"A dump of #50181 on Sun Dec 17 13:45:09 1995 PST @create #82 named generic natural weapon:generic natural weapon,natweap,generic ,natural,weapon ;;#50181.("dodgable") = 15 ;;#50181.("parryable") = 10 ;;#50181.("slowness") = 1 ;;#50181.("parry") = -25 ;;#50181.("pen") = 50 ;;#50181.("skill") = #6512 ;;#50181.("hands") = 0 ;;#50181.("keep_at_death") = 1 "#50181.("condition") => E_NONE (No error) ;;#50181.("odrop_failed_msg") = "% to drop %t but fails!" ;;#50181.("odrop_succeeded_msg") = "% %t." ;;#50181.("otake_succeeded_msg") = "% up %t." ;;#50181.("key") = 0 ;;#50181.("aliases") = {"generic natural weapon", "natweap", "generic", "natural", "weapon"} ;;#50181.("description") = "A generic implement of destruction." ;;#50181.("object_size") = {2817, 819192555} @verb #50181:"dam" this none this @program #50181:dam ":dam(by,targ) => Damage adjusted for wielder's size."; doll = $local.rpg:get_doll(by = args[1]); size = doll.size; dam = this.dam; "Still fooling with equations here. Whatcha like?"; return (size > 10) ? dam + random((size / 10) * dam) | (dam / (10 / size)); . @verb #50181:"used(hmm)" this none this @program #50181:used(hmm) "Remove this later if we make natural weapons designed for players to wield, but right now they shouldn't even have them."; if (is_player(by = args[1])) by:tell("You suddenly become acutely aware that ", this.name, " was not meant to be wielded by your kind. The appendage digs painfully into your flesh."); by:room_announce(args[1]:title(), " screams, \"OH MY GOD get this ", this.name, " off of me!!!\""); return E_PERM; else return pass(@args); endif "Quinn 10-AUG-93 0227-ET: Added."; . @verb #50181:"attack pen" this none this @program #50181:attack "Modified verb for natural weapon to disregard .condition of weapon, since natural weapons shouldn't degrade anyway. Saves ticks too, woo-woo!"; return this.(verb); "Profane 2-17-95 23:21EST - Added."; . @verb #50181:"notify_parry notify_clang" this none this @program #50181:notify_parry "Since natural weapons shouldn't degrade, put in this tick-saving return over the one on #82."; return; "Profane 2-18-95 00:50EST - Added."; . @verb #50181:"announce_parry" this none this rx @program #50181:announce_parry ":announce_parry(attacker, defender, location-string, weapon)"; "Announce that `defender' has used this weapon to parry an attack by `attacker' with `weapon' aimed at `location-string'."; who = args[2]; who:tell(("You parry with your " + this.name) + "."); who.location:announce_all_but({who}, ((((who.name + " parries with ") + who.pp) + " ") + this.name) + "."); "Profane 2-18-95 00:55EST Added (removed degrade check from #82)"; . @verb #50181:"is_wooden" this none this rx @program #50181:is_wooden return 0; . "***finished***