"A dump of #3451 on Sun Dec 17 13:39:26 1995 PST @create #82 named generic shield:generic shield,weapon @prop #3451."crest" 0 r ;;#3451.("oswing") = "thrusts" ;;#3451.("swing") = "thrust" ;;#3451.("osheathe") = "slings" ;;#3451.("sheathe") = "sling" ;;#3451.("length") = 25 ;;#3451.("parry") = 40 ;;#3451.("attack") = -15 ;;#3451.("pen") = 100 ;;#3451.("dam") = 4 ;;#3451.("skill") = #19989 ;;#3451.("encumbrance") = 10 ;;#3451.("condition") = 100 ;;#3451.("odrop_failed_msg") = "% to drop %t but fails!" ;;#3451.("odrop_succeeded_msg") = "% %t." ;;#3451.("otake_succeeded_msg") = "% up %t." ;;#3451.("key") = 0 ;;#3451.("aliases") = {"generic shield", "weapon"} ;;#3451.("description") = "A largish wooden shield tapering to a point at the bottom." ;;#3451.("object_size") = {1984, 819192286} @verb #3451:"emb*lazon" this with any rxd @program #3451:emblazon if (this.location == player) this.crest = iobjstr; player:tell("You emblazon ", this.name, " with ", this.crest, "."); player.location:announce(player.name, " emblazons ", player.pp, " crest on ", player.pp, " ", this.name, "."); else player:tell("you don't have the ", this.name, "."); endif . @verb #3451:"description" this none this @program #3451:description if (typeof(this.crest) == STR) return ((pass(@args) + " It bears ") + this.crest) + "."; else return pass(@args); endif . @verb #3451:"#3451:title(old)" this none this @program #3451:#3451:title(old) return pass(@args) + (this.crest ? (", bearing the following device: \"" + this.crest) + "\"" | ""); . @verb #3451:"look_gear_msg" this none this @program #3451:look_gear_msg ":look_gear_msg(doll)"; who = args[1].character; crest = this.crest; return tostr(who.psc, " is armed with ", this:title(), crest ? (" which bears \"" + crest) + "\"" | "", "."); . @verb #3451:"hide_from_look_gear" this none this @program #3451:hide_from_look_gear "look_gear_msg takes care of everything"; return 1; . "***finished***