This is a somewhat explanatory text file for the map gif's in this directory. As I don't have lots of time to spend slaving away at photoshop, not all of the maps will have text with them. If you have any questions about any of the pics (problems too) you can contact me via email at ---- Angul.gif -- This is a nifty that I threw in, scanned from the players manual. It is a cool looking picture of an Angul. Crossroads.gif -- a really zoomed view of the crossroads in the merchantile district. May be reversed (for some odd reason). Paradise.gif -- this is a quick sketch of mine, of the main islands to paradise city. Since the handwriting is virtually illegible, I will explain each island, from the top, moving from the left to the right: 1- nothing special, silt formations. 2- the Grind: This is where the government holds most of its buildings, as well as housing its sea fleet. The river between the Grind and the Main island is virtually blocked off with chains, and pile driven logs, so that ships have to pass through the Merchantile District's Harbors. 3- the seperator line is missing, but there is a large canal between the Grind and Vican's Isle. Vican's Isle houses a few more government buildings, and is similar to High Lands North, in that it is an extremely extravagant part of town. 4- Highlands North, this is on the mainland next to Vican's Isle 5- next row=> nothing, just another silt formation. 6- the Main Island. This is the largest land formation and is home to the main part of paradise city: Northwest part- the Harbor District, still being walled in this contains the new harbor (west harbor). Northeast part- Merchantile District, contains the old harbor (east harbor) and the Rainbow Market. Southern tip- Lowtown, this part of paradise is so deadly and overrun by less than lawful guilds, that the militia will not enter it. Everything else- is basically considered City Center. 7- The land to the right of the Main island is called Mud City, as nearly all of it is built on sand/silt, and it is constantly sinking, so much so that buildings are just built upon buildings. It is often thought of as an extension of Lowtown, except for that the militia WILL enter Mud City 8- to the south, off the map is Rancor, a cemetary with the tower of an ancient necromancer king in it. It is also filled with undead. When the energy of the Shadow Dark fills the land undead walk through the cemetary, held in only by the spirit of a long dead Steward once buried there. ParadiseZoom1.gif -- This is a slightly closer view of the main island and the Grind. MerchantileZ1.gif -- this is a zoom up of the part of the Merchantile district already programmed into DarkurtheMOO(sorta). Silvers1-3.gif -- these gifs are of the three levels of Silvers (tavern). Crossroads.gif -- a zoomed up view of the crossroads, outside of Silvers. Contintent.gif -- a scan of the map which is in the players manual, of the continent of Darkurthe. DLmancover.gif -- another nifty, a quick scan of the manual cover.