% -*- Mode: TeX -*- \beginsubSection{Introduction to Characters} \DefineSection{IntroToChars} A \newterm{character} is an \term{object} that represents a unitary token (\eg a letter, a special symbol, or a ``control character'') in an aggregate quantity of text (\eg a \term{string} or a text \term{stream}). \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-6-1} \clisp\ allows an implementation to provide support for international language \term{characters} as well as \term{characters} used in specialized arenas (\eg mathematics). \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-6-1} The following figures contain lists of \term{defined names} applicable to \term{characters}. \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{defined names} relating to \term{character} \term{attributes} and \term{character} \term{predicates}. \displaythree{Character defined names -- 1}{ alpha-char-p&char-not-equal&char>\cr alphanumericp&char-not-greaterp&char>=\cr both-case-p&char-not-lessp&digit-char-p\cr char-code-limit&char/=&graphic-char-p\cr char-equal&char<&lower-case-p\cr char-greaterp&char<=&standard-char-p\cr char-lessp&char=&upper-case-p\cr } \Thenextfigure\ lists some \term{character} construction and conversion \term{defined names}. \displaythree{Character defined names -- 2}{ char-code&char-name&code-char\cr char-downcase&char-upcase&digit-char\cr char-int&character&name-char\cr } \endsubSection%{Introduction to Characters} \beginsubSection{Introduction to Scripts and Repertoires} \beginsubsubsection{Character Scripts} \DefineSection{CharScripts} A \term{script} is one of possibly several sets that form an \term{exhaustive partition} of the type \typeref{character}. The number of such sets and boundaries between them is \term{implementation-defined}. \clisp\ does not require these sets to be \term{types}, but an \term{implementation} is permitted to define such \term{types} as an extension. Since no \term{character} from one \term{script} can ever be a member of another \term{script}, it is generally more useful to speak about \term{character} \term{repertoires}. \issue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} % For some examples of \term{repertoires}, see the coded character standards % ISO 8859/1, ISO 8859/2, and ISO 6937/2. % Note, however, that although Although the term ``\term{script}'' is chosen for %naming definitional compatibility with ISO terminology, no \term{conforming implementation} is required to use any particular \term{scripts} standardized by ISO or by any other standards organization. \endissue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-4-1} Whether and how the \term{script} or \term{scripts} used by any given \term{implementation} are named is \term{implementation-dependent}. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-4-1} \endsubsubsection%{Character Scripts} \beginsubsubsection{Character Repertoires} \DefineSection{CharRepertoires} \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-4-3} A \newterm{repertoire} is a \term{type specifier} for a \subtypeof{character}. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-4-3} This term is generally used when describing a collection of \term{characters} independent of their coding. \term{Characters} in \term{repertoires} are only identified by name, by \term{glyph}, or by character description. A \term{repertoire} can contain \term{characters} from several \term{scripts}, and a \term{character} can appear in more than one \term{repertoire}. \issue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} For some examples of \term{repertoires}, see the coded character standards ISO 8859/1, ISO 8859/2, and ISO 6937/2. Note, however, that although %Although the term ``\term{repertoire}'' is chosen for %naming definitional compatibility with ISO terminology, no \term{conforming implementation} is required to use \term{repertoires} standardized by ISO or any other standards organization. \endissue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} \endsubsubsection%{Character Repertoires} \endsubSection%{Introduction to Repertoires and Scripts} \beginsubSection{Character Attributes} \DefineSection{CharacterAttributes} %% 13.1.0 1 \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \term{Characters} have only one \term{standardized} \term{attribute}: a \term{code}. A \term{character}'s \term{code} is a non-negative \term{integer}. This \term{code} is composed from a character \term{script} and a character label in an \term{implementation-dependent} way. \Seefuns{char-code} and \funref{code-char}. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} % %% 13.5.0 1 % Remarks about the bits and font \term{attributes} removed. -kmp \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} Additional, \term{implementation-defined} \term{attributes} of \term{characters} are also permitted so that, for example, two \term{characters} with the same \term{code} may differ in some other, \term{implementation-defined} way. For any \term{implementation-defined} \term{attribute} there is a distinguished value called the \newterm{null} value for that \term{attribute}. A \term{character} for which each \term{implementation-defined} \term{attribute} has the null value for that \term{attribute} is called a \term{simple} \term{character}. If the \term{implementation} has no \term{implementation-defined} \term{attributes}, then all \term{characters} are \term{simple} \term{characters}. \endSubsection%{Character Attributes} \beginSubsection{Character Categories} There are several (overlapping) categories of \term{characters} that have no formally associated \term{type} but that are nevertheless useful to name. They include \term{graphic} \term{characters}, \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1} \term{characters}, \term{characters} with \term{case} (\term{uppercase} and \term{lowercase} \term{characters}), \term{numeric} \term{characters}, \term{alphanumeric} \term{characters}, and \term{digits} (in a given \term{radix}). For each \term{implementation-defined} \term{attribute} of a \term{character}, the documentation for that \term{implementation} must specify whether \term{characters} that differ only in that \term{attribute} are permitted to differ in whether are not they are members of one of the aforementioned categories. Note that these terms are defined independently of any special syntax which might have been enabled in the \term{current readtable}. \beginsubsubsection{Graphic Characters} \DefineSection{GraphicChars} \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \term{Characters} that are classified as \newterm{graphic}, or displayable, are each associated with a glyph, a visual representation of the \term{character}. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} %% 13.2.0 7 A \term{graphic} \term{character} is one that has a standard textual representation as a single \term{glyph}, such as \f{A} or \f{*} or \f{=}. \term{Space}, which effectively has a blank \term{glyph}, is defined to be a \term{graphic}. Of the \term{standard characters}, \term{newline} is \term{non-graphic} and all others are \term{graphic}; \seesection\StandardChars. \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \term{Characters} that are not \term{graphic} are called \newterm{non-graphic}. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \term{Non-graphic} \term{characters} are sometimes informally called ``formatting characters'' or ``control characters.'' \f{\#\\Backspace}, \f{\#\\Tab}, \f{\#\\Rubout}, \f{\#\\Linefeed}, \f{\#\\Return}, and \f{\#\\Page}, if they are supported by the \term{implementation}, are \term{non-graphic}. %!!! I'm not completely sure it was proper for whoever removed this to have done so. % -kmp 16-Oct-91 %% 13.2.0 6 %\term{Graphic characters} of font 0 are all of the same width when printed. %Every implementation of \clisp\ must provide some mode of operation %in which font 0 is a fixed-pitch font. %% 13.2.0 7 %Any character with a non-zero bits \term{attribute} is \term{non-graphic}. \endsubsubsection%{Graphic Characters} \beginsubsubsection{Alphabetic Characters} %% 13.2.0 10 The \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1} \term{characters} are a subset of the \term{graphic} \term{characters}. Of the \term{standard characters}, only these are the \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1} \term{characters}: \f{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} \f{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} %% 13.2.0 16 Any \term{implementation-defined} \term{character} that has \term{case} must be \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1}. For each \term{implementation-defined} \term{graphic} \term{character} that has no \term{case}, it is \term{implementation-defined} whether that \term{character} is \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1}. \endsubsubsection%{Alphabetic Characters} \beginsubsubsection{Characters With Case} \DefineSection{CharactersWithCase} The \term{characters} with \term{case} are a subset of the \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1} \term{characters}. A \term{character} with \term{case} has the property of being either \term{uppercase} or \term{lowercase}. Every \term{character} with \term{case} is in one-to-one correspondence with some other \term{character} with the opposite \term{case}. %% 13.2.0 17 \beginsubsubsubsection{Uppercase Characters} An uppercase \term{character} is one that has a corresponding \term{lowercase} \term{character} that is \term{different} (and can be obtained using \funref{char-downcase}). Of the \term{standard characters}, only these are \term{uppercase} \term{characters}: \f{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} \endsubsubsubsection%{Uppercase Characters} \beginsubsubsubsection{Lowercase Characters} A lowercase \term{character} is one that has a corresponding \term{uppercase} \term{character} that is \term{different} (and can be obtained using \funref{char-upcase}). Of the \term{standard characters}, only these are \term{lowercase} \term{characters}: \f{a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} \endsubsubsubsection%{Lowercase Characters} \beginsubsubsubsection{Corresponding Characters in the Other Case} The \term{uppercase} \term{standard characters} \f{A} through \f{Z} mentioned above respectively correspond to the \term{lowercase} \term{standard characters} \f{a} through \f{z} mentioned above. For example, the \term{uppercase} \term{character} \f{E} corresponds to the \term{lowercase} \term{character} \f{e}, and vice versa. \endsubsubsubsection%{Corresponding Characters in the Other Case} \beginsubsubsubsection{Case of Implementation-Defined Characters} An \term{implementation} may define that other \term{implementation-defined} \term{graphic} \term{characters} have \term{case}. Such definitions must always be done in pairs---one \term{uppercase} \term{character} in one-to-one \term{correspondence} with one \term{lowercase} \term{character}. \endsubsubsubsection%{Case of Implementation-Defined Characters} \endsubsubsection%{Characters With Case} \beginsubsubsection{Numeric Characters} The \term{numeric} \term{characters} are a subset of the \term{graphic} \term{characters}. Of the \term{standard characters}, only these are \term{numeric} \term{characters}: \f{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} For each \term{implementation-defined} \term{graphic} \term{character} that has no \term{case}, the \term{implementation} must define whether or not it is a \term{numeric} \term{character}. \endsubsubsection%{Numeric Characters} \beginsubsubsection{Alphanumeric Characters} The set of \term{alphanumeric} \term{characters} is the union of the set of \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1} \term{characters} and the set of \term{numeric} \term{characters}. \endsubsubsection%{Alphanumeric Characters} \beginsubsubsection{Digits in a Radix} \DefineSection{Digits} What qualifies as a \term{digit} depends on the \term{radix} (an \term{integer} between \f{2} and \f{36}, inclusive). The potential \term{digits} are: \f{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} Their respective weights are \f{0}, \f{1}, \f{2}, $\ldots$ \f{35}. In any given radix $n$, only the first $n$ potential \term{digits} are considered to be \term{digits}. For example, the digits in radix \f{2} are \f{0} and \f{1}, the digits in radix \f{10} are \f{0} through \f{9}, and the digits in radix \f{16} are \f{0} through \f{F}. \term{Case} is not significant in \term{digits}; for example, in radix \f{16}, both \f{F} and \f{f} are \term{digits} with weight \f{15}. %!!! KMP: I couldn't figure out whether there can be % implementation-defined digits. % It doesn't seem like a good idea because the obvious choices % are things like ``\~n'' which comes in the middle of the Spanish % alphabet, not at the end, and hence might confuse people about % the weight of ``o''. The answer to this has impact on % \funref{digit-char-p} and \funref{digit-weight}.} \endsubsubsection%{Digits in a Radix} \endsubSection%{Character Categories} \beginsubSection{Identity of Characters} %% 13.0.0 3 %% 13.0.0 4 Two \term{characters} that are \funref{eql}, \funref{char=}, or \funref{char-equal} are not necessarily \funref{eq}. \endsubSection%{Identity of Characters} \beginsubSection{Ordering of Characters} The total ordering on \term{characters} is guaranteed to have the following properties: \beginlist \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} %% 13.2.0 27 \itemitem{\bull} If two \term{characters} have the same \term{implementation-defined} \term{attributes}, then their ordering by \funref{char<} is consistent with the numerical ordering by the predicate \funref{<} on their code \term{attributes}. %% 13.2.0 28 \itemitem{\bull} If two \term{characters} differ in any \term{attribute}, then they %are different. are not \funref{char=}. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \reviewer{Barmar: I wonder if we should say that the ordering may be dependent on the \term{implementation-defined} \term{attributes}.} %% 13.2.0 29 \itemitem{\bull} The total ordering is not necessarily the same as the total ordering on the \term{integers} produced by applying \funref{char-int} to the \term{characters}. %% 13.2.0 30 \issue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} \itemitem{\bull} While \term{alphabetic}\meaning{1} \term{standard characters} of a given \term{case} must % be properly ordered, obey a partial ordering, they need not be contiguous; it is permissible for \term{uppercase} and \term{lowercase} \term{characters} to be interleaved. Thus \f{(char<= \#\\a x \#\\z)} is not a valid way of determining whether or not \f{x} is a \term{lowercase} \term{character}. \endissue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} \issue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} % Discussion omitted about how the ordering might depend on font information. \endissue{CHARACTER-PROPOSAL:2-1-1} \endlist \issue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} %% 13.2.0 25 %% 13.2.0 26 %The standard \term{alphanumeric} \term{characters} obey the following partial ordering: Of the \term{standard characters}, those which are \term{alphanumeric} obey the following partial ordering: \endissue{LINDEN-COMMENTS-ON-CHARACTERS:X3J13-APR-92} \code A