"A dump of #22517 on Sun Dec 17 13:31:44 1995 PST @create #19051 named Generic Spell Skill Object:Generic Spell Skill Object @prop #22517."slow" 10 rc @prop #22517."diff" 10 rc @prop #22517."sane" 10 rc ;;#22517.("encumbrance") = 25 ;;#22517.("injury") = 10 ;;#22517.("key") = 0 ;;#22517.("aliases") = {"Generic Spell Skill Object"} ;;#22517.("description") = "An indicator of skill in some nameless area, tho the nameless area probably involves bearded old men with moons and stars on their drooping wee willie winkie caps." ;;#22517.("object_size") = {561, 819192390} "***finished***