*--* 05-10-93 - 23:56:17 *--* --------------------------------[ SSPC-index ]-------------------------------- SSPC Help Topics ---- ---- ------ About-SSPC @list-pals movable @remove-pals @add-notification @list-possessions @new-message @rm-notification @add-pals look-detection newbie @rm-possessions @add-possessions look_detect notify_inv @save-morph @alt_ mail_timezone notify_place say_verbs ask_verbs @morph @online-pals @show-morph auto_save morph-creation page_alert sort_ confunc_cmds morph-default page_alias SSPC-index @cpaste morph-editing page_echo SSPC-options @create-morph morph-messages page_idle @SSPC-options disfunc_cmds Morph-notification page_origin @time @done Morph-options pals timezone exclaim_verbs @Morph-options paste_command @timezone fancy_ Morph-possessions paste_notify @todo home morph_move public_page verbose @hometown morph_notify quick-page @who-pals @list-message morphing remote-emote @who-pals! @list-morphs morphing-tech @remove-message who_verb @list-notifications morphing-tutorial @remove-morph --------------------------------[ About-SSPC ]-------------------------------- Among other things, Sick's Sick Player Class (#49900) offers: - Easy-to-use morphing that allows unlimited morphs, with configurable messages for each morph. - Convenient `pals' list for keeping track of your favorite MOOers. - Easy pasting of commands and text to the room or other verbs. - A handy list of `things to do' for keeping up with reminders or other things. - Customizable messages displayed when you type `home'. - The ability to set your hometown and timezone, and have the mail you read show your local time. - Look-detection that tells you when players look at you. - Random selection from lists for many messages, such as page_origins or page_echos. - The ability to turn off the `Sick seems to be daydreaming, though.' type messages on your page_echo if you are alert, or idle. - Extremely configurable options to control a variety of perks and features. - Customizable strings or verbs to use when you say, ask, or exclaim things. - The ability to sort and/or columnize your @rooms, @features, and @pals displays. - Quick paging, with optional page_echos and page_origins. - The ability to override your `who' and `@who' verbs with those of your choice. - Lists of commands to execute automatically when you connect or disconnect. - The ability to assign objects to morphs, and to notify objects when you morph. - And lots of other stuff. A note to Schmoos and Morphers - the SSPC Conversion Chamber (#1336) will painlessly convert all your current settings and morphs to SSPC format, facilitating an easy @chparent. ----------------------------[ @add-notification ]----------------------------- Usage: @add-notification Add to your list of objects to be notified when you morph. The verb :notify_morph will be called on each object in this list when morphing. Note, to just move an object when morphing, it is better to use @possessions. See also: Morph-notification, Morph-options, @Morph-options, @list-notificatio ns, @rm-notifications. --------------------------------[ @add-pals ]--------------------------------- Usage: @add-pal [ ... ] Add to your list of `pals'. -----------------------------[ @add-possessions ]----------------------------- Usage: @add-possession to Add to your list of `morph_possessions' for . When you morph into , these objects will be moved into your inventory if not already there. When you morph out of , these objects will be moved out of your inventory, unless the new morph also has it listed as a possession. Objects moved out will be moved to the following location, if it exists: .home or .home. If none of these exists, the object will not be moved. At a later date, the capability of specifying where the object will be moved might be added. See also: Morph-possessions, Morph-options, @Morph-options, @list-possessions, @rm-possessions. ----------------------------------[ @alt_ ]----------------------------------- Usage: @alt_ is Sets the message to for your morph. --------------------------------[ ask_verbs ]--------------------------------- SSPC-option: `ask_verbs' -ask_verbs Always use "say" when asking things. ask_verbs *Strings to use when asking things: ["ask"]. If you have this option on, SSPC will randomly choose a verb, from the list of strings you set, each time you `say' or " a sentence that ends in ?. You can set your list of ask_verbs by: @SSPC-option ask_verbs is "", "", "", ... The quotation marks are only necessary if your ask verb is more than one word (which would be very strange indeed!). See also: SSPC-options, @SSPC-options, verbose, say_verbs, exclaim_verbs. --------------------------------[ auto_save ]--------------------------------- Morph-option: `auto_save' -auto_save Lose changes since saving when morphing. [Default] +auto_save Automatically save your current morph before morphing. If your `auto_save' option is turned on, your current morph will always automatically be saved (using `@save-morph') when you morph into a new form (see `help @morph'). If this option is off, any changes since your last `@save-morph' will be lost when you use `@morph'. See also: Morph-options, @Morph-options, and morphing. -------------------------------[ confunc_cmds ]------------------------------- SSPC-option: `confunc_cmds' -confunc_cmds Do not automatically run any command when connecting. confunc_cmds Auto-connect commands: . When you connect to the MOO, this option allows you to automatically run any command. SSPC defaults with this option off. Setting this command follows this syntax: @sspc-option -confunc_cmds To disable this option. @sspc-option confunc_cmds is "", "", "",... Note the quotation marks. These are important when has more than one word in it. In addition, each must have it's x flag set, meaning it can be called from within another verb. See also: SSPC-options, @SSPC-options. ---------------------------------[ @cpaste ]---------------------------------- Usage: @cpaste Excute as normal, and paste it to the room. Note that this does not work for !x verbs. Example: @cpaste @who sick Pastes the text given by `@who sick' to the room. If the text is more than five lines, the @paste style headers/footers is used, otherwise the | paste style is used. Usage: @cpaste-to with Executes as normal, and then executes ` ' for each line received from . The regular @cpaste is equivalent to `@cpaste-to "emote |" with '. @cpaste-to allows you to pipe the text elsewhere, such as a remote-emote. Example: @cpaste-to "+sick |" with look Remote-emotes Sick with the text from `look'. See also: SSPC-options, @SSPC-options, paste_command, paste_notify. ------------------------------[ @create-morph ]------------------------------- Usage: @create-morph as Creates a new morph with the given name, gender, and description. You can then @morph to the new morph, set your messages, and then save it. -------------------------------[ disfunc_cmds ]------------------------------- SSPC-option: `disfunc_cmds' -disfunc_cmds Do not automatically run any command when disconnecting. disfunc_cmds Auto-disconnect commands: ["morph default"]. When you disconnect from the MOO, this option allows you to automatically run any command. SSPC defaults with this option on, and will run the command "morph default" each time you disconnect. Setting this command follows this syntax: @sspc-option -disfunc_cmds To disable this option. @sspc-option disfunc_cmds is "", "", "",... Note the quotation marks. These are important when has more than one word in it. In addition, each must have it's x flag set, meaning it can be called from within another verb. See also: SSPC-options, @SSPC-options. ----------------------------------[ @done ]----------------------------------- Usage: @done <#> Remove the #-th reminder from your @todo list. ------------------------------[ exclaim_verbs ]------------------------------- SSPC-option: `exclaim_verbs' -exclaim_verbs Always use "say" when exclaiming things. exclaim_verbs *Strings to use when exclaiming things: ["exclaim"]. If you have this option on, SSPC will randomly choose a verb, from the list of strings you set, each time you `say' or " a sentence that ends in !. You can set your list of exclaim_verbs by: @SSPC-option exclaim_verbs is "", "", "", ... The quotation marks are only necessary if your exclaim verb is more than one word (which would be very strange indeed!). See also: SSPC-options, @SSPC-options, verbose, say_verbs, ask_verbs. ----------------------------------[ fancy_ ]---------------------------------- SSPC option: `fancy_rooms', `fancy_features', `fancy_pals' Morph option: `fancy_notif', `fancy_poss' -fancy_rooms *Do not organize your @rooms display in columns. +fancy_rooms Organize your @rooms display in columns. -fancy_features *Do not organize your @features display in columns. +fancy_features Organize your @features display in columns. -fancy_pals *Do not organize your @pals display in columns. +fancy_pals Organize your @pals display in columns. -fancy_notif *Do not organize your @notifications display in columns. +fancy_notif Organize your @notifications display in columns. -fancy_poss *Do not organize your @possessions display in columns. +fancy_poss Organize your @possesssions display in columns. If you have this option on, SSPC will organize the output of the appropriate verb into nice columns. Three columns will be created according to the length of each element in the list. These categories are tiny, short, and long. By this method, names will not be cut off by the edge of your screen since SSPC will adjust the output according to your @linelength setting. Whether you have this option on or off, each of these three displays will show the name and object number of each element in the list. See also: SSPC-options, Morph-options, @SSPC-options, sort_. -----------------------------------[ home ]----------------------------------- You can configure the messages displayed when you use this verb. @home - displayed to you when you go home @ohome_depart - displayed to others as you leave to go home @ohome_arrive - displayed to others at your home when you arrive --------------------------------[ @hometown ]--------------------------------- Usage: @hometown Set your hometown to the string given. ------------------------------[ @list-message ]------------------------------- Usage: @list-message Displays the value of your @ message. If the message is a list, each entry will be displayed with a number. This number can be used with @remove-message to remove specific entries. -------------------------------[ @list-morphs ]------------------------------- Usage: @list-morphs [] List your (or 's) morph aliases. ---------------------------[ @list-notifications ]---------------------------- Usage: @list-notifications List all of the objects you want notified when you morph. Note, these are the objects that will just have the verb :notify_morph called. Not the ones that will be moved when morphing. Those are possessions. Will be sorted by either name or number if the SSPC-option "sort_notif" is set, and will be displayed in columns if the SSPC-option "fancy_notif" is set. See also: Morph-notification, Morph-options, @Morph-options, @add-notification , @rm-notification. --------------------------------[ @list-pals ]-------------------------------- Usage: @list-pals List all of your pals. Will be sorted by either name or number if the SSPC-option "sort_pals" is set, and will be displayed in columns if the SSPC-option "fancy_pals" is set. ----------------------------[ @list-possessions ]----------------------------- Usage: @list-possessions List all the objects that belong to each morph you have defined. When you morph into , these objects will be moved into your inventory if not already there. When you morph out of , these objects will be moved out of your inventory, unless the new morph also has it listed as a possession. Objects moved out will be moved to the following location, if it exists: .home or .home. If none of these exists, the object will not be moved. At a later date, the capability of specifying where the object will be moved might be added. This display will be sorted by either name or number if the SSPC-option "sort_poss" is set, and will be displayed in columns if the SSPC-option "fancy_poss" is set. See also: Morph-possessions, Morph-options, @Morph-options, @add-possessions, @rm-possessions. ------------------------------[ look-detection ]------------------------------ Look-detection allows you to notice when other players `look' at you. This feature is controlled by your `look_detect' SSPC-option. It is off by default; to turn it on, type `@SSPC-option +look_detect'. If detection is on, you will be shown your @watched message when other players look at you. Please note that verbs such as @exam and @peruse will not trigger your look detection if you have it on. See also: look_detect. -------------------------------[ look_detect ]-------------------------------- SSPC-option: `look_detect' -look_detect Do not notice when others look at you. [Default] +look_detect Display your @watched message to you when others look at you. If the `look_detect' option is used, you will be notified when other players look at you. See also: SSPC-options, @SSPC-options, and look-detection. ------------------------------[ mail_timezone ]------------------------------- SSPC-option: `mail_timezone' -mail_timezone Do not adjust mail time-stamps when reading MOO-mail. [Default] +mail_timezone Adjust mail time-stamps to your timezone. By default, the dates and times on mail are shown in local `MOO time'. These times can be adjusted to your timezone by turning on your `mail_timezone' option. See also: SSPC-options, @SSPC-options, and timezone. ----------------------------------[ @morph ]---------------------------------- Usage: @morph [] Morph into the given morph, or the previous morph if none is given. ------------------------------[ morph-creation ]------------------------------ To create a new morph character on your player, you should: @create-morph as This will create a new morph with the given gender, name, and description (see `help @create-morph'). All other messages will use the `default' settings (see `help morph-default'). To change the messages for the new morph character, first morph into that character (see `help @morph'), changes your messages (see `help messages') and then use the `@save-morph' command (see `help @save-morph'). See also: morphing, morph-editing, and morph-default. ------------------------------[ morph-default ]------------------------------- Your player stores a list of `default' settings to be used for all morph characters. To update this list, morph into your regular character (see `help @morph'), set the messages, and type `@save-morph default'. This will store the new values as your default settings to be used when morphing. See also: morphing, morph-creation, and morph editing. ------------------------------[ morph-editing ]------------------------------- To change the settings (name, gender, description, and messages) on a morph character, you should: @morph Then change the settings as you normally would (@rename, @gender, @describe, @messages, etc) and then use `@save-morph'. An alternative method to modifying your morph messages is using the `@alt_' verb: @alt_ is Note that if you change your current morph's messages in this fashion, the changes will not take effect until you next `@morph' into that morph. It is not advised to change the messages on your current morph using the `@alt_' verb if you have the `auto_save' SSPC-option turned on, since these messages will most likely be lost when you next use the `@morph' command. See also: morphing, morph-creation, and morph-default. ------------------------------[ morph-messages ]------------------------------ The default morph messages are: @morph - the message displayed to you when you morph @omorph - the message displayed to the room when you morph You can customize your morph messages by saving each morph with unique morph and omorph messages. To do this, either use: @alt_morph is - and - @alt_omorph is or morph into that morph and change the messages, then save the morph: morph @morph me is @omorph me is @save-morph These saved morph messages will be used when you morph from into some other morph. You can furthur customize your messages by adding messages to yourself, in any of the forms: @prop me._to__msg @prop me.o_to__msg or: @prop me.to__msg @prop me.oto__msg or: @prop me.from__msg @prop me.ofrom__msg In each instance, the message beginning with `o' is shown to the room, and the other message is shown to you. Morph messages are checked in the following order: _to__msg to__msg from__msg morph_msg [default] Pronoun substitutions can be used in your morph messages. Pronouns beginning with a single `%' will be substituted with your previous morph (current state), and pronouns beginning with double `%%' will be substituted with your new morph. Example: %n begins to shimmer slightly, and %s slowly fades from view. %%n suddenly appears. %%S smiles and waves to you. If this is overly confusing, page me and I'll try to explain on a case-by-case basis. -- Sick. ----------------------------[ Morph-notification ]---------------------------- There are two major parts to the Morph Object Notification and Moving system that SSPC now has. This topic covers the first part: Morph-notification. The second part is covered in the help topic `Morph-possessions'. This whole system can be turned on and off with the Morph option: `morph_notify'. The Morph-notification system allows you to `tell' any objects you specify when you morph. The results of this notification can be just about anything. It all depends on the verb, :notify_morph, on the object. When you type `@morph ', SSPC will generate a list of objects, depending on how you have your options set, and call that verb, :notify_morph, on each. SSPC doesn't know, or care, what that verb will do on each object. Therefore, the results will vary widely. In addition, when SSPC calls :notify_morph on those objects, it will pass your old name and your new morph name to that verb. In this way it is possible to have an object react differently depending on what morph you just became. Generating a list of objects to notify is your first step. This can be done by turning on certain Morph-options, and utilizing the verbs `@add-notification', `@rm-notification', and `@list-notifications'. When you first turn on your morph_notify Morph-option, SSPC will only call :notify_morph on yourself and objects found in your @notifications list. There are options to expand this range of objects, `notify_place' and `notify_inv' to notify your location and objects in your inventory. See also: Morph-possessions, Morph-options, @Morph-options, morph_notify, notify_place, notify_inv, fancy_, and sort_. ------------------------------[ Morph-options ]------------------------------- SSPC defines the following options that deal exclusively with the morphing system; the default settings are marked with `*' and/or in brackets `[]': -auto_save Lose changes since saving when morphing. +auto_save *Automatically save your current morph before morphing. -morph_notify *Do not notify -any- objects when you morph. +morph_notify Call :notify_morph on yourself and notifications when morphing. -notify_place *Do not notify your location when morphing. +notify_place Call :notify_morph on your location when morphing. -notify_inv *Do not notify -all- objects you carry when you morph. +notify_inv Call :notify_morph on -all- objects you carry when morphing. -fancy_notif *Do not organize your @notifications display in columns. +fancy_notif Organize your @notifications display in columns. -sort_notif *Do not sort your @notifications display. sort_notif Sort your @notifications display by . ["name"] -morph_move *Do not move objects in and out of your inventory when morphing. +morph_move Move objects in and out of your inventory when morphing. -fancy_poss *Do not organize your @possessions display in columns. +fancy_poss Organize your @possessions display in columns. -sort_poss *Do not sort your @possessions display. sort_poss Sort your @possessions display by . ["name"] See `help