_____ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ / ___| / __ \ | | | | | \/ | / \ / \ | |__ | | |_| | |__| | | | | /\ | | /\ | \__ \ | | _ | __ | | |\/| | | | | | | | | | ___| | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | \/ | | \/ | |_____/ \____/ |_| |_| |_| |_| \____/ \____/ Revised Help Documentation October 3, 1993 --------------------------------< help #4803 >-------------------------------- See `help schmoo' ----------------------------------< help ' >---------------------------------- [EZ-Page] Page: ' [] Respond: ' EZ-Page responds to the player last contacted with either (') or (+). If you wish to see a player's page-echo set @Schmoo-Option +page-echo. See Also: +, @schmoo, and schmoo ----------------------------------< help + >---------------------------------- [Page-Emote] Normal: + Possessive: ++ Respond: +/++ Page-Emote responds to the last player contacted with either (') or (+). You can set what comes before your name with @pp_prefix me is "prefix" See Also: ' and @pp_prefix ------------------------------< help @addname >------------------------------- Usage: @ADDNAME [ ....] Attempts to add one or more aliases to your list of aliases. A lot easier than typing in all those names with @RENAME. Since player names are not allowed to contain spaces, you can add more than one alias by seperating them with a space. -----------------------------< help @addoutfit >------------------------------ Usage: @ADDOUTFIT .[_outfit] Adds a Schmoo-Outfit to your personal database of outfits. Examples: @addoutfit bunny #33835.ccsmclo14_outfit @addoutfit bunny #33835.ccsmclo14 @addoutfit normal me.normal_outfit @addoutfit suit closet.tie_and_jacket_outfit You must specify an object either by name, if it's in in the same location, or by object number. Appending the outfit's name with _outfit is optional although the property itself must actually be appended with _outfit. See Also: @outfits, @rmoutfits, clothing, and schmoo ----------------------------< help @addpp_prefix >---------------------------- Usage: @addpp_prefix Adds to your list of Page-Emote prefices which are chosen at random when you use +. See Also: + ---------------------------< help @addsay_prefix >---------------------------- Usage: @addsay_prefix Adds to your list of Say Prefices which are chosen at random when you speak while morphed. ----------------------------< help @addss_prefix >---------------------------- Usage: @addss_prefix Adds to your list of Schmoo-Shout prefices which are chosen at random when you shout. See Also: schmoo -----------------------------< help @alt_gender >----------------------------- Morph-Related Property Usage: @alt_gender me is The gender you become when you morph. This should be the full name and not "m" or "f" or something like that. See Also: morph ------------------------------< help @alt_name >------------------------------ Morph-Related Property Usage: @alt_name me is The name you go by when you have morphed. It is suggested that you put this name in your aliases because, as is obvious, danger-morphing is dangerous. See Also: morph and morphing -----------------------------< help @alt_outfit >----------------------------- Morph-Related Property Usage: @alt_outfit me is The Schmoo outfit that you want to automatically @wear when you morph. This should be in the same format as @wear (see `help @wear' for details). Leave this blank if you don't want an outfit. For example, if you have an Schmoo-Outfit defined on you named "beast_outfit", you would set your @alt_outfit message to "beast" or "beast_outfit". Alternatively, if you prefer to use a Quick-Suit for a morph, use the Quick-Suit's title preceeded by a caret (^) so as to signal that you're talking about a Quick-Suit instead of a Schmoo-Outfit Property. See Also: @wear, morph, and Schmoo ------------------------------< help @bastards >------------------------------ Miscellaneous Property @bastards || ! || none This property controls a list of players not to be trusted under any circumstances. (Not that I condone making enemies but if you got 'em, that's your business.) -------------------------------< help @change >------------------------------- == @Morph (or @PROPmorph)/@change With @change you may morph into one of any `self' properties defined on your character. These selves are a list of strings, which must at the least contain one string-- your new description. Your alt_name will be the name of the self-property, minus the _self suffix. A typical _self file might look like this... " Avery obliviously chants some nonsensical aphorisms, looking up for a moment to grin at you in silence. His eyes are a clear blue, his skin pale from lack of real sunlight. He brushes his long dark hair from his face, then continues his random musings." alt_gender_shm = Male obeast_msg = Quinn morphs into Avery. ohuman_msg = Avery morphs into Quinn. Okay-- so that WAS typical. So my witty banter has been tapped dry. So here's an overview: To create a morph-self: @prop me._self {} To edit that self: @edit me._self First line : your description Other lines: = A list of properties that can be changed is in `help morph-props' See Also: @morph, @PROPmorph, alt_gender_shm, morph, morph-props, obeast_msg, obeast_shm, ohuman_msg, and ohuman_shm -------------------------------< help @clothe >------------------------------- == @wear/@clothe Wait! Stop! Before struggling with the archaic form of @wear/@clothe, take a look at `help Quick-Suits'. Quick-Suits are tons easier to use than @wear/@clothe. With @clothe you can wear outfits defined on yourself. These outfits are lists of strings defining properties on yourself. The properties must have the suffix _outfit to be valid. A typical _outfit file might look like this... clothed_msg = Quinn is wearing a snappy tux and a salmon pink fedora. intimate_msg = {"Quinn is wearing boxers that glow with a mystic aura.", "You also noticed his mystically glowing auric socks."} naked_msg = You think-- my! isn't Quinn well endowed? schmoo_append_msg = Quinn replies to your cognitive comment, "Why yes. I am." Well-- maybe that isn't so typical. So sue me. The gist of my little tutorial is that you define a property value in the following format... So here's an overview: To create an outfit: @prop me._outfit {} To edit the outfit: @edit me._outfit Edit the property with lines in the following format. = A list of properties that can be changed is in `help clothing-props' See Also: @wear, append_shm, clothed_msg, clothed_shm, clothing, clothing-props, intimate_msg, intimate_shm, naked_msg, naked_shm, Quick-Suits, schmoo, and schmoo_append_msg -----------------------------< help @community >------------------------------ Lists the Schmoos who are currently online and listening to Schmoo Shouts. See Also: Schmoo and who -------------------------------< help @crowd >-------------------------------- Usage: @crowd [room] Tells you information about the players in a given room or your current room if you don't specify one. ------------------------------< help @inspect >------------------------------- Usage: @inspect Searches all currently occupied rooms for a matching object and then gives you very detailed information about that object. This is a potentially lagful verb so be frugal with it. -----------------------------< help @listmorphs >----------------------------- Usage: @Listmorphs [schmoo-property] Use this command to list the titles, numbers, gender, and description of your currently stored Quick-Morphs. If you specify a schmoo-property, you will be given the value of that property in place of the gender & description columns. See: Quick-Morphing for help on Quick-Morphing in general. See Also: @LOADmorph, @qmorph, @Qmorph (or @LOADmorph), @Rmmorph, @SAVEmorph, @setmorph, @Setmorph (or @SAVEmorph), @Showmorph, morphing, Quick-Morphing, and schmoo ---------------------------< help @listpp_prefix >---------------------------- Usage: @listpp_prefix Lists your current values for Page-Emote prefices. ---------------------------< help @listsay_prefix >--------------------------- Usage: @listsay_prefix Lists your current values for Say prefices. ---------------------------< help @listss_prefix >---------------------------- Usage: @listss_prefix Lists your current values for Schmoo-Shouting prefices. See Also: schmoo and shouting -----------------------------< help @listsuits >------------------------------ Usage: @ListSuits [clothing-property] Use this command to list the numbers and titles of your Quick-Suits. If you specify a clothing-property, you will be given the value of that property for each Quick-Suit. See Also: @LOADsuit, @RmSuit, @SAVEsuit, @ShowSuit, clothing, and Quick-Suits -----------------------------< help @LOADmorph >------------------------------ See `help @qmorph' ------------------------------< help @loadsuit >------------------------------ Usage: @Qwear/@LOADsuit Quick-Suits are an easy way to store multiple outfits on yourself. @Qwear/@LOADsuit is the verb used to actually wear the saved Quick-Suit with that number or title. First, use @SetSuit/@SAVEsuit to define a Quick-Suit, then use @Qwear/@LOADsuit to wear it. Basically, since @SetSuit/@SAVEsuit stores all your clothing properties as they are when you call it, @QWear/@LOADsuit just restores them. Be careful because using this carelessly could delete a Schmoo-Outfit you're already wearing. See Also: @ListSuits, @qwear, @RmSuit, @SAVEsuit, @setsuit, @ShowSuit, clothing, Quick-Suits, and schmoo ------------------------------< help @look_chk >------------------------------ Miscellaneous Property Usage: @look_chk me is Set this to 1 if you want to be notified when someone looks at you. Set to 0 if you don't care. -------------------------------< help @morph >-------------------------------- See `help @change' ----------------------------< help @morph_append >---------------------------- Morph-Related Property Usage: @Morph_append me is Set this to 0 if you don't want a Schmoo append message when you morph or to 1 if you do. See Also: @morph, morph, and Schmoo ---------------------------< help @morph_clothes >---------------------------- Morph-Related Property Usage: @Morph_clothes me is Set this to 0 if you don't want Schmoo clothing messages when you morph or to 1 if you do. See Also: @morph, clothes, clothing, morph, and Schmoo -----------------------------< help @no_peeking >----------------------------- Miscellaneous Property Usage: @no_peeking me is Set this to 1 if you don't want people to be able to look at you unless they're in the same location. Set to 0 if you don't care. -------------------------------< help @nudist >------------------------------- Miscellaneous Property Usage: @nudist me is Set this to 1 if you want to make yourself dress/strippable by just anyone who comes along. Set to 0 otherwise and as default. See Also: dress and who -----------------------------< help @ok_genders >----------------------------- Miscellaneous Property @ok_genders || ! || none This property controls who can strip you dependant on the player's gender. See Also: strip and who ----------------------------< help @ok_strippers >---------------------------- Miscellaneous Property @ok_strippers || ! || none This property controls which players can strip and dress you regardless of gender. Handy for players who switch genders a lot. Like Prince or something. See Also: dress, strip, and who ------------------------------< help @outfits >------------------------------- Usage: @outfits As a simple and easy way to keep track of Schmoo outfits, each Schmoo can keep a list of outfit that e can use along with @wear. This works very similar to @rooms. @Outfits will list the Outfits in your Outfit Database while also deleting any entries that are no longer valid. See Also: @addoutfit, @rmoutfit, @wear, clothing, and schmoo --------------------------------< help @pals >-------------------------------- Miscellaneous Property @pals || ! || none This property controls a list of players who are your pals or players you're just interested in knowing about. (Isn't that nice!) See Also: who -------------------------------< help @perks >-------------------------------- == @perks [perk-name] || [!perk-name] || none [....] You can specify more than one perk at a time. Use a ! to indicate perks that you are trying to get rid off. backmorph : Morph back to normal at disconnect (default) clothing : Turns on Schmoo-Clothing (default) columns : Put your @owned stuff in columns connectpeek : Turns No_peeking on at log-off and off at connect dangermorph : Don't do safety-checks on aliases for morphing fullowned : Include $exits in @owned logonpals : Do a @WHOPALS automatically when you connect mailtimezone : Configures MOO-Mail to your timezone newbie : Displays useful information about Schmoo at log-on pageecho : See a page-echo when you kwik-page pageorigin : Send a page-origin when you kwik-page schmoowho : Put a * by Schmoos in WHO sexy : Display genders in Schmoo-Who, @WhoPals, @Community, & @Crowd showrpg : Include RPG-items in @peruse silentdress : Don't announce outfit changes with @wear or @LoadSuit pagealias : Tells you shortest alias of person paging you morphidle : Use custom idle-messages when morphed unmorphidle : Use custom idle-messages when unmorphed shortpals : Lists pals on-line at log-on fullschmoo : Displays full value of properties in @Schmoo See Also: @community, @crowd, @loadsuit, @owned, @schmoo, @wear, @WHOPALS, clothing, idle, Morph, morphing, schmoo, schmoo-who, timezone, and who -----------------------------< help @population >----------------------------- Usage: @crowd [room] Tells you information about the players in a given room or your current room if you don't specify one. See Also: @crowd -----------------------------< help @PROPmorph >------------------------------ See `help @change' -------------------------------< help @qmorph >------------------------------- Usage: @Qmorph (or @LOADmorph) || Quick-Morphing is an easy way to define multiple morphs for yourself. @Qmorph (or @LOADmorph) is the verb used to actually morph into the saved Quick-Morph with that number or title (title is not the same as name, necessarily). First use @Setmorph (or @SAVEmorph) to define a Quick-Morph, then use @Qmorph (or @LOADmorph) to wear that body. Another way of looking at it is that if you have used @Setmorph/@SAVEmorph to `save' a list of morph-properties, you can then use this verb to `load' those values back onto your properties. Keep in mind that this will delete whatever you properties are at the time. See: Quick-Morphing for help on Quick-Morphing in general. See Also: @Listmorphs, @LOADmorph, @Rmmorph, @SAVEmorph, @setmorph, @Setmorph (or @SAVEmorph), @Showmorph, morph, morph-properties, morphing, and Quick-Morphing -----------------------------< help @quickmorph >----------------------------- See `help @qmorph' -----------------------------< help @quickwear >------------------------------ See `help @qwear' -------------------------------< help @qwear >-------------------------------- See `help @loadsuit' -----------------------------< help @reg_gender >----------------------------- Morph-Related Property Usage: @reg_gender me is Your gender when not morphed. This should be the full name and not "m" or "f" or something like that. See Also: morph ------------------------------< help @reg_name >------------------------------ Morph-Related Property Usage: @reg_name me is The name you go by when you aren't morphed. This name must be in your aliases. See Also: morph -----------------------------< help @reg_outfit >----------------------------- Morph-Related Property Usage: @reg_outfit me is The Schmoo outfit that you want to automatically @wear when you change back from a morph to your regular self. This should be in the same format as @wear (see `help @wear' for details). Leave this blank if you don't want an outfit. See Also: @wear, morph, and Schmoo ------------------------------< help @rmmorph >------------------------------- Usage: @Rmmorph || Use this command to get rid of an unwanted Quick-Morph. See: Quick-Morphing for help on Quick-Morphing in general. See Also: @Listmorphs, @LOADmorph, @qmorph, @Qmorph (or @LOADmorph), @SAVEmorph, @setmorph, @Setmorph (or @SAVEmorph), @Showmorph, morph, morphing, and Quick-Morphing -------------------------------< help @rmname >------------------------------- Usage: @RMNAME [ ....] Attempts to remove one or more aliases from your list of aliases. Seperate multiple aliases with a space. ------------------------------< help @rmoutfit >------------------------------ Usage: @rmoutfit @Rmoutfit will remove an outfit from your Outfit Database. See Also: @addoutfit, @outfits, and clothing ----------------------------< help @rmpp_prefix >----------------------------- Usage: @rmpp_prefix Removes a Page-Emote prefix from your list. See Also: @listpp_prefix ----------------------------< help @rmsay_prefix >---------------------------- Usage: @rmsay_prefix Removes a Say Prefix from your list. See Also: @listsay_prefix ----------------------------< help @rmss_prefix >----------------------------- Usage: @rmss_prefix Removes a Schmoo-Shout prefix from your list. See Also: @listss_prefix and schmoo -------------------------------< help @rmsuit >------------------------------- Usage: @RmSuit Use this command to get rid of an unwanted Quick-Suit. See Also: @ListSuits, @LOADsuit, @SAVEsuit, and @ShowSuit -----------------------------< help @SAVEmorph >------------------------------ See `help @setmorph' ------------------------------< help @savesuit >------------------------------ Usage: @SetSuit/@SAVEsuit Use this verb to store all your current Schmoo Clothing properties for use with @Qwear/@LOADsuit. Another way of looking at it is that you can use this verb to `save' all you clothing properties and then `load' them back later with @Qwear/@LOADsuit. The title is not optional. If you're creating a new Quick-Suit, you need to make up a name for it, sort of like a filename. If you're just updating an existing Quick-Suit, you can refer to it by name or number. The number is it's position in the Quick-Suit list given be @ListSuits. See Also: @ListSuits, @LOADsuit, @qwear, @RmSuit, @setsuit, @ShowSuit, clothing, and schmoo -------------------------------< help @schmoo >------------------------------- == Schmoo Messages Usage: @schmoo [me] This command will list your settable Schmoo properties which including the ones that do not end in _shm. This can be helpful when you're trying to sort out your Schmoo-messages from other messages. See Also: clothing, morphing, Schmoo, and schmoo-properties ---------------------------< help @Schmoo-Options >--------------------------- Syntax: @Schmoo-Option @Schmoo-Option