#24300--Features Feature Object Verbs: list look_self @users Usage: @users Get a list of users of a given feature object. unfeature unfeature(what, who) Remove WHAT from WHO's feature list. Callable only by the owner of WHAT. users_of users_of(object) Returns a list of players with object in their .features lists. @unfeature Usage: @unfeature Remove the object from the feature list of all users. accept #27320--Silly Things Feature Object All sorts of silly stuff to do. @yow prints out a Zippy-the-pinhead message; @yow! makes you say it out loud. The same kind of thing happens with @interjection and @interject!. @why answers that very question. @because allows you to give _your_ answer to the question, which other people may get as an answer to @why later on. @because! (not very usefully) makes you say a reason out loud. @excuse and @excuse! provide ways to get out of something. @add-excuse lets you make up a new one. Verbs: get_interjection @yow get_yow get_reason @interjection @int*erject! @why @because @because! @yow! hassle @add_i*nterjection yowbonk 'yowbonk ' - Bonk a player, who replies with a Zippy quote. @add-excuse @excuse*! get_but #16355--The Mystical Orb The Mystical Orb The orb searches for objects and verbs with a certain substring. Verbs: find_thing Usage: find_thing [from ] [to ] [find ] Hunts for all objects with that string in their name or aliases. starts at , goes to and finds at most occurences find_verb Usage: find_verb [from ] [to ] [find ] Hunts for all verbs with the string in their name. starts at , goes to and finds at most occurences look_self find_thing(bad) help_msg initialize #24222--login watcher The login watcher informs you of other players' logins and logout from the MOO. In can announce everyone, or just people whom you think are interesting. To use it, type `@addfeature #24222'. Login watcher commands are listed here: @login - toggle whether you are listening to the login watcher or not. If so, you'll hear about others' arrivals and departures from MOO. Otherwise, the login watcher will leave you alone. @inter*esting -- displays list of players declared interesting to you. @inter*esting [player ...] - add players(s) to your list of interesting people. @inter*esting off - temporarily show all logins/logouts, not just interesting people. @inter*esting on - revert back to showing only interesting login/logouts. @inter*esting flush - Flush (erase) the contents of your interesting player list. @unint*eresting player [player ...] - remove players from your interesting list. @iwho: tell which interesting people are active, idle, or in various stages of disconnectedness. @wwho - does @who, only for people who are interesting to you. By default only lists online players. Type `@wwho all' to force it to display active and sleeping players. @watch [player] - Unrelated to login-watching, this function will notify you when an online-but-idle player comes back to the keyboard. To customize the messages the login watcher dumps to you, make a property on yourself called .login_watcher ... this should contain a string containing your message, with substitutions. %t - time %d - date %w - day of week %n - name of player %# - object number of player %m - message (connected or disconnected) %c - number of connected players For a message of "waffle connected at 12:45, for 42 users online.", set your .login_watcher property to "%n %m at %t, for %c users online." The default message is: "< %m: %n. Total: %c >" Verbs: watch announce @login @watch @watchidle Usage: @watch @int*eresting @interesting -- displays list of players declared interesting to you. @interesting [player] ... - add players(s) to your list of interesting people. @interesting off - temporarily show all logins/logouts, not just interesting people. @interesting on - revert back to showing only interesting login/logouts. @interesting flush - Flush (erase) the contents of your interesting player list. @unint*eresting @unint*eresting player [player ...] Removes a player from your list of interesting players. @iwho clean @wwho @who-i*nteresting shout_users add_user hello goodbye announce2 gc_intlist _who's_interesting time ctime english_time Copied from verbs galore (#12128):ctime by APHiD (#31783) Sat Dec 26 10:44:59 1992 PST feature_remove announce_to #10218--Mazer's Object Utilities Feature Object Some verbs to help you with inheritance heirarchies: Programmed by Mazer. Verbs: @ancestors @descendants @ordered_descendants @leaves @branches @descendants_suspended @descendents_suspended @branches_suspended @leaves_suspended @descendents Some verbs to help you with inheritance heirarchies: usage: [with [!][,,...]] @ancestors returns a list of the object's ancestors with their owners. @descendants and @ordered-descendants return lists of the object's descendants with their owners, in different orders (see help $object_utils). @leaves returns the 'leaves' (ie descendants with no descendants) of the object. @branches returns the 'branches', i.e. those descendants of the object with their own descendants. The optional argument is a list of players. If the list is included, only those objects owned by the players mentioned are listed. If the list is preceded by a '!', then all the objects _not_ owned by the listed players are shown. Programmed by Mazer. @alias @alias [with initials] Makes aliases for from it's name, so an object with name "Mazer's useless foo bar baz object" would get aliases "Mazer's useless foo bar baz object", "useless foo bar baz object", "foo bar baz object", "bar baz object", "baz object" and "object". The optional arguments "with initials" adds an alias made up of the initials of the name, if the name has more than one word, in this case, "Mufbbo". @alias [,,...] on [with initials] Does the same as above using each instead of the object name. @alias is [,,...] Adds the aliases listed directly to the alias list of the object. Programmed by Mazer. @aliases @aliases [] Lists the aliases of or player if is not supplied. Programmed by Mazer. @siblings '@siblings ' - List the children of an object's parents. This is handy for... well, I don't know if it's handy, I just decided to have it. #18781--JoeFeedback's Feature Object A random collection of useful (or not) commands. Verbs: @get @take Usage: @get [from ] Fetch an object from elsewhere. Equivalent to `@move to me'. Recognizes objects in .features and .known_objects, if you have those properties. If you supply a room (either a number or one of your known .rooms), this helps to determine what object you're trying to fetch. @drop Usage: @drop Drop an object with no :drop verb. @fastwho Who's on, not giving locations but being a lot shorter than @who. Stolen from Nada. Thanks, Nada. where's #15229--The Pizza Parlor Verbs: description do_crowd enterfunc oorder ddeliver create order deliver #16563--Housekeeper's quarters Verbs: cleanup-list clean tidy unclean untidy @clean-status clean? tidy? #5023--Xiombarg's Dumping Ground Feature Object A cool verb for foodfights plus some trivial verbs. Verbs: ss* Usage: ss Super-spoof. This is a powerful but polite spoof. You can spoof any text you like, without putting your name in it, but after a little while everyone who saw your spoof (even if they've left) is informed of your action. Fun for all! Try it! sign xx* Usage: sign xx Holds up a sign containing . Be like Wile E. Coyote! A perfect companion to the "think" verb. duck dd Usage: duck dd Ducks ALL food objects thrown at you. FAST. dork Usage: dork dork with Tells everyone in the victim's room that (s)he is a dork. If the optional argument is given, it tells everyone the victim is a(n) . If is more than one word, enclose it in quotes. yy* Usage: yy Just like super-spoof, above, but the spoof only goes to the . spy Usage: spy Shows the room is in, as if you'd looked at it. Stolen wholesale from Morpheus, mostly because he doesn't like being used as a feature object anymore. big-s*ign bigs*ign Usage: big-sign bigs Holds up a big sign that has written on it. Hacked from Xythian's think-big, which I believe he stole from someone else. ;) heyo3 Copied from Greene (#49795):heyo3 Sat Oct 31 19:45:15 1992 PST unsocial bite bounce cuddle curtsey fondle hkiss highf nibble ruffle shiver snuggle tackle tickle wiggle cgrin salute boot claugh purr brow rshiver lick booga lfeed xgrin manner These are my weird social verbs. Use "unsocial" to list them. The code is stolen from #40842, and the verbs can be customized in the same way. _unsocial _bite _bounce _cuddle _curtsey _fondle _hkiss _highf _nibble _ruffle _shiver _snuggle _tackle _tickle _wiggle _cgrin _salute _boot _claugh _purr _brow _rshiver _lick _booga _lfeed _xgrin _manner Copied from Social Verb Core and Feature Object (#40842):_social by APHiD (#31783) Sun Mar 14 23:24:55 1993 PST :_unsocial(victim | list of victims | $no_one if no victim[, unsocial-verb]) The first arg should be a single objnum or a list of objnums or $no_one if there is no victim. The second arg should be wave or wink or yawn or one of the other current unsocial verbs. The second arg is optional; you can just call the verb with the verbname "_"+action instead. @add-social @adds*ocial @addv*erb Stolen from APHiD and modified on 11/9/92 to actual usefulness. heyo2 Copied from Greene (#49795):heyo2 Wed Nov 4 11:35:16 1992 PST Copied from Arjala (#44533):heyo2 Wed Nov 4 09:22:13 1992 PST feelings Usage: feelings Lists all the verbs on the Social Verb Core (#40842), all the social verbs on #5023, and all the "social" verbs on the Antisocial Feature (#21132). A comprehensive list of social verbs. imitate mock Usage: mock imitate Stolen wholesale from APHiD. This makes you do the same thing that the did. This only works if your @paranoid is on and not in immediate mode and your .responsible poroperty is +r, so don't use it too often. juggle parse_args Usage: parse_args(args, verb) Parse args into a list of objects for use with the "verb" command. Tell the player about args that don't match or are ambiguous. juggle_cycle oops toss catch superhelp fhelp spamhelp Usage: superhelp fhelp spamhelp Gives help on ALL your feature objects, and attempts to document verbs you didn't even know were there. LONG if you have a long .features list, suspends as needed. _who's_cool Called by "who's cool" and "@who's cool in " cool_list _who's_dead Called by "who's dead" and "@who's dead in " dexter_list _who's_deep Called by "who's deep" and "@who's deep in " deep_list #33958--Xorbon's Floral Shoppe Verbs: breathe inhale smell order buy #9430--Browser Object Verbs: @br-locate-object from_value @download @upload Usage: @download/@upload : [ ] @download/@upload . @download/@upload @download/@upload |help| [ ] [from ] @download/@upload |desc| @download-obj @download-obj @download(old) @upload(old) Usage: @download/@upload : [ ] @download/@upload . @download/@upload @download/@upload |help| [ ] [from ] @download/@upload |desc| @upload-obj possible_error @download-verb @upload-verb This version of @program deals with multiple verbs having the same name. ... @program : picks the right one. #13441--Ozymandias' Funky Feature Object Since you're reading this, you might as well read the obligatory plug: Check out Ozy's cool watches! There's the Generic Watch (#4835) which has customizable display and eggtimer capability. There's the Generic Alarming Watch (#28653) which has all that and a real alarm facility. There's even a Generic Analog Watch (#44733). All watches support changing their time for different timezones. Feel free to make children of these objects. This object defines a non-feature verb which you might find useful: this:base_conversion converts between base-n integers with n up to 62, as long as they fit in a MOO integer, which I am told is a 32-bit signed quantity. Verbs: ls This acts somewhat like a look, giving contents of an object. The first line of outout is the object's ID and title, along with the owner's ID and title. Then after a delimiting bar of asterisks is the list of contents, one object per line, in an OID/Title/Owner's OID/Owner's Title format. Takes options by specifying preposition 'with' and options: -R - recursive -r - non-recursive (default) (more later, cope) date qdate This announces the date. It calls $time_utils:time_sub(). If you pass an argument, it uses that; otherwise, if you have a .date_format_msg property defined, it uses that; otherwise it uses the default taken off the features object. The verb has two calling sequences. 'date' announces the date to the room. 'qdate' just tells you, but in the same format. arrow <* >* This verb does the standard <-- thing, e.g. Ozymandias <-- showing you his new arrow verb. This isn't that hard to do by hand, but this verb lets you do it in say- and emote-style, using '<' as the prefix character, e.g. ' works just like '@messages ' except that this verb knows about integers and errors and lists and doesn't say ** Corrupted! ** all the damn time. 'properties ' works like messages with two exceptions. First, its output format differs a bit. Second, it doesn't restrict itself to _msg properties. It outputs objects in the form #123, integers in the form 123, errors in the form [E_INVARG], strings as quoted strings, lists in {} representation. Horked shamelessly from $player and hacked upon. New option - 'with brief' and 'with verbose' for not listing/listing property/message values. Very handy for getting the names of properties on objects with million-element lists. Defaults to verbose. map_verb map_property This is a version of map_verb and map_property similar to that on $list_utils. However, this one doesn't break on any error from the mapping, it just tosses that element out. newsies This verb comes up with random newsgroup-like strings. If called on the command line, it just makes you say a newsgroup-like name using the argument string as words for the newsgroup. If called from code with no arguments, it does the same thing. If called with code with arguments, the first argument has to be either the number of extra newsgroup name components you want stuck in, or zero for a random number, followed by any extra strings you want put in the name. e.g. newsies(1) returns alt.abortion or something, newsies(3,"bork.bork") might return rec.bork.bork.unix.reptiles. input_rest dols This is the auxiliary verb for #13441:ls. Arguments are: 1: object 2: doing recursion 3: depth of recursion (if any) 4: do title xyzzy plugh wazzum semprini filfre Magic words. add_rest #2697--Xy's Feature Object Verbs: ping ping Shows idle stats on player. Displays a message (if you are in same room). testticks @lag @guest @folder @bran @look_everyone @lrooms '@rooms' - List the rooms which are known by name. @info @ww #11360--Basic Tag The Game Of Tag. Just add #11360 to your .features list, and start playing this mindless game to your heart's content. Verbs: tag Usage: Tag Player must be in the same room as you, playing the game, and _not_ the person who tagged you. become_it Usage: become_it for Become it in the tag game. Useful if, e.g., 'it' has disconnected. _who's_it Usage: Who's it? You must have #18781 as a feature for this to work. basic_game Return the basic tag game. players Return a list of players. match_game match_game(name) Return a game called , or $nothing, $failed_match or $ambiguous_match. play Start playing this game. quit Usage: quit tag Quit playing this game. has_player it_title*c Return the :title of 'it'. has_been_played_by True if this has been played by args[1]. tell_instructions_if_needed Tell player the instructions if e hasn't read them before. tell_instructions instructions Instructions for this. Will be either a list of strings or E_TYPE. initialize add_player Add args[1] to the list; announce the change. remove_player Remove args[1] from the player list; announce the change. _who's_playing_* Usage: Who's playing ? must be a descendant of basic tag. You must have #18781 as a feature for this to work. announce_add_player Announce the addition of a new player. Basic tag announces this to everyone in the same room as the new addition. announce_remove_player Announce the removal of a player. Basic tag announces this to everyone in the same room as the leaving player. no_tag Print a message and return one if args[1] can't tag args[2]. transfer_it Change who's it. The default game tries to move itself to whoever's it. _who's_playing Usage: Who's playing? You must have #18781 as a feature for this to work. active_players Return a list of connected players. #44599--Westlake's Mostly Useless Feature Object This is where Westlake will put hopefully amusing if not useful verbs for the enjoyment of all. :) Verbs: hotfoot Usage: Hotfoot Be the life of the party and give someone a hotfoot! gig*gle Usage: Gig*gle This verb enables you to giggle at someone's statement. (Bernlad wrote this one btw.) asprin! Quote an Asprin-ism! Created by Robert Lynn Asprin, these quotes appear in all of his Myth books. @addas*prin #22822--"Who's" Feature This feature allows you to ask questions of the form "who's ?" and have some hope of getting an answer. The attributes this object understands are here, awake, asleep, idle, asleep, and on; some other objects define "who's" extensions, too. Verbs: who's Answer a question. This is really extensible, but in gross and complicated ways. Some standard uses are who's idle? <- in the same room as you who's alert in living? <- this matches against your @rooms list who's on? <- this one lists everyone who's logged on who's awake with Munchkin? <- this one's output may be a bit fruity Some other objects define "who's" options; for example, the Tag feature defines "who's playing?" and #8855 defines "who's followable" and "who's following ?" who's_title who's_substitute _who's_here Called by "who's here" and "who's in " _who's_awake Called by "who's awake" and "@who's awake in " _who's_asleep Called by "who's asleep" and "@who's asleep in " _who's_alert Called by "who's alert" and "@who's alert in " _who's_idle Called by "who's idle" and "who's idle in " who's_titles who's_titles(player-list[, start-sentence]) Give a list of titles. If start-sentence, then the first name will use :titlec. _who's_on Called by "who's on" _who's_named_* _who's_me List who is you in the room. Silly. _who's_not_me List players who are not you in the room. Silly. _who's_green List the players in the room who are within 1000 of max_object() and Gemba, if he's in the room. _who's_clueless List the players in the room who are clueless by a rather arbitrary measure. Read the verb code for the exact definition. _who's_schmooed List the players logged on who are descendents of the Schmoo player classes, printing some useless statistics about their genders. _who's_rpg List the players in the room who are enrolled in GrandMaster's RPG. _who's_nowhere List all of the players who do not have a location, e.g., who have their .location as #-1. #40842--Social Verb Core and Feature Object The Generic Feature Object--not to be used as a feature object. Verbs: _social _comfort _wink _yawn _wave _cackle _giggle _cry _poke _shrug _blush _cringe _smirk _nod _smile _laugh _sigh _chuckle _hug _kiss _french _bow _grin :_social(victim | list of victims | $no_one if no victim[, social-verb]) The first arg should be a single objnum or a list of objnums or $no_one if there is no victim. The second arg should be wave or wink or yawn or one of the other current social verbs. The second arg is optional; you can just call the verb with the verbname "_"+action instead. @add-social @adds*ocial @addv*erb social comfort wink yawn wave cackle giggle cry poke shrug blush cringe smirk nod grin smile laugh sigh chuckle hug kiss french bow Commands that emote for you, much like those on Diku-Muds. Examples: laugh (alone) laugh bob (victim) laugh me (self) laugh everything (everything in room) laugh everyone (all players in room) If you don't like the messages for a verb, create a property on yourself with the verb's name and load it in this format... line 1: Told to player when used alone. line 2: Announced to room when used alone. line 3: Told to player when used with victim. line 4: Told to victim. line 5: Annouced to room when used with victim. line 6: Told to player when used on self. line 7: Announced to room when used on self. Messages are run through pronoun_sub, with you as %n and victim as %d. Look at #40842.social (or any of its other properties) for an example. This verb may NOT be called without using it as a Feature. If you want to use it without going through Features, call the techie verb #40842:_social() in the format #40842:("_"+socialverbname)(victim || list of victims || $no_one) If you're calling without a victim, send $no_one. Note: When you use ` ' it displays messages 3 and 5 only. social(old) #30203--Stage-Talk Feature This feature contains various verbs used in stage talk, which allows players to describe their actions in terms of stage directions instead of prose. Verbs: stage `* Say something out loud, directed at someone or something. Usage: `target message Example: Munchkin is talking to Kenneth, who's in the same room with him. He types: `kenneth What is the frequency? The room sees: Munchkin [to Kenneth]: What is the frequency? stage [* Say something out loud, directed at someone or something. Usage: `target message Example: Munchkin is talking to Kenneth, who's in the same room with him. He types: `kenneth What is the frequency? The room sees: Munchkin [to Kenneth]: What is the frequency? stage ]* Say something out loud, directed at someone or something. Usage: `target message Example: Munchkin is talking to Kenneth, who's in the same room with him. He types: `kenneth What is the frequency? The room sees: Munchkin [to Kenneth]: What is the frequency? -* stage <* Say something out loud, directed at someone or something. Usage: `target message Example: Munchkin is talking to Kenneth, who's in the same room with him. He types: `kenneth What is the frequency? The room sees: Munchkin [to Kenneth]: What is the frequency? #15870--Bovine Familiar FO Some magick words bestowed upon faithful Bovine Illuminati, to help them in their quests. Verbs: sc*ore he*alth co*ndition sc*ore [] => health & readied equipment @rpg @rpg -- lists all Bovine Illuminati online and `involved with the RPG `involved' means either wounded, fatigued, or in an RPG-room ins*pect ins*pect -- shows `mirror stats' on given character, plus a list of possible commands executable upon them @gms @GMS @G_Ms @gms => all connected Game-Masters of the Bovine Illuminati @gms all => all Game-Masters @g_ms => all connected Grand_Masters: elders of the Bovine Illuminati. @g_ms all => all Grand_Masters. @GMS (capitalised) will also show Grand_Masters. notify tell #44434--Projects chalkboard The projects chalkboard is a place for programmers to share notes about MOO programming projects. It provides ideas for programmers with none, advises about the status of various projects, and reduces overlap of projects that are in the works. The board lives in the programmers' lounge (OK, really a big cardboard box in the tree in front of LambdaHouse...) Looking at it will show you the projects that are listed -- some are 'up for grabs', others are 'in progress' or being tested. To add a project, use 'add to board' - you will be asked several questions about the project. Of these, you will be asked if you accept the project -- do you actually want to do it, or is it just an idea? -- and for a short description. To remove a project 'remove from board' will suffice. However, just because you think a project's done doesn't mean it actually is, so why not leave it on the board for a while with a status message of 'Done?' to get input about it. 'status = on chalkboard' will change the status message on a project. (For example `status 1="In the works"'). 'status on chalkboard' also sets the status, but prompts you for it. This one is easier to use. 'accept on board' means you'll take the job. 'decline on board' means you've changed your mind. 'read on board' gives you more specific information on the project (that was entered as the short description with the add command.) show-erased on chalkboard' will tell you about projects that have been completed or removed. The project board works minimally as a feature object: '@projects' - lists the projects on the board, akin to looking at it. '@project ' - gives information about a specific project, akin to 'read on board'. Operations on the board are forwarded to the *projects mailing list so that users can see changes as they occur. The *projects list is also for discussion of project ideas, implementation, and whatnot. The project board is childable. The child of the board is blank, for your own projects. By default, children of the board don't send status messages about operations on the board in mail. Type @mail_rcpt board is to forward these messages. '@mail_rcpt board is 0' to stop them. Verbs: look_self accept status list is_writable_by announcelist remove erase decline what add*project read @projects @project look_msg get_status show-erased show-removed erased removed describe redescribe rename initialize @mail_rcpt #48276--APHiD's Sensible Features for Programmers and Such Features Object A Features Object with Verbs that were too Sensible to put on #18807. Verbs: @propindex @propindex with Tells you properties which contain that string and are defined on the object. @verbindex @verbindex with Tells you verbs which contain that string and are defined on the object or its parents. @lag lag Usage: @LAG Measures the lag as measured by Frand's Amazing Lag-O-Meter! tagging @sort @SORT MOO-Mails you a list of the player's owned objects sorted by parents. tell_verb tell_prop @verbsearch @verbsearch : for Search the given verb for all occurences of . locate_thing locate-thing Usage: locate_thing Hunts for all objects with that string in their name or aliases and mails you a list if any are found. locate_branches locate-branches locate_descendants locate-descendants Usage: locate_branches locate_descendants Searches for all descendants or branches (descendants which have their own children) and mails you the results in a nice chart if it finds some. @generic*s @fertile*s Usage: @generics Prints a list of fertile objects owned by that player, how many children it has, how many are owned by that player, and how many are owned by other players. If you do not specify a player, it prints your own fertile objects. @literal*s @Literals [] Find out what literals are defined. A literal is something you can refer to with $. For example, you can refer to String Utilities (#20) as $string_utils because "$string_utils" is a literal. You can use this command to find literals which contain a specified sub-string or use this command on a blank line to see all literals. @verb-par*ents @verb_par*ents @verbpar*ents Usage: @verb-parents : Tells you what objects in the the given object's ancestors has this verb defined on it. @match Usage: @Match @Match in Tells you all objects which would exactly or even partially match on the given string. If you supply a location, only objects at that location are checked. may be an objnum, `here', or a room in your @Rooms list. If no location is specified, it checks your own contents and you current location's contents. @verb-desc*endants @verb_desc*endants @verbdesc*endants Usage: @verb-descendants : Tells you what descendants of the given object has the verb defined on it. @shutdown @shutdown - Tells how long you have until the imminent shutdown if there is one. @pigmail @pigmail - MOO-Mails you a table of the DB Usage of all your objects in an easy to read format. locate_thing_tasks @review @REVIEW MOO-Mails you a sorted table of the player's owned objects including the size of the object, the flags on the objects, and the numbers of children, branches, descendants, and verbs. @chart Usage: @chart for Prints a chart of the parent structure for the given object with owners. Descendants - All children and their children's children, etc... Branches - All descendants that have children of their own _descendants _branches #9111--Clipboard feature The clipboard feature is an object that allows you to @cut text from any editor and move it to another editor file, or dump it into a conversation. Uses include copying bits of verb code easily, including verb code in conversation or in mail (or including mail in verb code!) Note that you can move information between the mail, verb, note, and property editors. It also functions to spellcheck mail or notes prior to sending or saving them. @cut - When in an editor, this command will copy the line or range of text to one of your clipboards. This works from any editor. Your original editor text is not changed in any way -- it is not deleted or moved. When you @cut, you are told what clipboard you're using -- you have five. @cut-mail [DOESN'T WORK YET] @cut-mail @cut-mail on - Copy the text of a message into a clipboard. @copy - This command works both inside and outside of the editor. In an editor, it will copy the contents of the clipboard to the insertion point of the editor. The text remains in the clipboard so that you may use it multiple times. (If you're done with it, you may @wipe it, below.) If you are now in an editor, the contents of said clipboard will be dumped into the conversation of your location. This works just like #8855:@paste, including use you .paste_header and .paste_footer. @wipe - Erases the contents of a clipboard or all your clipboards. @clipboards - Gives a brief description of the contents of all your clipboards. @clipboard - gives the complete contents of a clipboard. @spellcheck - When in an editor, runs editor text through the online dictionary. This doesn't utilize one of your clipboards. Useful for proofreading mail or notes before sending/saving. Verbs: @wipe @copy @cut @clipboard*s _get_text Editorially _put_text Editorially _get_working_on Editorially cbinuse copy_paste _parse_range Editorially @cut-mail _get_mail @spellcheck #9922--Ted Turner Feature Object Color Feature is a gadget that allows you to see the MOO in color. You need: *A terminal or terminal emulator with ANSI or VT100 emulation *The ability to translate input characters, using a translation table or input table. *To be a child of a player class with :tell filters. (#33337 and Super Schmoo are ones.) With the color feature, verbs, objects, and combinations thereof can each be assigned different colors. Pages and whispers could be accentuated in red, for example, while other text is green. If you don't have a color terminal, don't despair. Many terminals allow for varying character intensity, bold, inverse or underlined characters instead. To use it: *Use a terminal or terminal software package that emulates VT-100 or ANSI. *Add the color feature to your features_huh. (@add-feature #9922 should work.) *Change your terminal's translation table so that the tilde character (~) is turned into the escape character. That is, turn ASCII 126 into ASCII 27. The reason this is done: MOO strips all incoming and outgoing control and escape characters. So we can't send an escape, ehich is needed for color sequences. Instead, we send the tilde, which your terminal treats as escape. *Test it out! Type `test #9922'. If you see colors, bold, underlining, or whatever, you can use the color feature. If you see a mess, either you don't have ANSI or VT100 or you didn't modify your translation table. *If all is well, add the color feature as a hook to your tell verb: `@set-tell-filter #9922' *Finially, tell the color feature that you exist. `@color on' Color commands: @color on @color off - turns color mode on and off. If you've moved to a terminal without ANSI/VT100, or you get sick of it, or whatever, you can turn it off without losing your settings. @set-color :verb to @set-color object to @set-color object:verb to @set-color default to Using these, you can chose any combination of objects and verbs to have different colors. If you type `@set-color :page to bright red', all pages will be in bright red. However, `@set-color #9082:page to bright red' will only make pages from waffle look red to you. `@set-color #9082 to red' will make everything waffle says or does red. eeeeeee. Using a * on the end of a verb makes all verbs staring with those letters use that color. (ie: @set-color #9082:+* to yellow or @set-color :=* to green) @set-color default changes the color of text that otherwise wouldn't get colorized. (e.g., is wan't called by an object or verb on the list.) If you set a room object to a color, text in that room will be said color. This might be useful to change the text color while in the editor, so you don't forget you're there. Colors available are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white. You can also add any of the following: normal, bright, underline, blinking, inverse. If you don't specify bright or normal (not bright) text, @set-color defaults to normal. @display-colors - Shows how all the colors look on your monitor. @color-settings - Lists all of your current color settings. @reset-colors - Erases all of your color settings. Makes everything very boring. @basic-colors - Erases your current settings and replaces then with minimal, but useful ones. pages, whispers, and remote-emotes are red, for example, while ordinary text is bright cyan. @uncolor :verb @uncolor object @uncolor object:verb Removes an object, verb, or object-verb combination from your color-settings. unregister from #9922 If you get sick of color, and don't ever want to use it again, (snif.) then type `unregister from #9922' to erase yourself from its memory. The color object is new and experimental. It isn't perfect, so please send feedback to waffle ... Have fun! Verbs: tell_filter @color @set-color output_color @display-colors @reset-colors @basic-colors test @color-settings @uncolor @rmcolor @unset-color output_color_v unregister Removes you from the color object's list of users. All your color info is lost. Use this if color doesn't interest you anymore. linesplit_filter :linesplit(line,len) => list of substrings of line used by :notify to split up long lines if .linelen>0 #35353--Pasting Feature The Pasting Feature is mostly useful to people with fancy clients (such as Emacs) or who connect using a windowing system that allows them to copy text they've already seen. It's intended to give people a way to quote verbatim text at other people in the room. Verbs: @paste Usage: @paste Announce a series of entered lines to the room the player is in. Before the lines are quoted, player.paste_header is run through $string_utils:pronoun_sub(), and if the result contains the player's name, it is used as a header. Otherwise player.name centered in a line of dashes is used. A footer comes afterwards, likewise derived from player.paste_footer. and are placed before and after each line. This verb is, as one might guess, designed for pasting text to MOO using GnuEmacs or a windowing system. You should remember that after you have pasted the lines in, you must type . on a line by itself, or you'll sit around waiting for $command_utils:read_lines() to finish _forever_. |* Echo a line prefaced by a vertical bar. Usage: |message Example: Hacker wants to echo to the room what he just saw. He enters (either by hand, or with Emacs or a windowing system): |Haakon has disconnected. The room sees: Hacker | Haakon has disconnected. @pasteto @paste-to #47391--Ogilvy's Feature Object This feature contains miscellaneous, perhaps sorta useful, verbs.. Check the 'help' for a list. Verbs: name_of list-obj*ects list-objects [r*ange x1..x2] [i*ncluding ] [e*xcluding ] Displays a comprehensive list of all objects, showing their name, number, owner, parent, etc. [range x1..x2] -- Specifying a range will limit the search to the objects in that range. X1 or x2 may be any number from 0 to the highest object number, or the strings 'first' or 'last'. [including ] -- List only objects that are decendants of the objects in . [excluding ] -- Exclude all objects that are descendants of the objects in . Examples: list-objects including $player excluding #28888 list-objects range 35000..last excluding $player $exit $room process_range _list_objects #6350--Morpheus' Dangerous Undocumented Feature Object The Generic Feature Object--not to be used as a feature object. Verbs: arp moo trapdoor gang*say @nowwheredidIputthatdamnthing @nw @unfeature(old) Usage: @unfeature Remove the object from the feature list of all users. #19889--Help Server Feature Object A special interface to JoeF's help badges. It has two verbs, explained below What it does is allow you to query all on-duty people in a specific field with a simple verb call. @question with Sample: @question "programming" with "How do I make a verb?" Verbs: @question @question Usage: @question with Where is a field on the help badges, and question is a question in that field. This system will hunt for all on-duty players with that field and page them with your question. Use "'s to deliniate a field, ie @question "general MOO stuff" with Foo Not always needed, but that will make sure it works where without quotes it may not work sometimes... find_people broadcast_plea fields @help-fields List all help fields and people, on and off duty, that have them. @qan*swer @qanswer a pending question. This object stores the last group of players paged by it, and then notifies them that the question has been answered as well as sending the answer to the person. Usage: @qanswer broadcast_answer #26498--Trivia thing The Generic Feature Object--not to be used as a feature object. Verbs: tap add seelast help prod prod trivia trivia! newtriv*ia newtriv bonk #32220--Pathfinder Object Verbs: path_from_A_to_B search_exits :search_exits(start, end || {end1, end2, ..endN}, rooms already searched or never to be searched, the path so far (a list of exits), the exits from this room, maximum depth) explain_path choose_exit_name @path Usage: @path [] to Searches for an exit-path from the start location (which defaults to your current location) to the given destination. Either room can be a room name from your @rooms list, an object number, or `here'. The farther apart the two rooms are, the longer the search might take. The PathFinder limits its searches to rooms that are within a given number of exits of each other. This number may vary from time to time. @pathopt*ions @path-opt*ions @Path-Options