"A dump of #11286 on Sun Dec 17 13:53:49 1995 PST @create #3736 named Secure Exit:Secure Exit @prop #11286."free_entry" 0 rc ;;#11286.("key") = 0 ;;#11286.("aliases") = {"Secure Exit"} ;;#11286.("object_size") = {1902, 819192342} @verb #11286:"is_unlocked_for" this none this rx @program #11286:is_unlocked_for c = $perm_utils:caller(); what = args[1]; return pass(@args) && ((((((this.free_entry || (((typeof(this.dest) == OBJ) && valid(this.dest)) && this.dest:accept(what))) || (((typeof(this.source) == OBJ) && valid(this.source)) && ((this.source == what.location) || this.source:accept(what)))) || (c[1] == this.source)) || (c[3] == this.owner)) || (what.owner in {this.owner, this.source.owner, this.dest.owner})) || what.owner.wizard); . @verb #11286:"move" this none this @program #11286:move what = args[1]; rpg = $local.rpg; if (!rpg:trusted(caller_perms())) return E_PERM; endif doll = rpg:get_doll(what); if (valid(doll)) old = what.location; doll:invite(doll.slowness, {7}); if (what.location == old) pass(@args); endif else pass(@args); endif "9/27/95 Quinn -- Rewrote initial perms to disallow movement of RPG objects by untrusted individuals."; . @verb #11286:"move(insecure)" this none this @program #11286:move(insecure) if (((!is_player(what = args[1])) || (what.location == this.source)) || $object_utils:isa(caller, #566)) doll = #46:get_doll(what); if (valid(doll)) old = what.location; doll:invite(doll.slowness, {7}); if (what.location == old) pass(@args); endif else pass(@args); endif endif "6/22/95 Slither -- Prevented use if not in exit's source."; "6/25/95 Slither -- Added hack to allow use of #566."; . "***finished***