without gan chu/is fho/nta without due cause, reason, justification gann scarce gaofar gwee-fur windy gaol relation gaol gairid close relationship ta/ gaol agam le I am related to gaoth wind gar near gar do/ fe/in selfish Garchabhair Dhiosca Disk First Aid Garda gard-ah Policeman/Guard garrai/ field, garden garsu/n boy gas stem, stalk gais stems, stalks gasu/r child gasta quick go gasta guickly gceart: ceart right, correct i gceart rightly ge/ goose geada/n a patch of land geal gyal bright, white go geal brilliantly gealach moon geall pledge, wager, bet geall le almost mar gheall ar concerning, because of i ngeall ar because of ni/ i ngeall ar not because of gealladh promising geansai/ gan-zee sweater, jumper,jersey ge/ar sharp, sour nge/arce/im crisis, emergency ge/arcoimhlinte sour competition geara/n complaint geara/naim i complain geard yard Gearma/in, Ghearma/in Germany Gearma/nais German language Ghearma/inis German an Ghearma/in Germany na Gearma/ine of Germany Gearma/nach, Ghearma/nacha German uile ghearma/nach all german gearr short is gearr go soon is gearr go/nach it wil be a short time until gearr cut gearraim I cut gearradh cutting gearrsce/al short story Gearrtho/g Scrap geata gate ge/ill yield, submit Ge/ill sli/ gael-shlee Yield right of way/give way ag ge/illeadh yielding, giving in geilleagair an Iarthair Western economies geilleagrach pertaining to economy geimhreadh gev-rah winter geirseach young girl geobhlach jowl; gills (of fish) ghabhlo/g ghow-lowg fork gheibhim i get gi/ although, even though giadh goose Gineara/lta General ginmhilleadh induced abortion ginn wedge giodam sprightly walk giorracht shortness ag dul i ngiorracht getting shorter giota small portion Giu/dach (a) Jew ghiu/dah jewish Giu/daigh Jews giu/isti/s district justice glac take, seize, accept glac closed hand(ful), grasp glacado/ir receiver glacaim I take, I accept glacdh: go glacdh accepting, assuming glan glon clean glanadh cleaning glanaim I clean glaoch call cur glaoch ar calling up, ringing glaoim I call Glas gloos Green , grey glas-shu/ileach blue-eyed, grey-eyed glasa/n linnet; whiting (fish) glasbhui/ greenish yellow; olive green glasuaine vivid green glas lock glasa/il lock glasrai/ gloss-ree vegetables gleann glyann valley gleo noise glic cute, cunning, cleaver glinne winding-frame for fishing line glinnea/laim, glinnea/il I wind (as fishing-line) glinniu/int staring gliogar crock, unstable gliomach glum-ukh lobster gloine glass glo/ire glory gluaiseacht movement gluaiseacht na mban the women's movement gluaistea/n (a) car gluaistea/in gloosh-chawn cars glugh call glu/in knee, generation gnaithe business, affairs gnaoiu/il decent, generous gna/th usual de ghna/th usually gna/thach customary gni/omh act, action gni/omhaireacht agency gni/omhaireacht taistil travel agency gni/omhaireacht fostai/ochta employment agency gni/omhaireachtai/ agencies gno/ business Gnothai/ Eactracha of Foreign Affairs gno/thaigh win, gain ghno/thaigh won gno/thaichta/il winning go adverb prefix go up to, till, as far as go that gob beak, snout; point (of land) goba/n su/raic soother ('dummy') Go brea/ fine Go ceann seachtaine For a week Go dona bad(ly) Go dti/ as far as, towards , until