"A dump of some `old and useless' skills on Sun Dec 17 14:08:45 1995 PST @create #19051 named Bike:Bike ;;#32769.("dependant") = {{}, {#32767}} ;;#32769.("learn") = 8 ;;#32769.("key") = 0 ;;#32769.("aliases") = {"Bike"} ;;#32769.("description") = "General skill in riding a bike." ;;#32769.("object_size") = {346, 819192433} @create #19051 named Coalcar:Coalcar ;;#8209.("dependant") = {{}, {#32767}} ;;#8209.("learn") = 12 ;;#8209.("encumbrance") = 3 ;;#8209.("insanity") = 7 ;;#8209.("injury") = 10 ;;#8209.("key") = 0 ;;#8209.("aliases") = {"Coalcar"} ;;#8209.("description") = "Skill in maneuvering a coalcar." ;;#8209.("object_size") = {352, 819192322} @create #19051 named Ecto Accelerator:ecacc,Ecto Accelerator ;;#19156.("dependant") = {{}, {#19155}} ;;#19156.("learn") = 5 ;;#19156.("insanity") = 5 ;;#19156.("injury") = 5 ;;#19156.("key") = 0 ;;#19156.("aliases") = {"ecacc", "Ecto Accelerator"} ;;#19156.("description") = "Skill with offensive 'Ghost-Busting' equipment." ;;#19156.("object_size") = {400, 819192363} @create #19051 named Ecto Devices:ecto,Ecto Devices ;;#19155.("dependant") = {{}, {#25664}} ;;#19155.("learn") = 15 ;;#19155.("insanity") = 5 ;;#19155.("injury") = 5 ;;#19155.("key") = 0 ;;#19155.("aliases") = {"ecto", "Ecto Devices"} ;;#19155.("description") = "General skill with paranormal technology." ;;#19155.("object_size") = {385, 819192363} @create #19051 named Ecto Trap:etrap,Ecto Trap ;;#25006.("dependant") = {{}, {#19155}} ;;#25006.("learn") = 4 ;;#25006.("insanity") = 5 ;;#25006.("injury") = 5 ;;#25006.("key") = 0 ;;#25006.("aliases") = {"etrap", "Ecto Trap"} ;;#25006.("description") = "Operation of devices used in securing and disposing of ghosts." ;;#25006.("object_size") = {401, 819192404} @create #19051 named Pushbike:Pushbike ;;#32770.("dependant") = {{}, {#32769}} ;;#32770.("learn") = 4 ;;#32770.("key") = 0 ;;#32770.("aliases") = {"Pushbike"} ;;#32770.("description") = "Skill in maneuvering a pushbike." ;;#32770.("object_size") = {355, 819192433} @create #22517 named Heat:Heat ;;#32771.("dependant") = {{}, {#29732}} ;;#32771.("learn") = 6 ;;#32771.("encumbrance") = 30 ;;#32771.("insanity") = 10 ;;#32771.("injury") = 5 ;;#32771.("key") = 0 ;;#32771.("aliases") = {"Heat"} ;;#32771.("description") = "An indicator of skill in some nameless area, tho the nameless area probably involves bearded old men with moons and stars on their drooping wee willie winkie caps." ;;#32771.("object_size") = {362, 819192433} "***finished***